Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 854: Killing and Heartbreaking

Han Yang found that if he did not use the Nine Phaseless Transformations, it would be almost impossible to defeat Mu Shanxiang.

But if this forbidden technique is really used, it seems that this battle will become meaningless.

In that case...

He took a deep breath, and used the four major meridians and thirty-six acupoints in his body as the base points to move the thirty-six stars in the field.



Boom boom...

One by one the stars lit up.

It was as if thirty-six bright suns were shining on the sky.

Han Yang's deified field showed its due edge for the first time.


The Sixth Form of the God of War, kill the God Emperor.

The moment Han Yang drew his sword, his deified domain suddenly shrank, and all his power was concentrated on the blade.

Thirty-six more stars appeared at the edge of the Seven Souls Fierce Soldier Swallowing Thief Blade.


The knife and the sword collided hard.

In the roar, both figures were knocked away by the terrifying power of law.

Han Yang was blown hundreds of feet away, collapsing the ruins of a temple, and did not stop until he sank into the yellow sand.




He walked out of the yellow sand step by step.

Every time you take a step forward, your injuries will recover one point.

This is the rapid self-healing effect brought about by the integration of the magical power of reincarnation into the deified body.

With the help of the Hongmeng Purple Qi in Tianwu Paradise, even the most serious injuries can be recovered quickly.

After a few steps, Han Yang was standing in front of Mu Shanxiang.

At this time, the body of the number one disciple of Tiandao Sect was riddled with holes and in tatters.


And the look in her eyes became dimmed little by little.

She is dying.

However, there was a somewhat satisfied smile on her face that was full of wounds.

The warrior eventually died in battle.

It was her honor to die on the battlefield of a one-on-one decisive battle.

She never thought that one day her life span would be exhausted and she would be on the sickbed.

Although it is indeed too early to die now, if you can meet an opponent like Han Yang, you will die without regrets.

She just smiled and looked at Han Yang, waiting for him to kill her.

She believed that Han Yang could understand her heart and grant her death.

But... Han Yang didn't take action.

He just said in an indifferent tone: You lost.

Mu Shanxiang used his last strength to roll his eyes.

This bastard.

Winning is not enough?

Also laugh at yourself.

If you still have the strength, you must give Han Yang another sword to pierce his foul mouth.

Seeing her lively expression, Han Yang smiled and asked lightly: Do you know why you lost?

Mu Shanxiang closed his eyes and waited for death, too lazy to pay attention to this rogue bastard.

What else could be the reason? His skills are not as good as others, and he is not good at learning.

Now she was starting to get a little annoyed with Han Yang, the bastard.

Kill people, just be happy.

By the way, when you killed Murong Lan and Zhuge Linglong, wasn't it very enjoyable?

Han Yang didn't care about Mu Shanxiang's attitude and continued to smile: You are on the wrong path. In fact... you are not suitable for Confucianism and Taoism. You are more suitable for the way of war or the way of the battlefield.


These words made Mu Shanxiang suddenly open his eyes and glare at Han Yang fiercely.

She loves martial arts and is willing to die as a martyr with no regrets, but Han Yang, a bastard, slanders her martial arts and says she is on the wrong path?

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable?

Mu Shanxiang's originally dull eyes had a hint of brilliance in the depths of them.

Seeing this, the smile on Han Yang's face became even stronger.

Have you felt the intention of my sword? Do you have a... feeling of yearning for it?

When Tu Qiong saw it, Han Yang threw out the last words that could hit Mu Shanxiang's heart.


These words were like thunder, exploding in Mu Shanxiang's heart.


Just now, when she felt Han Yang's invincible and invincible God of War, she did have the idea of ​​longing for him.

I have thought about what would happen if I practiced this way?

For a moment, Mu Shanxiang didn't know how to speak.

Han Yang shook his head and took a look, then stuffed a healing medicine into Mu Shanxiang's belly... His stomach was rotten, so there was no need to swallow it with his mouth.

There is still a long time, you can think about it slowly.

After that, he motioned to Ji Xiangtian to take Mu Shanxiang away and find a place to settle him.

No matter what reason Mu Shanxiang had for helping him protect Binglian, it was... after all, it was a favor.

A gentleman should focus on his conduct rather than his focus.

Let her recover slowly.

Han Yang believed that with her ambition to fight, she would eventually figure it out.

King Liuli Ming...Demon Lord...

After doing all this, Han Yang began to think deeply.

This guy Zhan Tianzi has never known where he is hiding.

It's not easy to find out.

It might be easier to find the hiding place of Emperor Zhan with the help of King Liuli Ming.

Thinking of this, Han Yang nodded and walked towards the ruined temple where Mu Shanxiang was recovering from his injuries.

Give me the location of the party, and I'll go there.

Han Yang said.

Mu Shanxiang was originally immersed in confusion and doubts about the path of martial arts, and was at a loss. However, Han Yang defeated him with just one sentence.

Since this bastard is going to the party, why does he have to fight to the death with himself?

At this moment, she really wanted to kill Han Yang with a backhand sword.

Little did she know that even if Han Yang had planned to go to the ancient temple before, he would knock her down and prevent her from going.

Because not all of those people in the ancient temple are bound to die.


Mu Shanxiang was still staring, but Ji Xiangtian gave her a blow.

Mu Shanxiang was knocked stupid directly.

After entering the Holy Realm, he, the top disciple of Tiandao Academy, was actually beaten to pieces by a little kid, as if he was lecturing a child?

Han Yang gave a thumbs up to Ji Xiangtian.

well done!

Ji Xiangtian got the will and became more and more proud, and asked carelessly: Master is asking you, what are you pretending to be! Don't think that I don't know, you must have a crush on my master, so you came to help and risked your life to protect Ice Lotus for us, right? , Sister Qiaoqian is not here now, and there are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just tell the truth. There is no need to be embarrassed...

A few simple words made Han Yang's brows jump, and he slapped Queen Jixiang on the head.

If you don't fight for three days, go to the house and uncover the tiles.

This little witch just needs to be dealt with.

Mu Shanxiang was very calm.

She is devoted to martial arts and has never thought about finding a Taoist companion. She has no love between men and women at all, so she is not shy.

After brewing for a while, she said in a solemn voice: I can tell you the specific location, but you have to dig out the secret of promotion to the fourth-level spirit body from the mouth of Prince Liuli Ming...

Even in a near-death state, she still couldn't forget to improve her strength.

If his spirit body had been upgraded to the fourth level, he might have been able to defeat this bastard Han Yang in the battle just now.

Han Yang smiled and mercilessly exposed Mu Shanxiang's illusion: She is just lying to you. According to the rules of the entire Zhongqian World, it is impossible to give birth to a fourth-order spirit body...

Even your current third-order spiritual bodies are between reality and illusion. You will definitely suffer thunder disaster after leaving the Shenxu! Only by getting through it can you obtain the real third-order spiritual bodies.

So, don't even think about the fourth-order spirit body...

What? Mu Shanxiang's eyes widened, looking in disbelief.

But she understood that Han Yang had no reason to lie to her, and there was no need to lie to her. me kill her.

The next moment, Mu Shanxiang gritted his teeth and roared.

That Liuli Ming King actually deceived himself on the way to martial arts. He deserved death.

If she could still move, she would definitely go there in person and cut the so-called Liuli Ming King into pieces with a thousand cuts.

Han Yang smiled and nodded: She regards my friend as a demon and wants to surround and kill her. Naturally, I will not let her stay.

Mu Shanxiang endured the pain and took out a jade slip, depicting the location of the ancient temple.

Han Yang reached out and took it and said: I will do something to you to make others mistakenly think that you have fallen. I hope you can understand.

Mu Shanxiang glared again.

So what if you don't understand, why don't you just do it?

She finally saw through Han Yang.

This guy looks like a gentleman on the outside, but he's a ruthless bastard on the inside.

No wonder he has such a domineering martial arts artistic conception...

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