Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 975 Here I come to the Tianjing Realm

The mountain master on the side suddenly remembered that the Seventeenth Holy Son had been tracking down the Tianjing Realm, and hurriedly accompanied Xiao Xin to report back: The Seventeenth Holy Son has always been very interested in the Tianjing Realm. Previously, he also killed the Lieshan clan. Could it be that the Holy Son Lieshan Hao... went to the Tianjing Realm where Lieshan Clan is located?

Lu Tong glared at the mountain master fiercely: You actually allowed him to kill the Holy Son? How audacious.

Not to mention the grievance and injustice in the mountain owner's heart.

With the previous innate status of the Seventeenth Holy Son, let alone killing a mere ordinary Holy Son, even if he were to kill him as the mountain lord, there would be no trouble.

Lu Tong hurriedly lit the incense again and asked Shenzong for the specific coordinates of the Tianjing Realm.

Lu Tong became even more upset when she thought about the teleportation.

The holy text he gave to Han Yang was from the hand of the deputy sect leader. It was an intermediate holy text, at least up to the fourth level.

And the teleportation holy texts in his hand are all first-level.

If the opponent uses the fourth-level teleportation holy text to travel a distance of one day, he will have to walk for seven or eight days, or even more than ten days.

God knows if we can still catch this person.

Fortunately, the Seventeenth Holy Son should currently only know the coordinates of three places: Qingtian Realm, Wuliang Mountain and Tianjing Realm, and cannot escape to other places.

Otherwise it will be even worse.

Seeing that the Three-Star Envoy seemed to have no intention of holding them accountable, the Mountain Master bit the bullet and asked again: Your Majesty, can you tell us some information about the Seventeenth Holy Son, so that we can check in Wuliang Mountain to see if there is anyone in his world? Other undercover agents hidden...

As soon as these words came out, Lu Tong looked embarrassed.

How did he know about Han Yang's information? Everything was told by this idiot Li Hongyun.

The original plan was to arrange another World Tour after a while to investigate the relevant information of the Seventeen Sons. After all, each of the Saints can stay in Wuliang Mountain for three thousand years, so there is plenty of time.

Who would have thought that it only took the other party four days to pass nine levels in a row before rebelling and escaping.

So much so that even he only knew that the Seventeenth Holy Son's real name was Chen Yu and that he came from the War God Sect, and he didn't know the rest.

If the upper echelons of Shenzong find out, they will definitely be punished.

This man must not be let go.

Only by following the instructions of the Law Enforcement Hall and killing or capturing Chen Yu can he be relieved of his guilt.

Otherwise, he will definitely die.

Lu Tong took out the sacred incense again and began to contact all the envoys under his command and the people walking around the world. He ordered that if he encountered Chen Yu, he must send a message to inform him.

In the fleeting light, Han Yang sat cross-legged and sorted out what he had gained during this period.

It takes almost a month to get from Wuliang Mountain to Tianjing Realm, which is much closer than Qingtian Realm.

This month is just enough time to stabilize your cultivation.

Xiao Jiuer was bored.

For zombies, there is no such thing as cultivation.

If you have death energy, you can improve. If you don't have death energy, you can only stare.

At most, they just need to practice the many killing methods taught by Han Yang.

The female priest on the side looked at Han Yang eagerly, feeling anxious in her heart.

She was frightened by Han Yang's madness.

Good guy.

Not to mention fighting against the three-star envoy, he actually directly emptied all the sacred texts in the trial area of ​​Wuliang Mountain, which was simply audacious.

Moreover, what puzzles the female priest the most is that for ordinary geniuses, mastering one or two holy texts is the limit, and three can be said to be the genius among geniuses.

And as my master...


She really couldn't imagine how one person could successfully control fifty-eight sacred texts.

Feeling the resentful gaze of the female priest, Han Yang smiled slightly and said, Can you let me explore your body?

The female priest nodded hastily.

She was also afraid that Shenzong had left some hidden hand in her body.

Han Yang pointed at the girl's eyebrows.

After a moment, he retracted his finger and frowned slightly.

The female priest smiled thoughtfully and explained with a wry smile: We female officers all exist as furnaces, and the exercises we practice are mainly about health preservation, cultivation of energy, and double rest, and we do not have much combat effectiveness.

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller.

She had awakened her spiritual body and reached the sixth level of spiritual body, which was one level higher than Xiao Jiuer.

This is also the reason why she can become a female official.

But this spirit body is not suitable for fighting, but the most suitable for the furnace... the whirling spirit body.

It is said to be passed down from Buddhism Tantra.

But right now, following Han Yang is definitely just a burden.

Han Yang pondered again for a moment, and after a little deduction with the Holy Body of Heaven, he once again pointed at the woman's eyebrows.

This is the mother-in-law's fighting method that I created based on my mother-in-law's spirit body. After you practice this method, you will slowly change your physique into a mother-in-law's fighting body suitable for fighting! Although it is not as good as the holy body, it is stronger than the spirit body.

Han Yang somewhat admired Shenzong's methods.

These people, the female sacrificers, were obviously geniuses that Shenzong had scoured from all over the world.

That's right, their bones are only two to three thousand years old, but their cultivation levels have reached the Martial Saint realm, and their spiritual bodies are quite high.

What is it but a genius?

The female priest has a perfect physique suitable for making a cauldron, and she can do twice the result with half the effort by practicing the double rest technique of the whirling spirit body.

The whirling combat method, on the basis of retaining the rapid advancement of the female sacrifice, adds combat advantages to the whirling spirit body.

In other words, Han Yang was reborn in the ninth generation and was well-informed. Others could not do this even if they had the Holy Body of Heaven.

Thank you, Holy Son... no, thank you Master!

The female priest was ecstatic, finally no longer having to make a useless cauldron.

Xiao Jiuer laughed when he heard the female priest calling Master Han Yang.

If Ji Xiangtian knew about it, he would definitely be very angry and feel that another person has come to compete with her for favor.

Thinking of Ji Xiangtian, Xiao Jiuer looked at Han Yang pitifully and asked via voice transmission: Brother, is there any way to make sister Ji Xiangtian stronger? She is so pitiful.

From the first time he left Shenxu, Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian have been following Han Yang.

At that time, Xiao Jiuer had just regained consciousness and was still very confused. It was Ji Xiangtian who was taking care of her.

Now, seeing Ji Xiangtian being gradually left behind due to lack of talent, Xiao Jiuer is inevitably a little unhappy.

She probably wouldn't have thought that much before getting this promotion.

Being promoted to the fifth-level zombie body and reaching the ninth-level Martial Saint level has made her mind a lot more flexible, and she can think about many things that she could not figure out before.

Han Yang pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly and said, Jixiang's talent is limited. To keep up with us, we need huge changes at the level of destiny-changing. Please let me think of another way...

If in the vast world, there was a magical medicine that could cleanse the essence and completely change the physique, it would not be difficult to change one's destiny for Ji Xiangtian.

But the most advanced elixir in the Zhongqian World cannot reach the level of changing one's fate against the heavens.

If you want to change the fate of Jixiangtian, you need to find another way.

Xiao Jiuer nodded obediently.

She knew that brother Han Yang had the best solution.

As long as there is a solution, Brother Han Yang will definitely find it.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

A huge blue ball appeared in front of the three people.

Is that the Zhongqian world we live in? It's really vast...

As they continued to approach the Tianjing Realm, the three of them became increasingly smaller in the light of the world.


The brilliance of the holy text enveloped the three of them and threw them into the Heavenly Crystal Realm.

In the Tianjing Realm, on a certain mountain that towers into the clouds.

An old man with three rings of fire on the back of his head and white beard and hair slowly opened his eyes.

The Shenzong side sent people into the realm again? So frequently, what on earth is going on?

After counting with his fingers, the old man frowned wildly.

What he saw in his illusory eyes was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Huh? How could that be?

He had some doubts. Could it be that... the hidden veins of the Divine List were exposed?

Otherwise, how could there be such a big desire to kill?


After a moment, the old man flicked his finger, and a jade talisman flew towards the direction where the holy text stream fell. He closed his eyes again and began to comprehend the way of heaven again.

A mere messenger-level figure enters the realm, so he doesn't need to worry about it...

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