Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 827 The Fourth Lord of Wanxiang Palace

Not to mention the old Taoist priest, even Nangong Lin, who is most familiar with Han Yang, couldn't help but ask: Which senior master are you imitating...?

Such a magnanimous person is by no means an unknown person.

Why didn't I see this person when I was in Tianwu Paradise?

Returning to his previous life, Han Yang felt a little subtle about himself. He nodded with a smile and said, He is the person who laid the foundation for me and allowed me to reach where I am today.

That's right.

Without this life of God of War, Han Yang would not have been able to reach where he is today in a few years.

Becoming the God of War in your first life is the beginning of everything.

For some reason, the three people present had the idea to get acquainted with this person.

But seeing that Han Yang was obviously unwilling to say more, he immediately realized that this person was probably dead, so he did not continue to ask questions.

The old Taoist priest said with emotion: In the past ten thousand years, my Wuxiang Palace has sent out more than a hundred Wuxiang Masks! You are the only one who is most compatible with the Masks!

Han Yang smiled secretly in his heart.

He was reborn in nine lives and was born with nine faces and nine completely different demeanors.

There is no one else in the world who can compare with myself.

No reward for no merit! Senior has protected me many times and given me such a wonderful mask. I can't take the benefits of Wanxiang Palace in vain...

Han Yang took out a jade slip with his backhand and handed it to the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest took it over with a funny look on his face and joked: Hey, are you going to repay the favor? Let the old Taoist see what you are going to give me in Wanxiang Palace...

In fact, he didn't take it seriously at all.

The Wanxiang Mask he gave to Han Yang was one of the three best products in Wanxiang Palace, and its grade reached the level of a sacred artifact.

With Han Yang's little cultivation, what good things could he come up with that would catch his eye...

But...the next moment.

When the old Taoist saw clearly what was recorded on the jade slip, his fingers involuntarily tightened and held the jade slip tightly, as if he was afraid of being taken away.


Even his voice had a hint of hoarseness: Where did you get such a skill?

Small phaseless power? !

This jade slip actually contains a complete set of top-notch techniques.

The Wanxiang Palace is known as Wanxiang, but the techniques are complex and easy to learn but difficult to master.

Their three palace masters are relatively weak among ninth-level martial saints and are not as strong as their opponents at the same level.

This is also the reason why the third hall master of Qingyu Temple dares to talk wildly about destroying Wanxiang Palace.

But now, the Xiao Wuxiang Gong given by Han Yang is almost completely consistent with their ideas.

If he practiced the small phaseless skill in the jade slips, the old Taoist priest would even be sure to change his fate against the will of heaven and conquer all directions.

Perhaps, it is possible to break the limits of the Qingtian Realm and become a Martial Saint.

This set of small phaseless skills is simply a powerful method tailor-made for Wanxiang Palace.

Han Yang smiled and didn't say much about the origin of the technique. He just said lightly: Senior, as long as you like it.

The old Taoist priest took a deep breath and stared at Han Yang for a long time.


He used his spiritual consciousness to search for a long time in the Najie, and finally took out a token and stuffed it into Han Yang's hand with a snap: This is the Wanxiang Order of my Wanxiang Palace! From today on, you are I am the fourth lord of Wanxiang Palace!”

When the Fuxingqi sage saw the old Taoist priest taking out the Wanxiang Token, he was about to stop him.

But after hearing what the old Taoist priest said behind him, his body shook and his eyes widened in shock.

I thought that the other party wanted to lure Han Yang to become the eldest son or holy son.

But the result turned out to be...the fourth palace master was on equal footing with the ninth-level Martial Saint.

This old man is not joking. would be disrespectful for me to refuse.

Han Yang didn't pay attention. After smiling, he put the token into the ring.

In addition to reciprocating favors and not wanting to receive benefits for nothing, Han Yang also wanted to see what kind of fireworks could be produced by combining the concept of Wanxiang Palace with the Small Wuxiang Kung Fu.

Seeing that Han Yang accepted the token neatly, the old Taoist priest was so happy that his beard curled up and he clapped and laughed.

Hahaha! Little brother, you are truly one of my generation, good! Very good!

As if the compliment was not enough, he took out two more Wanxiang Masks from Najie and handed them to Fuxing Qi Sheng and Nangong Lin respectively: Although these two are not as good as the one of the Fourth Palace Lord, as long as they are not revealed wantonly, There are basically no flaws in the aura!

At this point, he seemed to have remembered something and said: By the way, you also need to change your weapons...

After saying that, he took out one sword and two swords from Najie and handed them to Han Yang and the others.

Saint Fuxingqi's eyes twitched.

Good guy!

All three handles are sacred weapons!

Although it is not as good as the sect-suppressing sacred weapon like the Moon Golden Wheel, it can still be regarded as a valuable mid-to-high-grade sacred weapon.

This time the Wanxiang Palace is bleeding heavily.

Little did they know that the old Taoist priest was still upset.

It would be great if the other two palace masters' top-quality Wanxiang Masks were also with him, and they could be given to Han Yang together.

Even if you empty out the Wanxiang Palace, it will be difficult to match the Wanyi of the Small No-Xiang Kung taught by Han Yang.

This skill is truly of astonishing value. It can elevate the strength of the three masters of the Wanxiang Palace to a new level.

Han Yang was not polite and accepted it with a smile.


A cold light shone on the blade.

There are two ancient seal characters engraved on the body of the sword: Swallow the thief!

Seemingly noticing the looks in the eyes of the two people next to him, the old Taoist priest said proudly: You read that right, this is the legendary Seven Souls Fierce Weapon!

Seven Souls Fierce Soldiers?!

The Fuxing Chess Master suddenly approached Han Yang and stared at the knife in Han Yang's hand with almost greedy eyes.

The Seven Fierce Weapons are the famous seven divine weapons and sharp blades in the Qingtian Realm!

According to legend, when each Seven Soul Fierce Weapon is being refined, a high-level martial saint pours all his blood into it.

The most famous one is that a hundred thousand years ago, the ruthless Saint Emperor of the Qingtian Realm relied on the Queyin Sword, one of the seven fierce soldiers, to dominate the world, become invincible, and finally ascended to the great world.

Since the time of the Ruthless Holy Emperor, the Seven Souls of Fierce Soldiers have become a legend.

Unexpectedly, Wanxiang Palace had a Seven Soul Fierce Soldier in his hand and gave it to Han Yang.

For a moment, Fuxing Qi Sheng didn't know whether he should be happy or worried.

This gift is too heavy.

It was so heavy that Han Yang seemed to have no choice but to join the Wanxiang Palace in order to feel clear of guilt.

However, Han Yang's performance surprised her.

Han Yang just nodded with satisfaction, put the Mu Shang Blade into the Najie, and replaced it with the Seven Souls Fierce Soldier... Swallowing Thief.

The old Taoist priest explained with some enthusiasm: The thief-swallowing weapon can swallow the soul of the person it kills to strengthen itself... So, despite the fact that it is only a high-grade holy weapon now, if the killing mode is turned on, it will be promoted. The ultimate holy weapon is not a problem.

Fuxing Qi Sheng and Nangong Lin both looked at the old Taoist priest as if they were looking at a madman.

He gave a Zongzong sacred weapon to an outsider and told him whether he was generous or crazy.

Oh? That's exactly what I want!

Han Yang quite liked it.

His Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife could originally swallow the air of death and turn it into a curse seal.

If it can be used in conjunction with Swallowing Thieves, the effect will be even better!

Perhaps, you can make your lethality even further.

Seeing that Han Yang was satisfied, the old Taoist priest let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Wuxiang Kung was too hot to handle, and he would feel uneasy if he didn't give away something valuable.

Compared with the Seven Souls Fierce Soldiers, the Small No-Phase Skill is the peerless treasure that can completely change the Wanxiang Palace.

It won't be long before Wanxiang Palace will rise to become the first... no, the second sect in the Middle-earth Divine Continent.

With Han Yang here, the first place must be Xingxiu Hai.

You guys wait here for a moment, I'll go out and drive away that annoying guy outside...

After a few words of explanation, the old Taoist priest rose into the air and flew towards the direction where the third master of the Qingyu Temple left.

He decided that he must drive away the third palace master.

This old guy must not be allowed to pose the slightest threat to Han Yang.


A figure disappeared instantly.

Only now did Fuxing Qi Sheng and Nangong Lin come back to their senses.

They were quite curious in their hearts. What was written on the jade slip that Han Yang gave to the old Taoist priest?

It actually made him so crazy...

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