Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 861 The Qingyu Temple, the mysterious barrier between two realms

Third World?

Chen Qiaoqian was slightly surprised.

She has already learned from Han Yang through sound transmission that each level of the Shenxu World is different. The second level is the second world, so the third level should be the third world.

But that layer should only be opened by Zhan Tianzi, who controls Shenxu.

Even with the current ability of Emperor Zhan, it is not enough to truly open the third world. It is only enough to trap King Liuli Ming in it for a month.

Now there is a small secret realm that can connect to the third floor?

This made Chen Qiaoqian shocked.

Feng Hu and others didn't know, but she knew very well that there was a terrifying Liuli Ming King sealed in the third world.

Take me there immediately!

Chen Qiaoqian urged Feng Hu while sending a message to Han Yang.

Feng Hu and others couldn't help but be stunned.

The expression on Chen Qiaoqian's face did not look like the excitement and enthusiasm that she should have when hearing about the opportunity. Instead, there was a kind of worry when encountering a disaster.

They realized that the small secret realm might not be what they thought it was, and what a chance it was.

It's not far ahead, come with me!

Feng Hu hurriedly led Chen Qiaoqian towards a dilapidated temple ahead.

At this time, the world-destroying divine light had disappeared. However, before they entered the temple, they were completely shocked by what they saw.

The battle between Chen Qiaoqian and the two sons of the Sun and Moon God Sect only lasted for a stick of incense.

But within just one stick of incense, the entrance to the small secret realm in the dilapidated temple had completely collapsed.

Not only that, but there was something like a colorful crystal pouring out from the entrance, flashing with a coquettish light.

not good!

Chen Qiaoqian realized something was wrong and hurriedly released the ice lotus she had refined.


The ice lotus bloomed, sealing the entrance and the colorful crystals inside.

At this time, no matter how dull the person is, they understand that what appears here is probably not a chance.

Your Majesty the Empress, our Xuanming Sect... thirteen people were forcibly driven by thieves to enter and explore...

Feng Hu's face was a little pale. Those thirteen people were probably in danger.

One day later.

Han Yang rushed here with Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer.

Behind them was Mu Shanxiang, who was still pale and walking unsteadily.

Chen Qiaoqian couldn't help but take another look at Mu Shanxiang.

Even though the female champion is strong, her unique bookishness is always particularly eye-catching.

Han Yang, you're finally here, I can't control myself anymore.

Chen Qiaoqian's face was extremely pale.

In just one day, the colorful crystals expanded to hundreds of miles, almost breaking through the ice lotus blockade.

This is still under her all-out suppression, otherwise, the colorful crystal might have expanded thousands of miles, and even eroded one-tenth of the second world of Shenxu.

Han Yang held Chen Qiaoqian's jade hand with great pity and poured a ray of life force into it.

It wasn't until Chen Qiaoqian's pale face gradually returned to rosy that he looked at the colorful crystal with concentration.

This is the barrier between worlds... It seems that the Glazed King is too difficult to deal with, and Emperor Zhan is also unable to control the situation in the third world.

With the rich experience of Han Yang's ninth reincarnation, he could see the clues at a glance.

Then...what should we do?

Chen Qiaoqian asked anxiously.

In the Heavenly Martial Paradise, those above the Martial King realm remained in the second world, while the other warriors were all sent to the third level by Emperor Zhan.

If something unexpected happens on the third level, none of those warriors may survive.

We can only go in and take a look!

Han Yang nodded and said, I'll go in first and take a look. You, Ji Xiangtian, and Xiao Jiu'er will clear the second floor together. I'll basically kill all the geniuses from the sects who entered the Shenxu. With the abilities of the three of you, You can run rampant here.

Now, the only one who can bring trouble to Chen Qiaoqian and others is Murong Ming.

At this time, Mu Shanxiang suddenly said: I stayed to help them. If you didn't kill me, I would kill Murong Ming in return.

Her martial arts is about what the heart wants, what the sword is going for, and about having no worries.

This was the reason why he took action to protect Binglian when he wanted to have a fair fight with Han Yang.

Therefore, she will not owe Han Yang's favour not to kill.

Otherwise, you will only have bad thoughts.

Han Yang nodded slightly: In that case, Murong Ming will leave it to you.

As he spoke, he took a step forward and enveloped Mu Shanxiang with his one-foot domain.

Mu Shanxiang suddenly felt like a hairless hedgehog, subconsciously holding the Gentleman's Sword in his hand.

But...he didn't take action after all.


A moon disk rose.

The art of reincarnation works in the field.

Mu Shanxiang, who was shrouded in the domain, immediately sensed that his injuries were recovering quickly.

In less than a few breaths, she immediately returned to her intact state.

This made her look at Han Yang with surprised eyes.

What a terrifying magical power.

Possessing such magical powers is almost equivalent to having a second or third life.

No wonder Han Yang can use forbidden techniques unscrupulously.

You can indeed have nothing to worry about.

Take care of yourself!

Han Yang turned around, hugged Chen Qiaoqian, and then stepped straight towards Binglian.


His domain soon exuded the mysterious ice law that was exactly the same as the ice lotus, and his body merged with the ice lotus.

When he got close to the colorful crystals that diffused out, his domain changed again and turned into a space law that was very similar to them.


Han Yang's body was submerged in the colorful crystal, as if he was originally in the crystal.


On the outside, Mu Shanxiang clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, gritted his teeth for a long time, and then roared in a low voice: Even if you have all kinds of magic, one day, I will...defeat you!

Chen Qiaoqian happened to hear this sentence, but there was no anger in her eyes. Instead, she looked at Mu Shanxiang with a hint of pity.

This beautiful girl actually wants to defeat Han Yang?

I'm afraid I'll suffer a lot in the future.

Miss Mu, I leave it to you to hunt down those sect disciples. I will continue to expand the suppression barrier here...

Chen Qiaoqian smiled nonchalantly and spoke.


Mu Shanxiang was a little confused.

When did she agree to hunt down other sect disciples? What she promised Han Yang was to kill Murong Ming...

never mind!

A sheep is driven, and a group of people is killed.

Anyway, the Tiandao Academy and the several sects of the Lianxin Family are not in harmony at all.


Mu Shanxiang suddenly remembered something, frowned and asked, Have you... seen anyone from the Qingyu Temple?

During the gathering at the ancient temple, people from Tiandao Academy, Moluo Realm, Sun and Moon Sect, and even the Lianxin Family were present, but Qingyu Temple was the only one who never showed up.

This made Mu Shanxiang particularly suspicious.

Qingyu Temple?

Chen Qiaoqian shook her head in confusion, and the other people around her were equally clueless.

Mu Shanxiang frowned.

The sudden disappearance of Qingyu Temple always gave her a bad feeling.

After these guys entered the Shenxu, they seemed to have disappeared. Maybe they were brewing some conspiracy...

Among the colorful crystals, Han Yang moved forward.

The further you go, the more you can feel that the barrier between the two worlds is slowly dissipating.

Strange, why is there a loophole between the two realms here? It stands to reason that the world of Shenxu is stronger than the ordinary small world. Even intermediate-level martial saints and above cannot penetrate the barriers between layers...

Doubts gradually arose in Han Yang's heart.

Just as he continued to walk forward for a while, he suddenly saw a corpse with a ferocious face lying between the crystals.

Look at the clothes, he is a disciple of Xuanming Sect in Tianwu Continent.

This man was crushed to death by the spreading barrier, and a certain expression of extreme terror still remained on his face at this moment.

Han Yang sighed slowly and put his body into the ring, and then handed it over to Feng Hu for burial.

As he continued to walk forward, he kept seeing the bodies of Xuanming Sect disciples.

They were all forced to come down to explore the way by the two sons of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

They didn't have time to escape when the barrier between the two worlds burst open.


Suddenly, Han Yang's expression changed.

He found signs of being attacked on one of the bodies.

The blood filled the colorful crystal, looking a little evil.

But the fatal injury on this Xuanming Sect disciple's body was a flashing... cyan feather on the back of his head.

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