Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1000: Sweetness in the Spring Pond

The Spring Conch is an earth spirit level treasure.

For others, this is an impenetrable barrier, but for Lu Yu and Ye Weilan, this place is completely undefended, as if they have returned to their own home.

"You...why are you here?"

Seeing the two people suddenly appearing in the cave space, Yang Chudie couldn't help but look stunned.

After all, they had just separated from each other not long ago, and she did not expect that the two of them would appear here at the same time so soon.

"We're here to see how your injury is recovering..."

Lu Yu said with an upright face.


Yang Chudie glanced sideways at him.

At this time, he was still holding Ye Weilan in his arms. The big pervert's hand was still pressing on the proud and full body, and his fingers were gently grabbing...

Chudie didn't dare to look anymore, her jade face glowed, she turned away and spat.

"Of course, I'll also stop by to adjust your breathing..."

Lu Yu smiled, stretched out his arm, and immediately took Yang Chudie over.

"What are you going to do? Don't mess around!"

"Xiaolan has plenty of energy. If you really want to, just let Xiaolan accompany you. What's the point of torturing me?"

"Now I have to seize the time to adjust my breath and recover, but I don't have time to accompany you on the tonic method... At most, I will provide a place for you, and I can go outside to adjust my breath myself, okay?"

With that said, Yang Chudie broke away from Lu Yu's arms and made a gesture to leave the cave space.

"Lan'er, stop her!"

Lu Yu couldn't stop her alone, so he asked Ye Weilan for help.

Ye Weilan was still hesitating, but Lu Yu immediately added: "If you want me to agree to what I just mentioned outside, help me quickly!"

Ye Weilan no longer hesitated at this time, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold Yang Chudie.

Chudie was angry and anxious: "Xiaolan, you...don't help others! What is going on? Even if he doesn't agree to it, I can still help!"

"Take off all her clothes first!"

Lu Yu ordered Ye Weilan.

Then he turned back and smiled evilly at Yang Chudie: "Do you think you can help with anything? There are some things you can't help with!"

Chudie's face turned red and she couldn't help but spit again.

"You should stop stubbornly resisting. We are also here to help you... Collecting and replenishing. The method of replenishing is not just about picking, but also about replenishing. This is something that benefits everyone..."

While speaking, with the combined efforts of Ye Weilan and Lu Yu, Chu Die was already naked, revealing her graceful curves.

Lust gradually spreads.

Chudie's eyes were hazy, as if they were about to overflow with water, but she still maintained a trace of consciousness and said worriedly: "Lu Yu, don't be like this... Yudie is still nearby, maybe let's forget it this time..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully, "Isn't it true that we can't have fun if she's nearby?"

Chudie blushed and said: "Jade Die's spiritual sense is very keen. If she notices that we are doing this kind of thing here, how can she raise her head in front of her in the future?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

The relationship between the two sisters is really strange. Can something like this involve a face issue?

But having said that, Chudie's face is really very tender, which is completely inconsistent with her usual image of wisdom, calmness and sophistication. Although this is not the first time that the three of them have practiced together, she is very happy every time. It’s hard to let go.

Ye Weilan was a little better. As long as she persisted, she couldn't bear to go against her will, but Yang Chudie had to work hard every time to make him finally get his wish.

Lu Yu was not in a hurry, and simply gave up his drastic actions and said, "Then let's talk together first, shall we? We haven't had the chance to talk alone for a long time..."

Yang Chudie hesitated for a moment and then did not continue to struggle, which was regarded as acquiescing to Lu Yu's request.

Lu Yu then said: "Can you change the appearance of this cave? There is no way for me to talk properly now."

Yang Chudie glanced at him: "What do you want to change it to?"

The Spring Conch is her natal magic weapon. The cave space here can indeed change the layout and style according to her wishes, but this process of change requires her strength. Now that she is injured, she does not have much power to use...

"Just make a small change..." Lu Yu said, "I walked for a long time in the sand and burrowed into the mud for a long time. Now my whole body feels very uncomfortable. Why don't we get a hot spring and let everyone take a dip together? "

So, at Lu Yu's request, it didn't take long for Yang Chudie to create a pool in the cave space.

The power of the ocean tide is already stored in the Spring Conch, so the water source is not a problem here at all. Before long, the water in the pool was full of water and the mist became dense.

Lu Yu was the first to get down into the pool. When he looked back, he saw two graceful and charming lines reflected in the white mist. The peaks were towering and the snow was as white as jade... All of this was as beautiful as a picture scroll, which made people laugh. Lu Yu's mouth felt dry for a while.

"Come down...don't you want to wash up?"

Lu Yu invited the two of them.

Women love beauty by nature. Although they can use their true energy to cleanse themselves on weekdays, these days have been full of disasters and their lives are so solid that they simply can't care about it.

Furthermore, how can purifying the true energy be as comfortable as taking a bath in a hot spring?

So the two women also went down into the pool.

"You are over there, we are over here, you are not allowed to come to our side!"

I don't know if it was due to the evaporation of water vapor or some other reason, but Yang Chudie's face became more and more rosy, and she looked charming.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "How can I wash myself clean by myself? How about we rub each other's backs..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pounced over and squeezed in between the two of them.


Chu Die cursed softly, but after all, there was nothing she could do to him, so they followed what he said and the three of them rubbed each other's backs.

Ye Weilan helped Lu Yu, and Lu Yu helped Yang Chudie. The three of them lined up in a straight line in the hot spring pool.

While Lu Yu was rubbing Chudie's smooth and delicate back, he was enjoying Ye Weilan's gentle service on his back. He felt that the time at this moment was extremely pleasant, like a god.

"When I return to Jade Butterfly Peak, I will definitely build a big pool so that we can soak together every day..." Lu Yu suddenly said with emotion.

Chu Die was about to refute him, but Lu Yu's next words made her break her guard instantly.

"I don't know if there is still such an opportunity..."

"Lu Yu..."

"Yu Lang..."

The two women called him at the same time.

But I don’t know how to say the next words.

Ye Weilan could sense that Lu Yu wanted to flee the world alone, and Yang Chudie didn't feel the same way, but she never said it out loud.

Lu Yu's eyes showed endless tenderness, and he said softly: "Sister-in-law, will you let me wash your front now?"

The sound of rushing water keeps stirring, and there is already a feeling of honey in the spring pool.

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