Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1006 Please enter the urn

The body of the golden dragon twisted crazily between heaven and earth.

Everyone on the Black Fox was caught off guard by this sudden attack. Fortunately, the battleship's defense array had been automatically activated early, and the powerful power of the barrier blocked the fierce impact of the dragon's power.

Although the offensive of the Great True Dragon Sword Art failed to break through the Black Fox in one fell swoop, it forcefully pushed the entire ship several miles away.

In order to resist this sword attack, the Black Fox spent a lot of spiritual energy resources, and nearly one-third of the original resource reserves were consumed in an instant.

Seeing this horrific scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"What a great Jade Die!"

On the Golden Crow, Yue Xiujun, who saw all this through the Sky Eye Array, couldn't help but his pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a deep fear.

"As expected of a person who can withstand the attack of Ancestor Tiangang head-on, he is really powerful! I really don't know what those old guys in Wuya Immortal Pavilion have done over the years to cultivate such a freak!"

Zhang Gechuan said: "Madam, I remember...this person is indeed the real Master Lian Gu. He was also present at the previous wedding banquet."

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but return to Master Lian Gu again.

Perhaps because of the rat-throwing weapon, Master Yu Die's Great True Dragon Sword Technique did not hurt Master Lian Gu. The biggest effect of this sword technique was to isolate Master Lian Gu from the Black Fox.

After the Black Fox was pushed out for several miles, Master Lian Gu had no chance to land on the battleship, so he had to turn hastily and find another way to escape.

"This person has always been good at the art of voodoo. The voodoo technique is vicious and hard to guard against. I didn't expect that he captured Lu Yu this time. I think he took advantage of his unpreparedness and subdued the opponent with the voodoo technique..." Zhang Gechuan analyzed said.

Yue Xiujun said: "Command all ships to advance at full speed!"


The disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect on the deck were busy again. The ship bloomed with a lustrous light like flowing clouds and sailed towards Master Lian Gu at the fastest speed.

"They seem to be heading towards our position..."

Zhanggechuan silently paid attention to the course and then said: "According to the current speed, we will meet them in half a quarter of an hour at most!"

At this time, the Sky Eye Array still showed the scene of sisters Chudie and Yudie chasing Master Lian Gu. The twin sisters in the rear frequently launched attacks against Master Lian Gu in front. If Master Lian Gu had not used Lu Yu as a shield, the two sisters would have been killed. If he used the rat weapon, I'm afraid Lian Gu would have died countless times.

In this case, even Master Gu's situation is still in danger, and he doesn't know if he can survive another half-quarter of an hour.

"Everyone is ready to fight!" Yue Xiujun said in a deep voice.

At this time, Elder Pang, who originally belonged to Ice King Island, suddenly said: "Madam, we have a total of eight battleships, but the other party actually rushed directly towards the position of our flagship. This may not be too coincidental. Be careful. There is fraud in it!”

Yue Xiujun stared at the screen of the Sky Eye Array, thought for a moment, and said: "I remember when we were in Tianhuan Palace, in addition to the twin sisters, there was also a demon spirit woman who was also following Lu Yu. The demon spirit woman is now Where is it?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and they all used their eyesight to find traces of the demon spirit woman in the Eye of Heaven Array, but in the end they found nothing.

Zhang Gechuan said: "According to the information provided by Kunpeng Zhenren, the demon woman next to Lu Yu has a special technique that can possess shadows. Maybe she is possessing the body of one of the two sisters at this time. In the shadows.”

"Then is it possible that he is possessing Lu Yu?"

Yue Xiujun said: "Elder Pang is right, this matter must be guarded against...order the Hongguang main gun to charge and prepare immediately!"

Zhang Gechuan said in astonishment: "Madam, are you going to use the Hongguang main gun? But that Lu Yu..."

Yue Xiujun said: "Of course I know that Lu Yu cannot touch him for the time being. He must be left to explain to a powerful god outside the sky. I will not take the last resort unless it is absolutely necessary... But these twin sisters, and that The demon spirit can’t stay any longer!”

Zhang Gechuan nodded and immediately went to prepare the formation for the Hongguang main gun.

Now the Golden Crow had to move forward at full speed, activate the Sky Eye Array, and the defensive barrier also needed to be maintained. The manpower on the ship was seriously insufficient, and he had to do it himself again.

At this time, the fierce chase battle was still displayed on the screen of the Sky Eye Array.

The distance between the Yang sisters and Master Lian Gu was getting closer and closer. Master Lian Gu obviously felt a great threat. He turned around and shouted viciously: "Stop chasing me. If you continue to come closer, I will kill you." Just kill this guy!"

Yudie said: "If you kill him, you will be dead!"

Chudie also said: "Master Lian Gu, we don't care if you want to defect to the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. As long as you let Lu Yu go, we will spare you a way to live! Otherwise, even if you escape to the ends of the world, we will still break you to pieces." Thousands of corpses!”

Yudie sneered again and said: "Lu Yu is the most outstanding disciple of our Dali Sword Sect. You want him to be captured to make a pledge in exchange for the glory and wealth of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. This is indeed a good deal, but you don't want to Think carefully about whether you have the life to enjoy such glory and wealth!"

Master Lian Gu showed a hesitant look on his face.

Obviously, under the pressure of the two Yang sisters, his heart has been shaken.

At this moment, a dark and blurry outline suddenly appeared in the sky.

Master Lian Gu suddenly became energetic and laughed loudly: "It's not impossible to let this kid go. How about we go to the floating battleship over there to talk about it?"

After saying that, he once again exerted his remaining strength and hurried towards the blurry outline of the sky.

The Yang sisters immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and looked at each other. Then Chudie suddenly rose up and threw the Spring Conch with all her strength.



The power of the ocean gushed out, and waves surged between heaven and earth. The boundless waves instantly covered the entire sky.

In this way, it can not only isolate the floating battleships in the distance, but also trap the real person Lian Gu, and avoid accidentally injuring the coerced Lu Yu.

It can be seen that the Yang sisters were forced to have no choice, so they had to use this earth spirit magic weapon to perform the unique trick of suppressing the bottom of the box.

Seeing the boundless water suddenly spreading in front of them, everyone on board the Golden Crow couldn't help but be surprised.

Previously in Mingjian City, the fleet commanded by Xue Zhentao had experienced the power of the tide. Everyone on the Golden Crow had already heard of such an offensive, but they had not witnessed it with their own eyes.

Seeing this boundless surging wave, they realized that Mingjian City's defeat was not unjust.

"Madam, this..."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Yue Xiujun.

Yue Xiujun's eyes were stern, and with a slight tap of his foot, his graceful figure flew into the air, and personally landed at the front of the ship, pressing firmly on the bow.

"Keep heading and keep going!"

So, the Golden Crow sailed straight into the ocean tide.

Even though the waves were monstrous and the ship was bumping up and down, under Yue Xiujun's pressure, the ship remained steady and did not capsize.

A moment later, the Golden Crow had crossed to the center of the wave, and happened to see Master Lian Gu being swept back by the water.

At this time, Master Lian Gu had lost the ability to move, and his body was completely rising and falling with the waves, but his hand was still firmly holding Lu Yu's back collar.

Behind Master Lian Gu, amid the shocking water momentum, the jade butterfly had already arrived on the waves, and was about to snatch the two of them away.

"Stop her!"

Yue Xiujun waved his hand.

Suddenly, several rays of light ejected from the safe passage on the Golden Crow. These people were all elders of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and there were as many as five or six in number.

Originally, Yudie was able to rescue Lu Yu, but she had to face the enemy's hand-to-hand combat, and the two sides quickly fought together.

The Golden Crow then slowly approached...

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