Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 872 The Demon King and Queen were both robbed

The golden-winged roc...Yaksha...Emperor Brahma!

Han Yang noticed that the three three-color skeletons that were fighting against Emperor Zhan had bodies that were exactly the same as the spirit bodies.

To be precise, they seemed to have abandoned their physical bodies and turned themselves into spiritual skeletons!

Among the many geniuses in the Qingyu Temple earlier, the golden-winged roc spirit body was awakened.

Now, these three-color skeletons that look like golden-winged rocs actually wield the Qingyu Sword of the Qingyu Temple.

If this was a coincidence, Han Yang would definitely not believe it.


The buzzing sound of the Buddha-killing sword sounded.

The four spirit skeletons that were frantically attacking the barrier all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound... Han Yang.

Han... Yang!

One of the skeletons roared out Han Yang's name.

As soon as this name came out, the other three skeletons looked up to the sky and roared as if they were angered.


The four spirit skeletons immediately gave up attacking the barrier, rose into the air, and charged towards Han Yang.

The third level of Martial Saint?

Han Yang was shocked to find that these four skeletons actually possessed the powerful combat power of the third level of Martial Saint.

At this moment, his pupils suddenly contracted.

He discovered that a rune was shining between the eyebrows of the four skeletons.

However, this rune is not the swastika character of an ordinary skeleton, but a... sorrow character!

Memories come flooding back.

Han Yang couldn't help but think of the handwriting left by King Wu of the Xuanming Sect before his death in the world passage from the second level to the third level: Shang? !

This word sorrow refers to...are these strange spirit skeletons currently?

Han Yang couldn't let Han Yang think about it, but the four third-level martial saints had already arrived.

The red thread spreads.

The ninth turn of formlessness, the fifth turn!


The sound of swords sounded.

The formless gods and Buddhas are beheaded.

A round of fierce sword light struck at the four spirit skeletons.

At this moment, four bone weapons appeared in the hands of the four spirit skeletons.

Magic knife!

Judge pen!

Full Moon Scimitar!

The Blade of the Inner Demon!

Such a familiar scene almost made the Buddha-killing knife held tightly in Han Yang's hand falter slightly.

A cold light suddenly erupted in his eyes.

Liu Qingshu! Luo Qingtian! Hong Qianqiu! Zhuge Cheng!

He figured out who the four weird-looking three-color spirit skeletons in front of him were.

They were actually geniuses from various sects who had been killed by him.

So... the three spiritual skeletons that are besieging the Emperor Zhan are Meng Hongyu, Zhuge Ye, and Mo Wuya?

Prince Liuli Ming, and the evil Buddha behind her, could actually transform a genius who died in battle into a devastated skeleton?


While Han Yang's mind was spinning, the light of the Wuxiang Divine Buddha's sword had already collided with four skeletons.

A violent shock wave knocked all five people away.

No matter who wins or loses? !

After transforming into mournful spirit skeletons, the strength of Liu Qingshu and the others obviously increased dramatically.

What's even more terrifying now is that they have become fearless of death and don't know what death is. They are completely fighting for their lives.

Each one of them is an explosion mode that activates forbidden techniques crazily.

If Han Yang hadn't advanced to the third level of Martial Ancestor, he would have been suppressed by these four monsters if he wasn't careful.

Come again!

Han Yang shouted loudly, and lines of law appeared in his eyes.

The voice of heaven belonging to the law sounded in the sea of ​​his consciousness.

Hundreds of miles away.

The King Ming, who looked like a king with angry eyes, said calmly: Did you see it! This is the power of my Buddha...

The young man standing next to him was the No. 1 Qingyu Guard in the Qingyu Temple, a peerless genius at the fourth level of the Martial Saint... Yang Ziyu!

Yang Ziyu looked at Han Yang who was fighting with an indifferent expression, and replied in the same calm tone: It's just that everyone overestimates that Han Yang... Even if he is promoted to the third level Martial Ancestor and activates the forbidden technique, he is only equivalent to the third level. Just a Martial Saint! I...can kill him!

King Ming said expressionlessly: Meng Hongyu used to think so too, but now that she is dead, she can only turn into hell people and fight for my Buddha.


Yang Ziyu chuckled and was noncommittal.

After a moment, he grinned again and said: The power you call my Buddha seems... to be defeated by Han Yang... Haha.

While the two were talking, Han Yang slashed out with several swords and severed the connection between Zhuge Cheng's mourning skeleton and the law.

Of the four spirit skeletons, only three remain.

Prince Ming shook his head calmly: This is just the beginning.

After speaking, he clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name silently.


Following a long chant of the Buddha's name, skeletal arms stretched out again from the ground not far from the battle circle.

Each one is a spiritual skeleton after transformation!

Each one possesses the strength of a second-level Martial Saint.

The sixteen people in the first team all had the light of the sun and moon rising from their bodies.

The eleven people in the second team all had a green feather suspended above their heads.

The third team of thirteen people had a heart beating violently in the skull's chest.

The ten people in the fourth team had demonic intent rising from their bodies.

The fifth team of seven people holds a judge's pen and a scroll of calligraphy and painting suspended above their heads.

Yang Ziyu's pupils suddenly shrank.

These people were clearly the geniuses of the five major sects who entered the world of Shenxu, but all of them were turned into skeletons?

The methods of this so-called King Ming are terrifying!


Yang Ziyu suddenly discovered two things that were wrong.

Compared to the number of geniuses from the five major sects who entered the Divine Ruins, there seemed to be two less Shang Hua Skeletons.

There is one person from Sun Moon God Sect and one person from Tiandao Academy.

There are still two people missing! Who is still alive?

Yang Ziyu lost his composure for the first time and stared at King Ming.

King Ming was unmoved and said: I only collected the corpses and transformed them into hell people. As for their names during their lifetime, I don't know.

Yang Ziyu glanced at the skeletons with cold eyes.

It's a pity that after the transformation, the skeletons all turned into spirits, and their true colors could not be seen at all. Naturally, it was impossible to judge who was still alive.

There are still people in the Sun and Moon God Sect who are still alive? You must have underestimated them!

Yang Ziyu snorted coldly.


A total of fifty-seven spirit skeletons made a roaring sound and rushed towards Han Yang.

Each one possesses the terrifying strength of a third-level spirit body and a second-level martial saint!

Obviously, it was the so-called Shang Hua in King Ming's mouth that enhanced their realm strength.

Shenxu World, second level.

Queen Qi, all the Martial Kings, Martial Emperors, and Martial Sects in our Tianwu Dynasty have all gathered.

Song Tiandu respectfully reported the final results to Chen Qiaoqian, with a slightly sad look on his face.

Although they were protected by Emperor Zhan, the Martial King and Martial Emperor class in Tianwu Paradise still suffered heavy losses.

Every monster on the second level of the Divine Ruins is at the level of the ninth-order Martial Ancestor.

As long as you hit it, it's basically an instant kill!

In just a few days, at least 30% of the damage was lost at the level of King Wu and Emperor Wu.

This is under the premise that Chen Qiaoqian is running all the way and constantly rescuing people. Otherwise, I am afraid that more than half of them will be lost.

Order everyone to rest where they are and wait for His Highness the Demon Emperor to return.

After Chen Qiaoqian issued the order, she sent a message and asked, Where is Mu Shanxiang?

After Mu Shanxiang recovered from his injury, there was no trace of him. He seemed to be hunting skeletons in search of a breakthrough.

After all, they were former enemies, so Chen Qiaoqian had to be more cautious.

She doesn't have the strength like Han Yang to suppress everything.

Song Tiandu replied: It seems...


Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

The next moment, a bright sun appeared above everyone.

Hahahaha! I finally found it, ants! This time, let's see who can protect you!

Murong Ming's whole body exuded aura of terror, and the arrogant demonic flames enveloped the entire audience...

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