Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1001 Water Lotus In One Body

In the sound of water in the spring pond, the spirit and body are completely blended.

The cultivation levels between the three people were connected in a very strange way, and each other quickly recovered their strength.

After the true energy was restored, Lu Yu turned around and used the power of red lotus to heal Yang Chudie's injuries.

Under the strong power of the red lotus, thousands of lotus flowers bloomed. For a time, the red lotus danced wildly in the cave sky, and flowers were everywhere. It was almost impossible to recognize the original appearance of this place.

"Ah... so beautiful!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but let out a burst of admiration.

She herself was not injured, so when Lu Yu started to heal Yang Chudie, she left the Spring Conch and went outside to check the surrounding situation.

Unexpectedly, when she came back from her inspection, the entire cave space was already filled with red lotuses, and each lotus was still spinning. She couldn't help but be shocked by the sight in front of her.

Somehow, she seemed to be able to sense that the method Lu Yu used at this time was similar to the method he used last time to heal himself by the lake. They both used the power of water and red lotus to combine to achieve the goal. Rapid healing effect.

But the scene in front of him was even more shocking than the last time he was healed. I don’t know if it’s because Lu Yu’s cultivation has become more advanced, or because there is a huge power of ocean waves stored here, which is the source of water...

Ye Weilan suddenly had a feeling.

If this momentum continues, maybe one day the Spring Conch will be completely combined with Lu Yu's power. By then, the Spring Conch will no longer only have unparalleled destructive power, but also have powerful healing and recovery capabilities...

"How's the situation outside?"

Lu Yu poked his head out among the flowers and asked.

As he spoke, he waved his hands slowly.

As his gestures danced, the thousands of red lotuses in the cave sky also danced. After circling around in the cave sky space, they all submerged into his body, and at the same time, Yang Chudie's flawless body was revealed. .

"It's still the same outside, nothing unusual has been found... Has Sister Die's injury recovered?" Ye Weilan said.

Yang Chudie didn't say anything. She gently raised her hand, exerted a little force, and immediately manifested her natal golden elixir between her chest and abdomen.

The golden light was bright and shining, and countless golden particles in it were constantly rotating. Those golden particles represented the aggregation of countless laws and secrets... She proved her current state with actual actions.

"It looks like something is wrong..." Yang Chudie said with satisfaction.

Ye Weilan's eyes were full of splendor.

Isn't this just a big deal? In her opinion, Yang Chudie had reached an unprecedented peak state at this time.

"Don't you see how hard I have worked?"

Lu Yu said with a proud look on his face.

"However, you two are full of energy, but I am miserable... No wonder people say that there are only exhausted cows and no plowing of the land. The old saying is indeed true!"

With one sentence, the two girls Xiafei's cheeks immediately rose.

Yang Chudie gave him a hard look: "A dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!"

She turned her head, ignored Lu Yu, and asked Ye Weilan, "Have you seen the situation at Yudie? How is she recovering?"

Ye Weilan nodded and said: "I have seen it, there has been no movement on Sister Yudie's side, and it seems that she is still in the process of adjusting her breath... However, Master Lian Gu has recovered, and I want to bring it to him. Those poisonous insects also have a good healing effect. When I went to the ground to watch the wind just now, I happened to meet him..."

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but be startled.

It is reasonable that Jade Butterfly did not recover their vitality. After all, they recovered their vitality through special methods, and after Lu Yu used the power of red lotus to heal their wounds, they were able to recover so quickly. However, even Master Gu recovered so quickly. This was beyond their expectation. Could it be that those Gu insects were so magical?

Moreover, he also ran to the ground?

"Did he have any suspicious behavior?" Lu Yu asked.

Ye Weilan said: "That's not the case... I followed him silently and observed for a long time at first. I didn't find anything unusual, at least I didn't see him transmitting news to the outside world."

Lu Yu couldn't help but relax a little.

This further proves that there is no problem with Master Lian Gu.

It's not that he has a relationship with this two-hundred-year-old apprentice, it's just that the plan to capture Yue Xiujun alive is almost entirely based on his Gu insect method. If he has problems, it will undoubtedly affect his entire plan.

Lu Yu analyzed: "It's just because the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun is not over yet, so they can't explore this place for the time being. Once the ancient city completely collapses and Guoyun completely disintegrates, they will definitely launch a carpet-like search here. We There is not much time to stay here..."

"To be on the safe side, why don't I go over and see what's going on with Sister-in-law Yudie and see if I can help..."

Yang Chudie hesitated and said, "Why don't I go find her..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "You went to look for her with such a radiant face at this time. I think even if her injury is not healed, she will grit her teeth and insist that she is fine... Besides, if she really encounters any problems with her injury, I'm afraid you will also It’s hard to help her, so I’ll go over there!”

Yang Chudie had nothing to say for a moment.

Indeed, when it comes to treating injuries, Lu Yu has proven with his own actions that no one in the entire Dali Sword Sect can match him.

"By the way, while I'm helping my sister-in-law heal her wounds, there's another important thing that I need your help with..."

Lu Yu was about to reach the teleportation exit when he suddenly turned around and said.

"What's going on?" the two women asked in unison.

Lu Yu pointed toward the corner of the cave space: "Arrange these materials carefully, and they will be put to great use next!"

It turned out that the pile of materials Qin Yanzhen "gifted" to her when she was leaving was all put into the cave space by Lu Yu, and he never had time to process it.

Although Lu Yu has been complaining in his heart that Qin Yanzhen is stingy, to be honest, this pile of materials is already a very considerable wealth. In addition to the rare treasures that can be used to refine elixirs, there are many that even he can't call Named materials, some even rare forging materials... these all need to be screened by Yang Chudie.

After explaining this, Lu Yu casually stepped out of the cave space.

In the blink of an eye, darkness swallowed him up again.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, determined the direction, and then fled towards the position where Jade Butterfly was entrenched.

Not long after, he came to a huge pothole.

This is a much larger hole than the one Ye Weilan made before, almost able to accommodate a small mountain.

There are fireflies flickering in the potholes. It looks like the remaining traces of violence after violence...

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Ye Weilan calls this nothing.

However, from now on, it is indeed very quiet in the pit, and there is no sign of any loss of power.

Perhaps these remaining traces were left a long time ago, and when Ye Weilan came to check, she would definitely not have been able to find these traces if she had not entered the pothole.

I don’t know what Yudie’s situation is now…

Lu Yu was hesitating how to approach the past.

But at this moment, a bright cold light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and Die Shuangfei attacked him like lightning, slashing towards him.

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