Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 865 It’s better to be in pieces than in ruins

Prince Liuli Ming may seem powerful, but her realm is actually only at the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor.

Among the two people who appeared in front of them, one was a second-level Martial Saint, and the other was a third-level Martial Saint.

In such a state, stimulating a third-level spiritual body, in the divine ruins at this time, almost means...invincibility.

Meng Hongyu was condescending, looking at Han Yang with contempt, and said with a chuckle: Han Yang, Demon Emperor Han? Your myth ends today!


it's over!

She only released a piece of feather, and it almost exploded one of Han Yang's arms. If all the feathers were released, he would be reduced to dust in an instant.

Even though her current realm is that of a third-level martial saint, don't forget that she is still a third-level spirit body.

In terms of lethality, even the ordinary fifth- and sixth-level martial saints in the outside world are only on par with her in terms of strength.

Only a sixth-level martial saint who has also awakened his spirit body can defeat her.

Therefore, Meng Hongyu believed that she was qualified to despise Han Yang.

Without saying a word, Han Yang used the rich Hongmeng purple energy gathered by Zhan Tianzi to quickly recover from his injuries.

Deng Fanqing on the side licked his lips and said with a evil smile: Senior sister, how about you give him to me? Little Martial Ancestor, there is no need for you to take action yourself, Senior Sister!

Han Yang, became a god in a battle in the Shadow City.

Known as the first genius in the history of Qingtian Realm.

Even the Zombie Saint and the Ruthless Saint Emperor were overshadowed by Han Yang.

If he could kill Han Yang, he would be able to boast of glory for the rest of his life.


Meng Hongyu easily saw through Deng Fanqing's little thoughts and sneered in her heart.

What an ignorant idiot.

So what if he has the false reputation of killing Han Yang?

Doesn't he know that Shenxu is the real treasure?

As long as they leave Shenxu, they will be able to create a unique history in Qingtian Realm.

At that time, who will remember a dead little martial ancestor?

Go ahead, this opportunity to kill the myth of the world is given to you!

Meng Hongyu looked very generous.

In fact, she had made up her mind to let Deng Fanqing be a chess piece to test Han Yang's strength.

Although she looked down on Han Yang on her face, Han Yang... was a monster that could defeat a Martial Saint at the level of a Martial Master, so there was no guarantee that he would have some trump cards.

It would be best for Deng Fanqing, an idiot, to be willing to be a pawn.

Naturally, Deng Fanqing didn't know Meng Hongyu's dirty thoughts.

After getting permission, the expression on his face became more ferocious.

Han Yang! I am the Qingyu Temple, the third Qingyu Guard...


Before he finished speaking, a roaring sound sounded.

The power of the rolling laws rolling between heaven and earth began to boil and converge in a certain direction.

Deng Fanqing glanced subconsciously, and his pupils suddenly began to shrink.

That guy... is promoting to Martial Saint?!

During the battle with King Liuli Ming, Zhan Tianzi was just the Martial Ancestor.

But at this time, when he converted to Shenxu, he immediately received the blessing of this side of heaven and earth, and directly began to condense the body of laws and move towards the realm of martial saint.

Deng Fanqing still remembers the terrifying destructive power brought about by the previous battle between Emperor Zhan and King Liuli Ming.

If this person is promoted to Martial Saint, I'm afraid...

Idiot! What are you waiting for? Go kill Han Yang! I'll deal with that man!

Meng Hongyu also realized the seriousness of the situation, and no longer wanted to sit on the mountain to watch the fight between tigers and tigers, he quickly rushed towards Emperor Zhan.


At this moment, the half ring of fire behind King Liuli Ming's head suddenly lit up.

She actually blessed Meng Hongyu with the evil Buddha state.

Meng Hongyu groaned, and his aura surged again.

Hahaha! What a bullshit guardian of the sacred ruins! Die for me!

With the blessing of King Liuli Ming, Meng Hongyu was full of confidence, and with a wave of his hand, countless green feathers shot towards the Emperor Zhan.

The situation on the battlefield was almost one-sided, reversing in a direction that was not conducive to Han Yang and Emperor Zhan.

At this time, there seemed to be no chance of a comeback.

The second-level Martial Saint faced Han Yang.

The third-level Martial Saint, plus the Liuli Ming King, fight against the Emperor!

No matter how you look at it, both Han Yang and Zhan Tianzi will lose.


Everyone underestimated Han Yang's will.

How could Han Yang give up so easily after being reborn in the ninth life and becoming the God of War in the sixth life?

Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you...


Another red light lit up in the explosion and on Han Yang's body.

The ninth turn of formlessness, the seventh turn.

It is a forbidden spell that has exceeded the limit.

At this time, the acupoints and soul in Han Yang's body were almost in chaos.

Explosive power is looking for a breakthrough.

His body was like boiling water, exploding bubbles one after another.

In just one moment, he was on the verge of death.


Ha ha ha ha……

Han Yang looked up to the sky and let out a loud laugh, then waved his hand and slashed with his sword.




Evil Buddha!


No form!

Everything, together with the invincible belief of nine reincarnations, turned into the most powerful sword.

Broken jade.

Rather Stick to your guns.

This sword is the most powerful sword that Han Yang transformed with his own life.


The sound of swords resounded.

Deng Fanqing was originally swinging his sword at Han Yang with great pride, but at this moment, facing the sudden and terrifying sword, his eyes instantly lost color.


Covering the sky and the sun, covering the world, the only light between heaven and earth.

The light of the sword became the only color between heaven and earth.

The sound of the knife became the only sound between heaven and earth.

Apart from this, Deng Fanqing could no longer see any color or hear any sound.


Deng Fanqing finally panicked.

He wanted to shout and ask Meng Hongyu for help, but even he couldn't hear his own voice.


The sword flashed past.

The third Qingyu Guard of the Qingyu Temple, who had just awakened the third-level spirit body and was promoted to the second-level Martial Saint, was killed with a single sword.

The sword light did not stop and continued to move forward, targeting...King Liuli Ming.

Prince Liuliming did not resist needlessly.

The moment she saw the sword light up, she knew that with her current ability, she could no longer block Han Yang's sword.

Even those heretic demons that destroyed the Buddha Land in the past had never possessed such terrifying sword skills.

However, after the brilliance, there will eventually be silence.

Han Yang! I'm...waiting for you!


The light of the knife passed by.

The ring of fire behind Liuli Mingwang's head shattered, and her body disappeared in the light of the sword.

The swastika characters flowed towards Han Yang like a tide.


The sword light did not stop, but continued to kill Meng Hongyu.

Meng Hongyu had naturally been aware of such a terrifying sword strike.

But when she looked back, Deng Fanqing and Liuli Mingwang had already died under Han Yang's sword.

The end of the strong crossbow!

Meng Hongyu was furious, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the sword light.

Unlike Deng Fanqing, she has absolute confidence in her own strength.


The sword light fell into Meng Hongyu's hand.

Her seemingly slender fingers exerted slight force, and there was a crisp sound, and Han Yang's remaining sword light shattered.

A trace of blood flowed down the palm, making Meng Hongyu slightly startled.

After killing two powerful men in a row, the sword light, which had reached the end of its crossbow, could actually cut through her palm?

Putting her fingers in her mouth, she licked the wounds vigorously and looked at Han Yang with cold eyes.

At this moment, Han Yang's physical condition had become extremely bad.

Forcibly turning on the seventh turn, the result was that his body began to collapse.

Even the three souls and seven souls are collapsing.

The only thing that kept him alive and prevented him from exploding to death was the Holy Body of Heaven!

The Holy Body of Heaven is currently struggling to maintain his last vestige of vitality.

At this time, the swastika characters left behind by the death of King Liuli Ming were also rushing towards Han Yang.


Under the blessing of the swastika characters, Han Yang's body trembled slightly and began to emit streaks of golden light.

The entire heaven and earth are shrouded in these golden lights.

The Holy Body of Heaven, which had been dormant for a long time, began to advance with the help of the swastika characters.

Meng Hongyu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Want to be promoted? Give me... death!

Countless green feathers turned into a green feather sword under her command and slashed towards Han Yang...

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