Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 828 Sword Intent Breaks through the Catastrophe Again

Manzhou, the blessed land of Tianwu.


Song Changsheng yawned out of boredom, and muttered somewhat boringly: Emperor, do we really need to keep guarding like this? They can't get in at all...

At this time, he and Song Tian were patrolling the area around Tianwu Paradise to prevent enemies from sneaking in.

In his opinion, it was completely unnecessary.

When the Star Reaching Sword Master took Han Yang away, he personally helped Tianwu Blessed Land stabilize the sword intention left by Jue Yunzi, and also blocked the original loopholes.

It can be said that except for the people from Tianwu Paradise and Xingxiu Mountain, no one can sneak into Tianwu Paradise.

Patrolling at this time is purely unnecessary.

Song Tian glared at Song Changsheng angrily: If you are asked to patrol, then patrol, how come there is so much nonsense!

Song Changsheng was not happy anymore and shouted with a pinched neck: Why can't I shout anymore? Everyone else is making rapid progress, but I am the only one who is standing still. I, am I in a hurry to practice...

Song Tian almost laughed angrily at his grandson.

Anxious to practice?

What a crap practice!

This bastard boy hangs around the female disciples of Xingxiu Mountain every day, pretending that he doesn't see it?

There are even many people in Tianwu Paradise who are pursuing Xingxiu Mountain disciples in various ways, all wanting to be the first man to sleep with the goddess of the upper world.

Because of this incident, Queen Chen Qiaoqian got angry and severely punished a group of people before suppressing this bad sign.

Song Tiandu took Song Changsheng out on patrol, also wanting to keep an eye on this boy's heart, so as to prevent him from harming Xingxiu Mountain.

The two were talking when they suddenly heard a sound breaking through the air.

Looking up, more than ten barbarian warriors fell from the sky and landed outside the barrier of Tianwu Paradise.

Song Changsheng sneered and made a throat-cutting gesture towards these people.

In recent months, warriors from the Qingtian Realm have been trying to enter Tianwu Blessed Land, and even Xingxiu Mountain has been unable to protect them.

But without exception, these people were killed by Jueyunzi's sword intent.

As time passed, Song Changsheng began to regard these people as a joke.

You obviously can't get in, but you still come here to die?

This is not a joke.

But this time, the performance of the dozen warriors was completely different from the previous warriors.

Facing Song Changsheng's provocation and sarcasm, they just watched in silence with expressionless faces, showing no intention of leaving.

It seems... waiting for something.

The cold gaze projected on him made Song Changsheng shudder.

There's something...something wrong with these people!

Song Tiandu, who was mature and solemn at the side, suddenly changed his expression.

In the past few months, Xingxiu Mountain has often sent Wu Zun to Tianwu Paradise to preach, as a way of repaying Tianwu Paradise for allowing Xingxiu Mountain disciples to practice.

Therefore, he entered the Wuzong realm earlier than expected.

But at this time, he was unable to determine the specific state of the dozen or so people outside.

In other words, these people are at least high-level martial masters!

Even Queen Chen Qiaoqian does not have such a level of cultivation.

He quietly took out the transmission talisman and prepared to send a message to Queen Chen Qiaoqian and the warriors stationed at Xingxiu Mountain.

For some reason, today, he always felt frightened.


Just as Song Tiandu took out his telegraph notes and started transmitting sound, the sound of swords sounded in the sky.

A flash of sword light descended from the sky and suddenly fell towards Tianwu Paradise.

The speed was so fast that it even exceeded the strength limit of Song Tiandu, the martial arts master.


The sword light struck the sky above Tianwu Paradise, bursting into brilliant light.

Song Changsheng sneered disdainfully and said: How many times have a bunch of idiots attacked and still haven't given up? This is the sword intention left by the ninth-level Martial Saint. No matter what they think...


However, before Song Changsheng could finish his sentence this time, the sword light and the sword intent left by Jue Yunzi collided.


Under the horrified gazes of both Song Changsheng and Song Tian, ​​the sword intention of Jueyunzi that had been protecting Tianwu Paradise... was shattered with one blow and disappeared without a trace.

What's going on? How is this possible...

Song Changsheng was stunned on the spot.

How could a sword that had killed so many masters with this sword be shattered so easily?

Could it be that the initiator of the sword light was also... a martial saint?

Subconsciously, Song Changsheng couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Haha...junior! Make the same gesture as before and show me...

At this moment, a dozen warriors who were still standing outside Tianwu Blessed Land all stepped forward and stepped into the blessed land.

The sword intent had indeed disappeared, and these people were not attacked at all.

At this moment, Song Changsheng's heart almost burst.

This is...


One of the warriors slashed his hand with just one palm, without even using any weapon.

Not to mention Song Changsheng, even Song Tiandu, who was the Wuzong, was nailed to the spot and could not move at all.

Seeing that both of them were about to die under this blow, a sharp roar came from the void, and a red figure suddenly appeared.


Flying zombie Xiao Jiuer.

Xiao Jiu'er, who had already entered the realm of martial master, exchanged palms with the opponent fiercely.

Her petite body was blown away, and her arm was broken with a click., it's...seventh level Martial Lord!

Xiao Jiuer, who was holding the ground with one hand, roared and uttered a few words.


The warrior who took action was slightly startled, and then he was overjoyed: I didn't expect that there is a zombie in the land of Xiaomanzhou! Refining her will make her comparable to the realm of the Martial Ancestor.

As soon as the voice fell, the man shot towards Xiao Jiuer like a shooting star.

The speed is incredible.


Xiao Jiuer, who had just stood up, hit the ground again.

Although her realm has advanced by leaps and bounds at this time, and she has entered the third-level Martial Master realm, she still cannot reach the seventh level.

Little guy, resistance is unnecessary in front of us.

The warrior smiled ferociously and stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Jiuer's neck.


At this moment, a sword light struck.


In the bloody light, the arms of the martial artist flew into the air.


The other dozen warriors who had been watching the excitement were shocked and hurriedly increased their vigilance, looking at the source of the sword light.

A golden light fell from the sky.

In the golden light, there is a dragon roaring!

When the golden light dissipated, three figures emerged.

The leader is none other than the Queen of Tianwu Paradise, Chen Qiaoqian.

At this time, she had already achieved the eighth level of martial arts!

It is only a few steps away from the realm of Martial Ancestor.

Those who offend me will die!

More than three months have passed. Not only has Chen Qiaoqian's strength improved by leaps and bounds, but her temperament has also undergone a certain degree of transformation.

At this time, she no longer had the youthfulness of a small town girl, but instead exuded the mighty and domineering aura of a generation of empress.


Amidst the sound of swords, endless ice swept towards the dozen warriors.

After Xuan Bing's spiritual body evolved, although she was only an eighth-level Martial Lord, she was invincible under the Martial Ancestor!

With just one attack, all ten warriors were frozen in the ice.

However, there was no trace of joy on Chen Qiaoqian's face.

The sword intent that protected Tianwu Paradise was gone, and Tianwu Paradise was about to face a catastrophe.

These martial lords are just here to fight...

Jiejiejiejiejie... This little girl like you is Han Yang's fiancée... I didn't expect that she is still a third-order spirit body. Not bad, really good!

Sure enough, a sinister vulture laughed from the void.

The next moment, a terrifying figure fell from the sky, and the dark realm enveloped everyone, including Chen Qiaoqian.

At this time, a person behind Chen Qiaoqian spoke in a scary tone: Third-level Martial Ancestor! You... are not a Manzhou warrior, who are you?

In the dark realm, a voice laughed ferociously: Who do I think it is? It turns out to be the Little Martial Ancestor of Xingxiu Mountain. How dare you talk to me like this? Give me... death!

As soon as the word death came out, a bone-like palm suddenly pressed down.

The robe stirred, revealing a symbol of the sun and the moon on the lapel...

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