Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1007 Surprise

Seeing the Golden Crow approaching, Master Lian Gu was like a drowning man seeing the last straw, and desperately called for help from the Golden Crow.

It's a pity that after such a long pursuit, he was already at the end of his strength. At this time, he was wrapped in heavy waves controlled by Yang Chudie and could not control his body at all. He could only extend his hand to the Golden Crow in vain.

"Pull him up!" Yue Xiujun ordered.

As a result, the disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect on the Golden Crow threw ropes towards Master Lian Gu.

Even Master Gu was surrounded by huge waves, and the Golden Crow was bumping up and down. It was not easy to throw the rope accurately. After the Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples tried more than ten times in a row, they finally succeeded and threw the rope over. The other end of the rope was delivered to Master Lian Gu's hands.

Everyone worked together to pull up the rope, and saw that Master Lian Gu was about to be rescued aboard the Golden Crow.

But at this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.

Demonic woman!

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't even notice which direction the demonic woman was lurking from. As soon as they met, they saw ten giant dragon tail fins swinging wildly on her back, and she was moving towards Master Lian Gu on the rope at an incredible speed. Rush away.

As the distance got closer and closer, a layer of fire phoenix shadow appeared around the demon spirit woman's body. The heavy water around her not only failed to extinguish the flames, but made the fire phoenix shadow even brighter.

Even standing on the deck of the ship, protected by the Golden Crow's defensive barrier, everyone still felt a huge pressure involuntarily.

If this momentum continues, Master Lian Gu will not even have time to board the ship before he will be stopped one step ahead by this "Fire Phoenix" that passes through the water and skims the waves.

At the critical moment, Yue Xiujun took action!

It wasn't until this moment, when she saw Ye Weilan launching a fatal blow without reservation, that her doubts finally disappeared.

The Spring Conch, the Dragon Clan's treasure, the exquisite sword skills of Jade Butterfly, and the strange movement skills of the demon woman... It can be said that the opponent has put all the trump cards on the table at this time, and Yue Xiujun no longer has to worry about the opponent's secret tricks. Have a backup plan.

An afterimage shot out from the bow of the Golden Crow, and instantly flew into the huge waves, facing the rushing fire phoenix shadow.

Suddenly, two figures of Yue Xiujun appeared on the bow of the Golden Crow and in the huge waves at the same time, and it seemed that these two figures were real!

Yue Xiujun slapped it with one palm!

Huge power surged out, forcing the surrounding water out, forming a vacuum zone.


The palm force met the fire phoenix shadow head-on, causing violent vibrations.

The sea tides all over the sky turned into broken rain, falling one after another.

Yue Xiujun successfully blocked Ye Weilan's offensive!

After succeeding in one blow, Yue Xiujun did not continue to pursue.

The floating fleet was about to complete the encirclement. For her, the three people in front of her had already spread their wings and could not escape. She had enough means to finally surrender them. There was no need to rush and risk her own life.

Besides, the demon spirit woman in front of her is wearing a dragon treasure. With the help of the surrounding water, her escape speed is almost unstoppable. It is not easy to kill the opponent immediately.

So, Yue Xiujun turned around and retreated to the bow of the ship. The two figures merged into one and overlapped.

She immediately walked to the side of the ship.

After the fight just now, Master Lian Gu has been pulled back to the deck. Also brought back was Lu Yu, who was grabbed by the collar by Master Lian Gu. At this time, the two of them were soaked, like two dead bodies. Lying on the deck like a fish, surrounded by people.


Suddenly a scream came.

It turned out that an elder from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect came forward to check Lu Yu's condition. Unexpectedly, a Gu worm emerged from Lu Yu's body and bit the elder on the back of his hand.

Everything was exactly the same as before in the preview.


"It's a scam!"

"This bitch is actually pretending to be dead?"

Everyone was prepared to prepare as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Yue Xiujun pushed aside the crowd and stepped forward, with a cold light in her eyes, and asked: "What's going on?"

"There's something weird about this kid!"

The injured elder raised his hand and saw a deep wound on the back of his hand.

Just as Yue Xiujun was checking the wound, Master Lian Gu slowly sat up straight from the ground and said with a weak look: "It's all my fault for not reminding everyone in time..."

"This man's strength is not trivial. Although I subdued him when he was not prepared, I did not dare to take advantage of him in the slightest, so I planted the most overbearing poison I have on him - the Guan You Trapped Heart Gu. Anyone who touches it rashly will be poisoned by the poison..."

"This is all my mistake. There is an antidote here, which may relieve the pain of this Taoist brother..."

With that said, Master Lian Gu handed over a pack of potions.

The injured elder took the potion and opened it carefully. He saw a pile of black powder inside, and he didn't know what the specific ingredients were.

The injured elder doubtfully poured black powder on the wound. Immediately, the bone-deep wound recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it became scabbed and smooth as before.

Everyone couldn't help but marveled.

Even Master Gu himself was filled with consternation. In fact, he had no antidote. Even this "Secret Nether Heart Gu" was just made up by him casually. The black powder was actually kneaded by Lu Yu with a pill. It was formed after being broken into pieces. I didn't expect it to have such a powerful effect.

At this time, everyone was finally no longer suspicious.

This Master Lian Gu has such profound virtues, no wonder the dog thief named Lu fell into his hands.

Yue Xiujun looked at Lu Yu, who was unconscious like a dead dog, and said, "Can you wake him up?"

Master Lian Gu smiled and said: "I know that this person is a serious problem for you, and I also know that all forces are hunting this person now... I worked hard and risked being almost beaten by those three crazy women. At the risk of death, should you give me some compensation for taking this person here?"

"Be bold!"

The disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect couldn't help but angrily said: "If our leader's wife hadn't put herself in danger, you would have died a long time ago. You still have the nerve to make demands of us here..."

Yue Xiujun waved his hand to stop his disciple from continuing. He turned back to look at Master Lian Gu and said with a smile: "What kind of compensation do you want?"

Master Lian Gu sneered and said: "I am actually very measured. This time I risked my life just to seek wealth... I have long heard that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is extremely rich, and Mrs. Zhong is even more generous. If you think about it, you will definitely not treat someone like me who has worked so hard to do his best. It’s up to Mrs. Zhong to decide what kind of compensation you want!”

Yue Xiujun said: "It's easy to say, since you are happy, then I must be more happy than you! I, Yue Xiujun, promise here today that I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward, and you will always win the friendship of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect..."

"As for now, let's unlock the restrictions on this person first. I have a few questions to ask him..."

Master Lian Gu nodded: "In this case, we will take back the Gu worms on his body... But Mrs. Zhong also knows very well about this person's abilities. This is a guy who can kill the strong Tiangang realm. Once I It’s hard to say whether we can control him again after removing the poison!”

Yue Xiujun said confidently: "Don't worry, just remove the restrictions on him. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen!"

As she said that, she took a few steps forward and stood at the front.

Master Lian Gu shouted: "The breeze breaks the snow platform, and the cold plum blossoms come with a faint fragrance!" Then a golden light flew out from Lu Yu's body and fell on his hand.

Everyone only thought that what he was chanting was a spell to summon Gu insects, and they did not expect that this was the secret code he and Lu Yu had agreed on long ago.

The next moment, Lu Yu woke up leisurely.

Yue Xiujun smiled coldly, put his hand on Lu Yu's pulse gate, and was about to prepare for interrogation.

But at this moment, a wave of tiredness came over her, making her feel dizzy.

After a brief dizziness, when she opened her eyes again, the Feihong Sword was already on her neck.

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