Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1004 You are more professional

"Is this really necessary?" Master Lian Gu hesitated.

"Come on, come on!" Lu Yu urged.

So, Master Lian Gu opened his pocket.

The scene was filled with light.

Not long after, Lu Yu suddenly turned black and blue, his eyes turned white, and his orifices began to bleed.

Chudie and Ye Weilan's expressions changed at the same time, and they exclaimed in unison:

"Lu Yu, how are you?"

"Yu Lang, how could this happen..."

Even the cold Jade Butterfly on the side couldn't help but show a surprised look.

Even Master Gu himself was startled and quickly said, "I didn't do Gu worms don't have such power!"

"take it easy……"

Lu Yu then opened his eyes and smiled at everyone: "I did this myself, how about it? It looks pretty similar, right?"

Everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

Only then did they truly realize what the so-called "acting skills" really meant.

Chudie said: "I'm afraid that's not enough. Even if you can deceive everyone, I'm afraid they won't be completely relieved. After all, you were brought there by Master Lian Gu. If they can make up for you by then, What should I do if I impose a ban or simply stab you with a sword?"

"That's right..."

Lu Yu nodded, showing a thoughtful expression.

"So what do you think?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and slapped his body continuously. As his gestures rose and fell, worms appeared on his body, and then disappeared into the phantoms of red lotuses. , and eventually all disappeared into nothingness.

"Master Lian Gu, how about you try to impose a ban on me?" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Master Lian Gu looked confused, but he still followed Lu Yu's instructions and used a mysterious force to shoot towards Lu Yu.

Unexpectedly, just when his palm force came into contact with Lu Yu's body, there was a sudden flash of light, and a Gu worm emerged from Lu Yu's body, went up against the wind, and actually attached to the back of Master Lian Gu's hand.

Fortunately, he has been raising voodoos for many years and is well aware of the nature of these voodoos, so he can change his tactics in time to appease them. Otherwise, he is afraid that a big hole will be bitten through the back of his hand.

Even so, he couldn't help but be frightened by this sudden change and broke into a cold sweat.


Even Master Gu didn't know what to say. It was obviously the Gu he released himself, but he almost hurt himself. This was the first time he had encountered this situation in so many years.

Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan on the side also looked surprised. Even if it were them, they would not be able to avoid the incident just now.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I did some temporary tricks to rearrange and distribute these Gu insects, turning them into a protective mechanism for me..."

"If you sneak into Yue Xiujun's flagship and someone wants to imprison me again, just say that I have been controlled by an extremely domineering Gu. This Gu will regard the host's body as its own territory. , anyone else who wants to touch me again will be regarded as a provocation..."

"That's what it means anyway. You just made up the specific wording. You are more professional than me on this..."

Master Lian Gu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "No, you are more professional than me..."

"It's not like I haven't encountered the situation where the poison failed, but in such a short period of time, the poison was controlled by the other party. This is the first time I have encountered... Sir, are you sure that it has never happened before? Have you ever practiced the art of Gu?"

Lu Yu could only shrug helplessly.

In this way, Lu Yu's method of approaching Yue Xiujun has been determined.

Then they continued to discuss how to cover Master Lian Gu and take Lu Yu there to "acquire credit and reward."

If Master Lian Gu comes to visit like this with a half-dead Lu Yu, it will inevitably arouse layers of suspicion from the other party, so it is necessary to dispel the other party's doubts as much as possible.

To dispel the other party's doubts, the best way is undoubtedly for Chudie and the other three to play the role of pursuers behind them, demanding Lu Yu from Master Lian Gu while beating him violently.

This will not only dispel the other party's doubts, but also increase the urgency of the pursuit, leaving Yue Xiujun no time to think about it.

Just imagine, if Master Lian Gu brings Lu Yu to the floating battleship, and Chu Die and others raise their hands behind and use a top-notch Taoist technique like the Great Linglong Sword Technique, will the opponent still have time to hesitate?

Therefore, the more intense their pursuit is, the less suspicious the other party will be.

However, we cannot blindly pursue "intense". If we accidentally go too far, wouldn't it be a waste of effort? One must grasp the heat and proportion...

In a short while, several people had already discussed the specific details of this "pursuit battle". Every time node and every step of the move was calculated to be accurate.

"Now there is another question..."

Ye Weilan said: "What if there is an accident with Gu Zhenren's Panjin Gu King and it does not possess Yue Xiujun?"

For a moment, several people couldn't help but look towards Lu Yu.

After all, it was he who came up with the entire plan, and he was the backbone of everyone.

"If that's the case..."

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce look.

"I will look for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow! Even if I can't capture Yue Xiujun alive, it would be great to kill her and make the Jade Sea Immortal Sect temporarily leaderless! I just don't know who can compare Yue Xiujun's neck with Ming Wang Fa Zun Harder..."

As he spoke, dangerous flames kept dancing in his eyes.

At this time, everyone fully realized Lu Yu's firm determination. The matter had come to this, and there was no possibility of retreating.

The Spring Conch flew at low altitude for some distance.

Lu Yu suddenly took a deep breath and said: "Okay, let's do it here! Although there is still a certain distance from the target position, you might encounter the other party's spy at some point. In order to avoid accidents, the fun starts from Let’s start here!”

Everyone looked at each other.

Master Lian Gu stepped forward and said to Lu Yu: "Then... I am offended!"

Lu Yu smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work!"

This exchange between the two people is really weird. If you don't know the cause and effect, you will never know what the two people are going to do...

Master Lian Gu waved his palm, and Lu Yu fell down. A moment later, blood flowed out from the seven orifices.

Without any hesitation, Master Lian Gu grabbed Lu Yu by the back of his collar and dragged him out like an eagle catching a chicken.

In the blink of an eye, his body turned into a dazzling light, dragging his long tail and galloping towards the end of the sky...

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