Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1008 The ancestors of all heavens return to their thrones

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

No one expected that Lu Yu, who was still sick a second ago, would suddenly burst into flames and restrain Yue Xiujun.

After a moment of silence, everyone became furious.

"Be bold!"

"Dog thief!"

"You're looking for death!"

"Hurry up and let go of our head's wife!"

Lu Yu gently sheathed the long sword and cut a faint blood mark on Yue Xiujun's neck.

"Everyone, please step aside!"

This threat was direct and effective, and instantly silenced all the Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples.

The injured elder stared at Master Lian Gu with suppressed anger and said in a low voice: "Master Lian Gu! How brave are you? You, a small casual cultivator in Fenghua Mountain, dare to plot against us. Mrs. Men, don’t you want to live anymore?”

Master Lian Gu did not speak, but silently retreated to Lu Yu's side. He proved his position with practical actions.

The injured elder was furious, but helpless, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

Lu Yu tightened the Feihong Sword in his hand, and red blood suddenly flowed from Yue Xiujun's snow-white neck.

He looked directly into the eyes of the injured elder and said: "Aren't you going to retreat? Do you think my sword is not sharp enough? I wonder who the neck of your head's wife is compared to the Ming King His Holiness." Harder?"

At this time, everyone finally dared not ignore Lu Yu's threat.

The injured elder waved his hand: "Everyone, stand back!"

Everyone immediately retreated in response.

Lu Yu grabbed Yue Xiujun's hair with one hand, put the Feihong Sword against her neck with the other, and then pouted at the many Jade Sea Immortal Sect elders who were fighting with Yudie outside: "There are still them, call them Stop it all! This battle is over!"

So, the injured elder shouted to Zhang Gechuan and others, asking them to stop their offensive.

Only then did everyone in the fierce battle realize that the base camp in the rear had been controlled by Lu Yu, and they didn't know how all this happened.

"Open the safe passage!"

Lu Yu once again threatened Yue Xiujun's life and issued an order.

Everyone had no choice but to do as they were told.

After the safe passage was opened, Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan all took the opportunity to land on the ship. Zhanggechuan and others also wanted to return to the ship, but were stopped by Lu Yu.

Under the circumstances, the balance of strength on the ship was immediately reversed, and Lu Yu and others had an absolute advantage.

"Lu Yu, what on earth do you want to do!"

Zhang Gechuan said with a gloomy face: "I advise you not to be impulsive. You are playing with fire, you know?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "It is true that we are playing with fire, but it is hard to say who will be burned by the fire in the end. Maybe everyone will die together, but it is not certain... Commander Zhang, do you want to come with us?" Let’s try playing together?”

Zhang Gechuan gritted his teeth and said, "Whatever conditions you have, just show them!"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Of course I have conditions, but you alone are not qualified to negotiate conditions with me... If you want Mrs. Zhong to survive, let a Tiangang ancestor come to talk to me! Otherwise I Just take your Madam Zhong and die together, with the majestic wife of the head of Yuhai Xianzong on your back, and we won’t lose anyway!”

Zhang Gechuan was shocked. He originally thought that Lu Yu and others were just trying to seize the ship and run away. Unexpectedly, they actually asked to see the ancestor of the Tiangang Realm. Is this guy really so confident?

However, carefully recalling Lu Yu's previous performance in Tianhuan Palace, it seems that he really has the capital to be confident...

Zhang Gechuan didn't know what to say for a moment, so he turned his head dully and started discussing with the other elders around him.

Lu Yu and others on the ship were not idle either. They drove all the remaining elders and deacons off the Golden Crow, leaving only the disciples below the true disciples. In this way, they further firmly grasped the control of the Golden Crow. In hand.

"You know? You just made a dead move..."

While they were busy, Yue Xiujun, who had Lu Yu holding his sword against his neck, suddenly spoke.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

In fact, ever since Master Lian Gu succeeded in his plot, as soon as he took over control of Yue Xiujun, he used the power of red lotus to ban him again.

The reason why he kept pressing his sword against Yue Xiujun's neck was just to increase the deterrent power to the surrounding Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples. In fact, he had already imposed multiple restrictions on Yue Xiujun's body.

Logically speaking, she should be completely unable to move, but he didn't expect that she could still speak at this time. This was beyond Lu Yu's expectation, and he was so frightened that he quickly checked the restrictions in Yue Xiujun's body again.

"Don't look at it. Your restriction is very strong. I can't break through it for the time being. Otherwise, I would not speak at this time. Instead, I will wait until all the restrictions in my body are broken before I give you a surprise!" Yue Xiujun said lightly.

In addition to the other party regaining consciousness, Lu Yu did not find any other problems.

The reason why the opponent was able to regain his mind was not because his restraint was not strong, but because the opponent's technique was too strange, both real and illusory, somewhere between reality and reality... Unless the opponent was really killed in one fell swoop, otherwise This is a completely unsolvable problem.

"I have never seen a person as powerful as you. Even my "Huan Zhenxin Technique" can completely suppress it. No wonder even the Ming King who came from the outer world will die in your hands. This time I really started. It’s a new horizon…”

Yue Xiujun said again.

"It's a pity that you can't escape death this time!"

Lu Yu put away the Feihong Sword and returned it to its sheath. Then he looked at her and said, "Madam, haven't you figured out the situation yet? It's already this time. Do you think you can still scare me with these words?"

Yue Xiujun said: "I'm not trying to scare you... Do you think that by using me as a hostage, you can force all parties to stop? You are so naive. It seems that you have no idea what you are facing now." situation!”

Lu Yu was startled. Seeing that the other party spoke so seriously, he couldn't help but become a little curious.

"Then Madam, why don't you tell me what the situation is like now?"

Yue Xiujun smiled faintly: "Do you think the people who want to kill you now are just from our Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion? What a big mistake!"

"I only need to tell you a piece of news, and you will know how serious this matter is... Since the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun, in these short two days, there have been dozens of earthquakes in the world, and the eight major sects have Among them, a total of twenty ancestors returned from Tiangang..."

"And these people are all here for you! The only difference lies in the specific way they want to kill you!"

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