Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 976 The savior descended from the sky

Tianjing Realm, endless forest.

Several figures were running for their lives in front of them. Everyone was covered in wounds and their clothes were soaked in blood.

The woman at the front was holding a five or six-year-old girl in her arms.

The girl was the only one who was not injured.

Suddenly, the woman's face turned pale, she staggered, and almost fell down.

Young Madam.

The man beside him hurriedly helped the woman up.

The woman spit out a mouthful of blood, but the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Seeing this scene, the man's expression darkened.


The young lady is obviously dying.

The woman seemed to be aware of something strange about herself. She pushed the girl in her arms toward the man and said urgently: Take Lian'er away. I can die, but she can't!

The girl named Lian'er didn't cry at all even after she was almost thrown down.

But now that he heard that the woman was going to send her away, tears suddenly flowed down uncontrollably.


Even so, she still didn't struggle at all and remained obediently motionless.

This scene made the woman even more sad. She suppressed her grief and said to the girl: Lian'er, remember, no matter what others say, your father is a great hero who stands upright.

Lian'er nodded her head sensibly and said in a childish voice with a hint of crying: Mom is also a great hero, a heroine.

The woman showed a gentle smile, then suddenly became sad and fiercely pushed the girl out of her hand.

You guys, leave quickly!

Several warriors around had a trace of compassion on their faces.

The woman was right. The child's father and her husband were indeed a great hero.

Unfortunately, traitors in the imperial court were in power, heroes were humiliated, and they were also hunted down.

How unfair fate is.

Corrupt officials and treacherous ministers who are fat and full of brains are changing cups and enjoying life.

The heroic family members who were loyal and courageous and served the country and the people were brutally tortured.

Ma'am, take care.

The man gritted his teeth, hugged Lian'er and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air exploded in the void.

King Wu.

Upon hearing this voice, everyone present turned pale.

Only King Wu can fly in the air.

When King Wu comes to this world, they will definitely die.

Let's go!

With a shrill roar from her mouth, the woman drew her sword and stood up, blocking the way between the King Wu and his daughter.

The man roared and prepared to take Lian'er to escape.




At this moment, more than a dozen figures flew out of the woods, all of them were at the ninth level of the Yuan Dan Realm, and surrounded them all.

There is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

At this moment, everyone who fled was desperate.


Thunder exploded.

A master appeared in front of them.

Seeing the master's face clearly, the man became furious and roared angrily: Du Antang, it's you? The General King once saved your family, and you...actually betrayed him?

Above the void, Du Antang, with his hands behind his back, smiled coldly: Fu Pocheng has great achievements, but he doesn't know how to restrain himself. He deserves this disaster. You and other reckless people have foolishly chosen to continue to follow him. It is simply not a pity to die.

In his words, he didn't take betrayal seriously at all.

The woman sent a message and said, Mr. Feng, stop talking. These people are helping the tyranny, and it's useless what you say! I'll cut a bloody path, and you lead the people out! I just hope you can protect Lian'er.

Just when the woman was about to activate the forbidden technique to fight for her life, there was a loud bang and a figure suddenly appeared.

Another Martial King!

Du Antang, you ungrateful fellow, I will kill you!

This King of Martial Arts used his killing move and directly faced Du Antang.

Mr. Feng's eyes lit up as he held the girl Lian'er in his arms: It's the Iron Spear King.

Danger reveals people's hearts.

The Iron Spear King was also a reckless man. Because of the ban on martial arts, he often had disputes with the General King.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who finally stood up to protect the family of the General King.


With the Iron Spear King blocking Du Antang, they still have a chance.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


A stream of light shot from a distance and directly penetrated the Iron Spear King's body, knocking him away heavily.

Jiejiejiejiejie... I wanted to lure that woman Fu Hongzhuang out, but I didn't expect to attract a small miscellaneous fish. Well, a small fish is also a fish. Our family accepted it with a smile.

Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Hong Qianqiu, the chief eunuch of the Liao Kingdom.

The third-level Martial King is also one of the three most powerful people in Liao Kingdom.

Seeing Hong Qianqiu appear and seriously injuring the Iron Spear King with one blow, the woman knew that there was no chance of survival. She couldn't help shouting sadly: Why, the court clearly knows that my husband will not rebel, and it is impossible for him to rebel...

Hong Qianqiu chuckled: Why? Our compassionate family, considering that you are all dying, will tell you the truth...

The matter is very simple. We, the Liao Kingdom, are ready to surrender to the Qianshan Sect! The elder of the Qianshan Sect personally said that he does not like Fu Pocheng. This is the reason. Now, are you satisfied?

A woman is struck by lightning.

Qianshan Sect!

His husband spent his whole life working hard to resist the vassal states under the Qianshan Sect.

Unexpectedly, the king who serves his country would actually join Qianshan Sect first?

For a moment, the woman was so sad that she collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, she was really heartbroken.

Kill them all!

Opposite me, Hong Qianqiu smiled sadly.

Du Antang swung his sword to kill the Iron Spear King.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky from far to near.


Hong Qianqiu looked up into the void. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank and he hurriedly ran away for his life.

He ran away, but Du Antang, who was only at the first-level Martial King realm, could not run away.

Before Du Antang could react, the stream of light had already hit him.


The majestic King of Martial Arts was smashed into a living pulp.

The dust was everywhere and became hazy. It took a while before it dispersed, revealing three figures, two large and one small.

There was deathly silence for dozens of feet around.

Everyone was stunned.

Du Antang was a master of martial arts, but he was actually beaten to death.

Who are these three experts?

Their cultivation...


No cultivation?

Still can't tell at all, they are just three ordinary people.

Hong Qianqiu's eyes rolled around as he ran away, and he turned around to get away from this dangerous place.

According to legend, the Endless Forest was the place where Lieshan Hao, the genius of the Lieshan clan, attained enlightenment in the past, and miraculous creatures would be born from time to time.

But no matter what the magic is, it is definitely not something that a little third-level Martial King like him can participate in.

It's better to leave quickly.


The void shook, and a ripple flashed through, pinning everyone to the void.

Even Hong Qianqiu, the third-level Martial King, was no exception.


Or the legendary Martial Ancestor?

The frightened Hong Qianqiu trembled and screamed: Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding. I am the eunuch of the Liao Kingdom under the Qianshan Sect. I have no intention of offending my senior...

The ones falling in the stream of light were naturally Han Yang and the others.

Han Yang said nothing, just nodded towards the female priest.

The female sacrifice understood this, stepped forward to Hong Qianqiu, and pointed at the center of Hong Qianqiu's eyebrows.

No matter how bad she is at martial arts, the female priest is still a seventh-level martial saint. It is extremely simple to search for the soul of a small third-level martial king.

After a moment, the female priest who opened her eyes respectfully replied: The Qianshan Sect this person mentioned is suspected to be a sect established by a branch of the Lieshan clan.

Then let's go to Qianshan Sect.

Han Yang's purpose is very simple, to find Lie Shankui herself, to see what her conspiracy is, and then to explore the origin and secret of the Shenbang organization.

Senior! Please make the decision for my Fu family!

At this moment, the woman and others who had escaped from death suddenly woke up from a dream. She suddenly stepped forward and knelt in front of Han Yang.

The female priest practices in Wuliang Mountain every day. Although her cultivation is high, she is not experienced in the world. It is the first time she encounters this situation and she doesn't know how to deal with it.

Moreover, she didn't know Han Yang's temperament, whether he would be chivalrous and righteous and meddle in worldly affairs...

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