Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 853 The unparalleled style of the female champion

There's one more thing that you may not know either.

Han Yang said in a calm tone: The so-called Demon Lord mentioned by King Liuli Ming probably refers to my friend. Therefore, if you want to defeat the Demon Lord together, you are my enemy.

Han Yang’s friend?

Mu Shanxiang was startled for a moment, and then seemed to remember something.

Is that the guy who jumped out of nowhere and pulled most of the Tianwu Paradise warriors into the Divine Ruins for no apparent reason?

The demon king that King Liuli Ming wants to he?

After knowing some truth, Mu Shanxiang calmed down. She nodded slightly and said, So, we... are destined to be enemies.

No one can stop her from climbing to the peak of martial arts.

Neither can Han Yang.

She must activate the fourth level spirit body.

If Han Yang dares to stop him, he will be a relentless enemy.

Han Yang smiled regretfully and said, That's right. From the moment you entered Tianwu Paradise, you and I were destined to be enemies.

From the beginning, the two were destined not to be friends.

Even if Mu Shanxiang helps him protect the Ice Lotus, the purpose is to have a fair fight with Han Yang.

It means victory or defeat, as well as life and death.


The Junzi Sword slowly appeared from Mu Shanxiang's hand.

We won't wait for them. Let's fight first! If I win, your friend will die too! If you win, I won't kill your friend again.

Mu Shanxiang disdains joining forces with anyone.

Since she wants to kill the Demon Lord, Han Yang wants to protect the Demon Lord.

Then, before others arrived, she would separate life and death from Han Yang.

If possible, she could also kill the so-called Demon Lord.


Han Yang did not refuse.

He admired Mu Shanxiang somewhat.

If it were a different place and a different time, the two of them might become good friends.

It's a pity, how can there be so many ifs in the world?

Ji Xiangtian jumped over, picked up Xiao Jiuer and retreated directly downwards.

Han Yang stretched out his right hand, holding seven fierce weapons in his hand.

The momentum of the two people began to rise crazily.

Just before the fight, Mu Shanxiang suddenly frowned and asked, Where is Chen Qiaoqian? Why isn't she by your side to protect you?

Chen Qiaoqian is a martial saint.

If Chen Qiaoqian was here, she would have no chance to challenge Han Yang alone.

Han Yang smiled lightly and said: She went to protect other people in Tianwu Continent. Those people are all our friends...

Everyone under King Wu was taken away by Emperor Zhan, but King Wu and the Emperors were still in the ruins of the gods, and they might be intercepted and killed by the black jade skeleton at any time.

In this month, Chen Qiaoqian has been saving people.

She is the queen of the Tianwu Dynasty and will not allow her people to be killed wantonly.

Before he finished speaking, there was a clang and the sound of swords exploding like thunder.

Peaceful world.

One of the three major kendos in Tiandao Academy.

This sword contains the spirit of scholarly business and the domineering spirit that can only bring peace to the world.

Who said that one who wields a gentleman's sword must be a gentleman, and who said that Mu Shanxiang must be upright?

She asked about Chen Qiaoqian, just to distract Han Yang so that she could... make a sneak attack.

A scholar is not a corrupt scholar.

All calculations should be made.

In addition to being proficient in Confucianism, she is also half a military strategist.

Therefore, her weapon is a sword, not the judge's pen, thousands of books, etc. used by other Tiandao Academy disciples.

A sword makes waves.

Mu Shanxiang's sword reached its peak and was in front of Han Yang in an instant.

What's even more frightening is that her sword seems to contain the will of all living beings.

With one sword strike, it was like thousands of horses silencing, all the generals roaring, and thousands of armies arriving.

With just one sword, the military skills of Tiandao Academy were vividly demonstrated.

A military strategist? What military strategist can compare to me, the God of the battlefield...

Han Yang shook his head insignificantly, and the deified realm suddenly activated.

A shadow of the God of War loomed in the field.

Possessed by the God of War.


He swung his sword at will, and the sound of the sword resounded in all directions.

The six moves of the God of War can destroy thousands of armies.

If you want to bring peace to the world, I will destroy your entire army.

Even the soldiers are gone, what can you do to bring peace to the world?


After a violent tremor, the knife and the sword collided.

Laws overflowed, and the light of the sword roared endlessly.

The deified realm around Han Yang's body was compressed to the limit by the sword energy, but it was still not cut open by the opponent's sword.


His body was blasted dozens of feet away by the huge force.

Before he advanced, he could kill the Martial Saint with his sword.

But at this time, even though he had advanced to the level of Martial Ancestor, he still could not defeat Mu Shanxiang with one strike, which shows... how strong this woman is.

Mu Shanxiang did not get any benefits either.

Her arms were trembling slightly, and she could hardly hold the gentleman's sword in her hand.

Han Yang's sword is too strong.

The domineering artistic conception belonging to the God of War is even more devastating.

After a fight, she realized that the military skills she practiced were nothing worth mentioning in front of Han Yang.

Han Yang's sword is the god of the battlefield.

No matter how many tricks she uses as a military strategist, they will all be destroyed with one blow.

I miscalculated! I didn't expect that your martial arts is actually the way of the battlefield!

Mu Shanxiang was quite surprised.

According to the information known in the past, Han Yang's rise was clearly explained.

He is not the lord of the dynasty, nor is he a general in the army.

Instead, he has risen from a small Yuan sect.

The process of rising has nothing to do with the military.

No one expected that Han Yang's true artistic conception of martial arts was actually...the way of killing on the battlefield, which happened to be the nemesis of the military way.

Come again.

Mu Shanxiang gave a sweet shout and drew his sword again.

This time, she abandoned her military ways and used pure Confucian and Taoist swordsmanship.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

This sword has no return, with the determination to live for the Tao and die as a martyr.


Han Yang nodded and praised.

Mu Shanxiang is definitely the most fighting woman he has ever seen in his life, several points better than Nangong Lin.

Unfortunately, she took the wrong path and studied Confucianism and Taoism.

If she can concentrate on practicing the art of war, she will definitely become a master of the art of war.

Even becoming the God of War in the future is not impossible.


The sound of swords sounded again.

The second sword was to kill the God King.

So what if you have the scholarly spirit to scold Fang Qiu? I can even kill the King of Gods, so why should I be afraid of your Taoist heart?


The martial arts artistic conceptions of the two people roared in the void.

The terrifying energy tore apart the entire space.

The black jade skeleton buried in the soil was torn into countless pieces by the aftermath before it could even emerge.

Jixiangtian and Xiaojiuer, on the other hand, retreated again and again.

Exited hundreds of thousands of feet.

Such sharp sword light and sword energy forced them to retreat.


The sword light and sword energy exploded.

Han Yang's clothes were torn into countless pieces by the sword energy, and almost the entire realm of deification was torn apart by the sword energy.

After all, Mu Shanxiang's sword was no match for Han Yang's sword.

With a loud noise, her body was thrown hundreds of feet away, and the muscles in her right hand exploded.


The soles of his feet crushed the void, and the fighting spirit in Mu Shanxiang's eyes was still boiling.

She dares to fight and can still fight.

Fight to the death and never retreat.

What a pity... why are you practicing Confucianism again!

Han Yang felt sorry for him and couldn't help but wake him up, and then swung his sword forward.




The two launched attacks frantically, neither holding back at all.

Either you die or I die.


The field exploded.

Han Yang's deified realm was finally shattered by the powerful sword intent.

But Mu Shanxiang was also blown away by the terrifying knife intent. A knife mark extended from the center of her eyebrows to her lower abdomen, almost splitting her in two.


Mu Shanxiang spat out a mouthful of blood and his expression became a little sluggish.

But the fighting spirit exuding from her body became more and more boiling, as if it was burning her soul bit by bit.

I am smiling towards the sky from my horizontal sword, life and death...have no fear!

She brazenly activated the forbidden technique of Tiandao Academy and began to burn her Confucianism and Taoism at that moment.


Boom boom.

The momentum around him suddenly increased at this moment.

This is the boiling and burning heart of Confucianism and Taoism, and the crazy fighting spirit without fear of life and death.


The sword shines again.

Mu Shanxiang, with her seriously injured body, blossomed into an unparalleled figure belonging to the female champion of Tiandao Academy...

[The author has something to say]

Want her to die? Want her to live?

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