Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 862: Can you ask me about the knife in my hand first?

Cyan feathers.

Qingyu Temple?

Han Yang had wondered before. People from the Sun Moon God Sect, Tiandao Academy, Moluo Domain, and even the Lianxin Family had appeared, but there was no trace of the Qingyu Temple warriors.

I thought that they didn't send strong people into the Divine Ruins, or they were unlucky and were trapped in a corner of the second world.

But at this time, seeing Qing Yu who killed the Xuan Ming Sect disciple, Han Yang realized that the Qing Yu Temple warrior had not arrived, but had come in long ago.

They hid.

Hidden at the junction of the second and third floors.

No! No! It's not them hiding here! It's impossible for a loophole to appear on the second and third floors out of thin air! It's the people from the Qingyu Temple who tore this barrier apart! They went to the third floor!

This discovery made Han Yang's heart suddenly sink.

You must know that even with his current state, if he turns on the fifth or even sixth turn of the Nine Formless Transformations, it is impossible to tear apart the barriers between the two worlds.

What methods did Qingyu Temple use?

Also, there are obviously countless opportunities in the second world that are enough for them to become saints and achieve third-level spiritual bodies. Why do these people want to go to the unknown third world?

Perhaps, I really underestimated you...

Han Yang's eyes grew colder, he quickened his pace and continued walking along the broken part of the barrier.

After burning the incense, a mutilated corpse appeared in front of him.

He was still a warrior of the Xuan Ming Sect, and his death was extremely miserable. His body seemed to have been torn apart by some force during his lifetime, and he rushed here with only his last breath.

What's even more strange is that in the hands of the dead King Wu, there is still a piece of white cloth.

On the white cloth, there was a line of blood smeared on it.

Be careful...

I only scribbled three words, then stopped suddenly, unable to continue.


Han Yang was a little confused.

He had never heard of a character with the word shang.

If it were replaced by the word mu, Han Yang might still be able to understand something.

Okay, I want to see for myself what secrets are hidden in this third world.

Han Yang, who was constantly silhouetted, stepped forward, stepped out of the colorful crystal, and prepared to enter the real third level.

But the moment he took that step...


The sound of the sword sounded, and a sword light went straight to the foot where he took out the colorful crystal.


Han Yang jerked his right leg forward.

A surge of sword energy roared out from under his feet.


After the thunderous noise, something seemed to have been hit, and a wailing sound came out.

Immediately afterwards, Han Yang stepped out of the colorful crystal range.


Sound and vision also returned to Han Yang's six senses.

An old man wearing the attire of the Qingyu Temple covered half of his body and howled incessantly.

It's really hidden on the third floor...

Han Yang sneered and stretched out his hand to grab the old man. He wanted to capture him alive and interrogate him.

As a result, the old man from the Qingyu Temple, seeing that the situation was not good, screamed wildly and exploded his body.


After a flash of green light, flying feathers flew towards his face.

Han Yang clenched his fist lightly.

The terrifying power of law roared in all directions, shattering dozens of green feathers.

He was still wondering before. Every Qingyu Guard in the Qingyu Temple was a ninth-level Martial Ancestor. If he wanted to kill a few young Martial Kings of the Xuanming Sect, why would he let them escape into the tunnel?

Only when I saw this scene did I understand.

It was just those Xuanming Sect disciples who were unlucky and encountered the Qingyu Guard self-destructing, and the cyan feathers stimulated by the explosion affected the pond fish.

This means that Qingyu Wei has other enemies in the third floor!

Han Yang nodded secretly, and only then did he have time to look at the environment in the third layer of the world.

Compared to the first and second levels, which were relatively passable, the third world seemed even more barren.

This place... is simply the ruins of an ancient battlefield.

There are exploding law fragments everywhere, as well as deep pits and ruins left by various battles.

After a brief moment of perception, Han Yang's face revealed a look of surprise.

The Law of Deification! Is there a Law of Deification in the third world?!

The third floor of the Divine Ruins is not connected to the second floor, and there are still remaining deification laws here.

This means that you can continue to advance.

In this way, when I return to the first level, I will still be able to obtain many deified laws...

This discovery made Han Yang particularly happy.

If he could step into the second or third level of Martial Ancestor, he would undoubtedly have more power to protect himself.


Just as Han Yang was immersed in joy, a strange roaring sound suddenly came from the distant sky.

The next moment, a ray of fire swept across the sky and the earth, as if it was about to tear this world apart.


The originally fragmented and chaotic laws were swept away by this fire and became chaotic.

Han Yang saw several points of light rising into the sky from where the sound came from. He tried to fight against the fire, but was quickly drowned in the flames like a mantis trying to use a chariot.

The thunderous sound is getting closer and closer.

He was about to arrive at Han Yang's side.

The red light spreads!

Han Yang concentrated his attention and activated the fifth turn of the Nine Phaseless Turns without any hesitation!


Five intense red lights are superimposed.

Almost at the moment he activated the fifth turn of the Nine Formless Turns, the fire came.


Almost instantly, the area on Han Yang's side was burned and riddled with holes.

What was even scarier was that he heard a...familiar voice in the firelight.


That ferocious voice seemed to be filled with unwillingness and anger, shaking the sky, the ground, and the air.

The person who spoke out was... the Emperor Zhan!

When he was on the second floor, Zhan Tianzi, who had been so confident that he could trap King Liuli Ming for a month, seemed to be on the verge of death.


Hearing this voice, Han Yang swung his knife forward without hesitation.

The formless gods and Buddhas are beheaded!

The power of the fifth revolution, coupled with the strongest Formless Divine Buddha Slash, the terrifying sword light instantly tore the fire apart.

Han Yang went upstream and flew towards the direction of the fire.



As he continued to move closer, the sound of the evil Buddha singing became clearer and clearer.


The next moment, a golden-winged roc soared into the sky, its wings covering the sky and the sun.


A phantom standing tall against the sky and shaking its fist towards the sky.

Imperial Dragon Fist.

The dragon roared, and the golden-winged roc figure was shattered with a bang.

Countless cyan feathers are flying all over the sky!

The shattered golden-winged roc revealed its true form, and it turned out to be... a martial saint dressed in the attire of the Blue Feather Temple!


This Qingyu Temple Martial Saint has a swastika inlaid between his eyebrows, his face is extremely distorted, and he roars angrily at the phantom standing tall in the sky.

Become a Buddha?!

Seeing this scene, Han Yang already understood what happened here.

This Qingyu Guard of the Qingyu Temple was obviously influenced by the evil Buddha's meditation, and his mind was charmed, and he directly transformed into a Buddha and became a puppet.

When Ji Xiangtian entered the Shenxu for the first time, he was also transformed into a Buddha.

No wonder Emperor Zhan miscalculated!

It turns out that these Qingyu Guards had been converted by King Liuli Ming a long time ago, and they worked together to suppress the Emperor Zhan.


The Buddha-killing knife made a shrill buzzing sound.

Han Yang roared and slashed with his sword.

The Wuxiang Buddha-killing Sword!

Gather the power of three generations and strike out with one powerful sword.

King Liuli Ming has helpers, and so does Emperor Zhan.

Anyone who wants to kill my Han Yang friend must first ask about the knife in my hand...

Han Yang's indifferent voice, followed by the blade in his hand, exploded in the third world of Shenxu.


The Qingyu Guard who was still roaring at the phantom of Emperor Zhan was killed with a single blow.

The swastika text between his eyebrows instantly turned into ashes.




There were chirping sounds one after another.

One after another, the golden-winged rocs soared into the sky, truly covering the sky and the sun, as if the world was annihilating the sun.

With the blessing of the evil Buddha, it seems that every golden-winged roc has unrivaled power...

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