Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 866 The Power of the Second-Level Holy Body of Heaven

Meng Hongyu had not hesitated to break out of the barrier and kill Han Yang, but it was just the whim of a master. He felt that Han Yang would become a threat to Qingyu Temple in the future.

Only now, seeing Han Yang's special physique beginning to advance, did she understand where her sense of crisis came from.


Han Yang, a guy who could defeat the Martial Saint at the level of Martial Master, actually...possessed the legendary Holy Body.

What's even more frightening is that Han Yang's holy body is only at the first level.

The first level of the Holy Body allows him to fight against the Martial Saint in the Martial Lord Realm. If the Holy Body is promoted to the second level, how powerful will it become?

Meng Hongyu simply couldn't imagine it.

Now she has only one thought: to kill Han Yang.

This son is not dead today, and based on the grudge between him and the Qingyu Temple, one day the temple will definitely be catastrophic.

However, when she took action desperately, she was surprised to find that facing the fatal sword she fired, Han Yang not only showed no fear on his face, but also a trace of... a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth.


Meng Hongyu's heart trembled, and she seemed to understand something... But at this time, it was difficult to get off the tiger, so she could only...desperately.


Just when the Qingyu Sword in her hand was about to pierce Han Yang's body, a big hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the sword in her hand.

You want to kill my friend Zhan Tianzi? Have you asked my fist?!


A rough voice sounded, and with a slight exertion of force, the big hand broke the Qingyu Sword that Meng Hongyu had evolved.

You... you...

Meng Hongyu was shocked to find that Emperor Zhan had successfully entered the realm of the Martial Saint.

With the formless holy body, the small formless skill, and the realm of the Martial Saint, he is on the home court and can easily crush her.

How can you be so fast when you become a saint? You...

A look of disbelief flashed across the face of the panicked Meng Hongyu.

She is one of the three geniuses of the Qingyu Temple. The reason why she was promoted to the Martial Saint was with the help of the holy weapon Jiutian Qingyu.

Even so, it still took her three full days to advance from the ninth-level Martial Ancestor to the Holy Realm.

Can fight against the emperor...

He's been promoted to Martial Saint after less than one stick of incense?

How can humble ants know our glory?

The voice of Emperor Zhan was deafening, and light shone out from his eyes.


The next moment, a Qingyu sword that was exactly the same as before appeared in his hand.

Using the formless holy body to activate the small formless magic power, he can easily simulate all the laws of the world in the world of Shenxu.

This scene made Meng Hongyu's eyes widen again: Holy Body! Do you also possess...Holy Body? How is this possible...

The holy body is an existence that is one level higher than the spiritual body.

In the Qingtian Realm, it takes thousands of years for the Holy Body to emerge.

Every time it appears, it is bound to be earth-shattering and can overwhelm an era.

But now, right in front of her, in the small Tianwu Paradise, two holy bodies appeared at the same time.


While the shocked Meng Hongyu was in shock, the sneering Emperor Zhan took action brazenly.

The exact same sword struck Meng Hongyu between the eyebrows.

Ran Yu!

Sensing the approaching death crisis, Meng Hongyu gritted his teeth and without hesitation used the most powerful forbidden technique in the Qingyu Temple.

The feathers around her body instantly burned into ashes.

Meng Hongyu opened her mouth, pursed her lips and sucked in, and all the ashes turned by Qingyu were sucked into her belly.

In an instant, all of her exposed skin turned into a cracked black-gray color, and her figure was as haggard as a living dead.


Meng Hongyu roared, and two huge cyan wings bloomed from behind.

The shadow of a golden-winged roc also appeared behind her.

At this moment, his hands seemed to turn into sharp claws, turning and grabbing, and went straight towards the Qingyu Sword that Emperor Zhan stabbed.

Boom boom.

The claws collided with the feather sword, making bursts of explosive sounds.

This time, it was Meng Hongyu... who crushed Emperor Zhan's Qingyu Sword.


The two claws were as sharp as claws, and their strength continued unabated as they rushed straight towards the Emperor Zhan's neck and fell down.

It's a small trick...get out!

Zhan Tianzi snorted coldly and punched out.

Emperor Wu's Dragon Fist.

The giant dragon roared and collided with the phantom of the golden-winged roc.


Scales flew off the giant dragon's body, and the feathers on the shadow of the golden-winged roc also turned into ashes.

With this attack, the two were once again tied for victory.


Meng Hongyu couldn't accept this result.

She is a third-level martial saint with a third-level spiritual body, but she can't defeat a first-level martial saint?


At this moment, an unrivaled force soared into the sky behind Meng Hongyu.

The next moment, the laws in the entire Shenxu world began to distort immediately.


Meng Hongyu stirred and rolled backwards. Unable to maintain the shadow of the golden-winged roc evolved from the third-order spirit body, Meng Hongyu was directly knocked back to its original form.

Even the Emperor Zhan was no exception.

The dragon shadow he evolved with his dragon fist was also shattered by the twisted laws.

The two of them each took a few steps back, looking at the twisted core of the law with horror...

It's Han Yang.




Like a god...

All kinds of unimaginable auras spread out in all directions, centered on Han Yang's body.

There are goddesses singing and dancing, gods and men playing music, flying immortals singing, and groups of Buddhas singing poems.

A strange fragrance that had never appeared before hit my nose.

So...Zhan Tianzi and Meng Hongyu both began to recover quickly under the fragrance that was caused by the previous forbidden technique.

An unimaginable force pulled their souls into a magical world.

over there……

All magical powers come from the heart, and all laws follow the mind.

In the endless ocean of laws and supernatural powers, stands a tall and majestic... god.

He has three heads and six arms, with a majestic appearance.

He is heaven.

He is the Word.

At this moment, a name that they had never heard before appeared in the minds of Zhan Tianzi and Meng Hongyu involuntarily: Tiandao Holy Body.

All the wonderful flowers of the world bloom in my heart.

At this moment, they seemed to be listening to the preaching of gods, and they themselves became part of the Tao.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

At this moment, even if they were to die, they were all willing to do so.

However, just when the two of them were filled with endless joy and were immersed in the wonderful magic and unable to extricate themselves, the god above the ocean of magical powers slowly opened his eyes.



Their souls felt like being struck by lightning, and they were instantly separated from the mysterious state.

no, do not want……

Meng Hongyu stretched out her hand in pain, her voice full of reluctance and nostalgia.

Compared with that magical sea of ​​magic, the real world is like a huge quagmire, filled with all kinds of filth.

She didn't want to sink into that mud, she wanted to return to that mysterious world.

Unfortunately, the gods rejected her.

I...willingly surrender, worship with all my heart, kneel down and beg...for peace of mind.

Meng Hongyu fell to the ground, kowtowed and prayed devoutly.

However, when she finally dared to raise her head to spy on the god, she found that the god had been replaced by another person... Han Yang.

There is no sea of ​​wonderful dharma, no gods preaching, and no gods with three heads and six arms.

There was only Han Yang, floating about ten feet in front of her, slowly opening his eyes towards her, looking at her with a half-smile.

I...was I...previously an enemy of the gods?

Meng Hongyu was trembling all over, and her liver and gallbladder were split.

At this moment, she realized just how powerful Han Yang was.

That mysterious sea, is the holy body law domain condensed by Han Yang?

Among them, the solemn statue with three heads and six arms, is Han Yang's soul?

Are you... the reincarnation of a god?

Meng Hongyu's eyes were dull, but after saying these words, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes again.

Although she almost lost the courage to continue fighting Han Yang, she thought that the more powerful Han Yang became, the greater the threat to Qingyu Temple.

Subconsciously in his mind, he was about to launch the final violent blow.

Even if he is killed by one blow and has no place to bury him, this scourge will be strangled in its infancy.

Han Yang just looked at her condescendingly and did not answer her question.

At this time, Han Yang was still immersed in the wonderful feeling of being promoted to the second level of the Holy Body of Heaven. When he saw that Meng Hongyu had no intention of repenting, he couldn't help but sigh softly.


He reached out his hand and stroked it gently forward.

There were ripples in the originally empty void, as if there were countless

Threads wrapped around his fingers.

That is the line of law.

After the Holy Body of Heaven was promoted to the second level, he officially awakened to the Voice of Heaven.

You can listen to the voice of heaven and understand all the laws of the world.

The originally invisible laws were now fully revealed in front of Han Yang, as if they were real.


Using gentle force with his fingers, he crushed the thickest Law Thread in front of him, a Law Thread pouring into Meng Hongyu's body from the void.

There was a crisp cracking sound.

When the string of laws broke, Meng Hongyu's painful wailing sound was also heard.


Meng Hongyu's entire body began to break and collapse.

The connection between her and the laws of heaven and earth was severed by Han Yang's two fingers.

The body of the Martial Saint is composed of laws. Without the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, how can her body not collapse?

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