Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1005: Door-to-door delivery

Flying at full speed, the escaping light inspired by Master Lian Gu was like a torch lit in the dark night, which was particularly dazzling in the gloomy world, and immediately attracted the attention of powerful figures from all sides.

"Madam Qi, there seems to be an enemy situation on the tail ship. There is a strong escaping light in the southeast. There are strong people in the Golden Core Realm rushing towards our fleet!"

On board the Golden Crow, Zhang Gechuan reported to Yue Xiujun.

At this time, the entire floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has been spread out into an arc-shaped formation. The formation stretches for hundreds of miles, like a huge snare, closely monitoring a large area, with the purpose of searching Traces of Lu Yu and others were found.


Yue Xiujun couldn't help but perked up after hearing this: "Who is the other party? Can you confirm his identity?"

Zhang Gechuan said: "It can't be done yet. The news from the tail ship is that the other party is escaping extremely fast, and there are more than one person..."

Yue Xiujun's eyes flashed: "Can you use the Sky Eye Formation to capture the opponent's movement trajectory?"

Zhang Gechuan said: "The celestial phenomena are complicated at this time. With the current distance, I am not sure that the Sky Eye Formation can successfully capture and locate the position. However, I have ordered the Sky Eye Formation to be activated. Now the formation is being prepared. The result should be known soon... …”

While talking, the two of them had already walked to the center area of ​​the deck.

Groups of Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples were surrounding them, busy and running rapidly, and the entire battleship was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

After a while, a floating light appeared in front of Yue Xiujun and Zhanggechuan, and what was displayed in the floating light was the scene of several escaping lights galloping.

Due to the celestial influence of the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun, the picture kept shaking and was extremely unstable, but it could still be seen from the aura fiercely stimulated by the escape light that the escape light was flying extremely fast and the opponent was quite powerful.

"This is... the Conch of Spring!"

After silently staring at the shaking screen for a moment, Yue Xiujun suddenly focused his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Spring Conch? Yang Chudie's earth spirit magic weapon?" Zhang Gechuan said in surprise.

He didn't question Yue Xiujun's judgment, but he didn't expect that his opponent, who had disappeared for so long, would suddenly reappear and collide directly with their fleet.

Yue Xiujun sneered: "I won't admit it. I am deeply impressed by this treasure of hers. I can still recognize it even if it turns into ashes..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and the scene in front of him fluctuated rapidly. Even if he was hundreds of miles away, he could feel the violence and chaos.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised at the same time.

Yue Xiujun suddenly turned his head and looked toward the southeastern sky. He saw a vast red light appearing in the distant sky, as if it was being burned by fire.

Obviously, a battle broke out in the distance.

And judging from the vision in the sky, the scale of this battle is still very grand.

Yue Xiujun looked stern and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on? Have our people already fought against them?"

Zhang Gechuan immediately confirmed the status of each warship through the signal flag, and replied after a moment: "It's not us, our people did not engage in confrontation with the other party..."

"They're not our people, what's going on?"

Yue Xiujun wondered, "This area of ​​hundreds of miles is the warning range of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect. There are no other forces staying around. Who else will suddenly take action?"

"Could it be that...they started fighting with themselves?" Zhang Gechuan said.

Yue Xiujun frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "No matter what, let's get closer and take a look first!"

Therefore, Zhang Gechuan immediately turned around and ordered to approach the direction where Dunguang appeared.

Not only the Golden Crow, but all the ships in the entire fleet surrounded the area where the enemy appeared.

After a while, Zhang Gechuan said again: "The Black Fox is close to the target. Using the detection device on the Black Fox, maybe we can get a clearer picture of the scene..."

Yue Xiujun nodded and said: "Connect to the Black Fox immediately!"

A bright light surged above the deck again.

After a while, a stable and clear picture appeared in the Sky Eye Array, and the situation in the distance was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

The green shell was blooming with gleaming brilliance. As expected, it was the earth spirit magic weapon of the Dali Sword Sect. When Lu Yu and others climbed to the top of Long Mountain and left, everyone had clearly seen this scene. .

In front of the green shell, there is a fast-moving escaping light. It seems that the two are not together, and they seem to be chasing...

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, wondering why the Earth Spirit Magical Treasure of the Dali Sword Sect was chasing an escaping light here. Who was hidden in this escaping light?

"Can you locate the person in front of you?" Yue Xiujun said.

Zhang Gechuan said: "I'll give it a try."

With that said, he took the initiative to step forward and personally controlled the Heavenly Eye Array in front of him.

The floating light suddenly stirred rapidly, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly. After a while, the focus was focused on the escaping light in front, clearly showing the figure in the escaping light.

"Lu Yu!"

"It's him!"

"This thief!"

Before they could figure out the identity of the person who controlled the Escape Light, people were the first to see the figure of Lu Yu, who was being carried by the mysterious man.

Everyone in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has already been deeply impressed by this person.

It was precisely because of his existence that the defeat of the Jinji Islands was caused, causing countless fellow teachers and brothers to sink into the sand. Everyone in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect now hates him to the bone and wishes they could crush him to pieces. Ash.

"This is how the same thing?"

"The dog thief named Lu was captured!"

"I didn't expect this bitch to be like this!"

"What kind of hero is this that does such a gratifying thing?"

When everyone recognized Lu Yu, they also saw his current situation and couldn't help but cheer.

"Who is this person? Does anyone recognize him?"

For a moment, Yue Xiujun did not recognize Master Lian Gu, so he asked the elders and deacons around him.

No one had time to reply.

However, in the picture, Master Lian Gu suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "May I ask if the flagship of Mrs. Zhong of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is in front of you? I am Master Lian Gu of Fenghua Mountain Loose Cultivator, and I have captured the life and death master of your Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Enemy Lu Yu, why don’t you hurry up and help us!”

As he spoke, he hurriedly adjusted his direction and flew towards the Black Fox, looking quite embarrassed.

It seemed that he not only recognized the Black Fox as Yue Xiujun's flagship, but also felt helpless at being frantically pursued.

However, at this moment, the Spring Conch in the rear suddenly launched a fierce offensive.

"Old thief! Where are you running! Do you think Jade Sea Immortal Sect can save you!"

Before he finished speaking, a winding golden thread suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The golden thread expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it grew into a ferocious golden dragon, sweeping towards the direction of the Black Fox.

It is the Great True Dragon Sword Technique, one of the thirty-six wonderful magic techniques!

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