Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 873 The Envoy of Guangming Zuo Enters the Godly Ruins

Sun Moon God Cult?!

It's...Murong Ming!

The faces of the warriors from the Tianwu Blessed Land suddenly changed.

These upper realm sects, represented by the Sun and Moon Sect, were like a dark cloud, suffocating everyone in Tianwu Blessed Land.

Even with blessings, they have only been promoted to Martial King or Martial Emperor.

But these bastards from the upper realm sects are either Martial Saints or Martial Ancestors. They are simply crushing and transcending in all directions.

Once the two meet, the Tianwu blessed land side will often be massacred.

Not to mention, this Murong Ming is the number one son of the Sun Moon God Sect who escaped from His Majesty the Demon Emperor. Not to mention the hatred is as deep as the sea, and he is also a demonic villain who kills Ying Ye.


The void shook.

Chen Qiaoqian flew up and stood between Murong Ming and everyone in Tianwu Paradise.


Her Majesty the Queen...

I don’t know since when, she has become another backbone in the hearts of many warriors in Tianwu Paradise.

Just her presence was comforting.

Chen Qiaoqian looked at Murong Ming with cold eyes: It is your luck to escape from my brother Yang, but you don't know how to cherish it, and you dare to take the initiative to send it to your door...

Murong Ming laughed loudly and said: If it was Han Yang who said this, I don't know if I would really be afraid, but...who do you think you are?

In his eyes, except for Han Yang, everyone in Tianwu Paradise is a useless barbarian from the lower realm.

They are just a bunch of ants, but they dare to scream at me?

In this case... I will capture you first. I wonder if Han Yang will come to rescue you!

Murong Ming laughed ferociously and raised his left hand high.


A bright sun rises into the sky.


At the moment when Haori took off, an ice phoenix spread its wings and soared, appearing behind Chen Qiaoqian.

The red sun faces the ice phoenix.

He is also a third-level spiritual body, and he is also a first-level Martial Saint.

Destroy it!

Murong Ming was full of confidence.

He is a genius in the upper realm, and in terms of martial arts, he must surpass those barbarians in the lower realm.

Chen Qiaoqian?

Do not overestimate your own capabilities.

With a wave of his hand, Murong Ming commanded the bright sun above his head to smash down towards the ice phoenix. this moment, a low roar sounded silently behind him.


It was like a low groan coming from the throat of some ferocious beast.

Before he could react, there was a sudden pain in his back, as if five steel knives were inserted directly into his back.


Murong Ming's body was thrown straight away.

Only then did he see clearly that the person who attacked him was actually a zombie!

court death!

Murong Ming got up and became furious.



The moment he finished speaking, two more figures appeared one after another.

One is the incarnation of the Great Auspicious Goddess Jixiang Tian, ​​and the other is the heroic female champion of Tiandao Academy... Mu Shanxiang. could you not die!?

Murong Ming was shocked.

He seemed to understand something.

No wonder Han Yang could find the ancient temple where they secretly gathered. It turned out to be the number one disciple of this Tiandao Academy who betrayed everyone.


Murong Ming asked in confusion.

In his opinion, it is the task of all sects to join forces to deal with Han Yang. Mu Shanxiang's betrayal of Tiandao Academy for Han Yang is simply the stupidest decision.

In addition to Shenxu, there are nearly ten seventh-level martial saints from five major sects. Once Mu Shanxiang betrays her, after leaving Shenxu, she will declare that her death has come.

Mu Shanxiang smiled sarcastically and said nothing, just silently holding out a huge black sword in her hand.

Murong Ming's expression suddenly changed again.

This female champion of Tiandao Academy betrayed her so completely that she even gave up her previous weapon, the Junzi Sword?

Hehe... I finally caught a small miscellaneous fish...

Ji Xiangtian couldn't help but lick his tongue.

They have not been idle for a while.

With the help of Mu Shanxiang, she and Xiao Jiuer found the rare treasure and were promoted to Martial Saints.

Even under Mu Shanxiang's prompting, they hid their cultivation and set up a trap to lure you into a trap.

As expected, Murong Ming, the number one master of the Sun Moon Sect who had already escaped without a trace, was attracted.

He said he was a small fish, but in reality Ji Xiangtian was almost grinning crookedly.

If she could kill Murong Ming, she could ask her master Han Yang to be his pet in a dignified way, and she could also follow her master in a dignified way in the future...

Murong Ming's eyes turned cold.

He might be able to handle Chen Qiaoqian alone, but if Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian are added to the mix, he will definitely lose.

Not to mention, there is Mu Shanxiang, whose strength is only slightly higher than his own, watching with eager eyes.

will die!

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Murong Ming said coldly: Mu Shanxiang, you won't betray Tiandao Academy, will you? You must know that Tiandao Academy is very kind to you, and there is a mountain chief of your academy sitting outside the Shenxu. , how could I let you go...

Unexpectedly, Mu Shanxiang actually smiled slightly, shook his head and said: The academy has betrayed its trust, taken advantage of others' danger, and betrayed integrity and justice. Indeed, it is time to clean it up from top to bottom.

Is this woman crazy?

Murong Ming suddenly shuddered.

He used Tiandao Academy to play the emotional card. Not only was Mu Shanxiang unmoved, but he even went so far as to say that he would cleanse and change Tiandao Academy?

Chen Qiaoqian frowned slightly and said coldly: There are many dreams in the lingering night, so let's kill him as soon as possible!

Having said that, she took the lead.


Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian also roared and launched an offensive without hesitation.

Mu Shanxiang in the void carried the giant sword, laughed loudly, and then struck out with an earth-shattering sword.

This was the first battle after she convinced herself to switch from Confucianism to Military Dao.

In the art of war, success or failure is judged by victory or defeat, and it should never be shown to others as a corrupt scholar.





Four against one.

Murong Ming, the first divine son of the Sun and Moon God Sect, no matter how powerful he is, he can only be defeated.

In less than three breaths, under the joint efforts of four people, he was beaten to pieces, vomited blood, and was seriously injured.

Just as he was about to fall into the hands of the four women, the next moment, the sound of a Yin Vulture spread in the void hundreds of feet away.

Murong Ming, I never imagined that you are still such a waste even at your age...

As the sound rolled and spread, a black mist enveloped the entire place, blocking out the sky and the sun, and dyeing the entire space black.

And in the endless black mist, a waning moon hung.

On the waning moon, there sat a man wearing a black robe, with a sarcastic smile on his lips, looking down, like a god above the nine heavens, looking down at the mortal world.

Yang Xiao...

Before Murong Ming could speak, Mu Shanxiang recognized this person at a glance, waved his sword to force Murong Ming back, and gathered together with Chen Qiaoqian.

Murong Ming's eyes also showed a look of shock: Yang... Master Zuo Shi? How did you enter the Divine Ruins? Could it be that... the restrictions on the Divine Ruins have been lifted?

Guangmingzuo envoy Yang Xiao, a third-level martial saint of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

His appearance meant that all third-level martial saints could enter the Divine Ruins. This made Murong Ming feel lucky that he did not have to die in battle, but a hint of gloom flashed in his heart.

When a third-level Martial Saint enters Shenxu, he will no longer be the ceiling of combat power in the Shenxu world, and he will no longer be able to plunder many resources at will.

Yang Xiao shook his head and said sarcastically: Murong Ming, Murong Ming, everyone else is dead, but you are still alive. I thought you were amazingly talented and stunning, and you had such a great opportunity, but I didn't expect that you would only be promoted to the first level of Martial Saint. That’s all…tsk tsk…”

It was obvious that this Guangming Left Envoy looked down upon Murong Ming's level.

Murong Ming said coldly with an embarrassed expression: I would like to see if you would be so arrogant if you knew that Han Yang was also in the Shenxu!


The moment the word Han Yang came out of his mouth, Yang Xiao suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura full of gaffes.

What did you say? Han Yang is in the Divine Ruins? When did he come back?!

The warriors outside had no idea that Han Yang had entered the Divine Ruins.

Yang Xiao could hardly suppress the murderous intention in his heart.

Han Yang is the suffering master of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

If it weren't for this person, there would be no need for him, the left envoy of light, to take the risk of going to Shenxu in person?

This name makes him want to eat its flesh raw.

Murong Ming pointed at Mu Shanxiang and others and said, If you don't believe it, just ask them!

Is it?


Yang Xiao's Yin Vulture glanced over, and when he saw Mu Shanxiang, he couldn't help but frown slightly: Mu Shanxiang? Tiandao Academy said that you have fallen, but I didn't expect that you are not dead yet? You should tell me, Han Yang Where are the people?”

This guy is a third-level Martial Saint, a genius among geniuses. Everyone must be careful!

Mu Shanxiang remained silent on the surface, tightly holding the giant sword in his hand, but secretly sent a message to the three girls Chen Qiaoqian...

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