Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1009 Dead End

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled when he heard Yue Xiuqing's words.

"Twenty Tiangang ancestors have arrived?"

He frowned, "Wouldn't this mean that all the nine heavens have been emptied? Do I actually have such a great reputation?"

Yue Xiujun said: "You may not have such a big reputation, but a certain powerful existence outside the sky does..."

"The identity of the Pluto Master you killed was extraordinary. The powerful existence outside the world was extremely angry about it. I don't know what methods he used to make the order of heaven in the nine heavens chaotic and the environment became very bad... "

"In short, all the Tiangang Realm experts above the Nine Heavens felt great pressure, and had to temporarily break away from the Nine Heavens, and all came to the mortal world..."

"Only after they deal with you and satisfy that powerful being, can they return to Jiutian again... So, now do you know how big your trouble is?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

He had known for a long time that Dazejie would definitely retaliate against him, but he did not expect that the other party's revenge would come so quickly and directly, and they would use their influence to make all the powerful Tiangang Realm experts become their helpers.

This situation was indeed very difficult, far beyond his original expectations.

Yue Xiujun continued: "In order to please that powerful being outside the world, I don't know what methods these Tiangang realm experts will use to torture you. If I were you, I would definitely find a place to hide quietly. Even if Even if you die, you won’t show up…”

"But you are so good, you actually asked to see the Tiangang Realm strong man, and planned to use me as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with the Tiangang Realm strong man... You are so naive, that's why I said you made a dead move! "

"If you know what's going on, you should let me go quickly and be at ease. At least I can guarantee that I will never expand this matter to involve your relatives, friends and confidantes..."

"Let you go?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Mrs. Zhong, your wishful thinking is too good, isn't it? You still want me to let you go under such circumstances, do you think I, Lu Yu, am scared?"

"So what if you are a strong Tiangang Realm? A strong Tiangang Realm is not invincible. The Ming King Dharma Master in Tianhuan Palace has proved this very well... If they want to use my life to please everyone, Zetianjun, it won’t be that easy, you have to pay a price!”

"I heard that the Yue family where Madam belongs has several Tiangang Realm ancestors still alive. I wonder if they have arrived this time. Why not ask them if they are willing to pay such a price?"

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

She never expected that Lu Yu could say such strong words when faced with the threat of all Tiangang Realm powerhouses.

If it had been anyone else, she would have immediately laughed at him for not overestimating his capabilities, but she was facing Lu Yu. Thinking about what he had done before, even she herself had fallen into his trap... Under such circumstances, She really couldn't say anything sarcastic.

"However, I would like to thank you for the latest information."

Lu Yu added: "Because of your latest information, I decided to temporarily change the original plan and try a new strategy."

Yue Xiujun said in shock: "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "You will know soon..."

Then, Lu Yu immediately called Chudie, Yudie, Ye Weilan and Master Lian Gu over.

The five people gathered together, and Lu Yu told everyone the latest news.

When they first heard the news, everyone was surprised, with solemn looks on their faces.

This situation is indeed not optimistic...

"Then what are you going to do next?" Yang Chudie asked.

Lu Yu did not speak, but looked at Master Lian Gu aside and said with a smile: "Master Lian Gu, how do you feel now? Do you already regret boarding my pirate ship? In fact, you still have a chance to get off the ship now. ?”

Master Lian Gu smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I was really shocked when I heard such news suddenly..."

"But then I thought about it, if I hadn't been by Master's side and I had been practicing in ancient times for nearly two hundred years, how could He De have stood on the opposite side of the ancestors of the heavens?"

"I have long been accustomed to living a mediocre life, relying on others. Now I just hope to be vigorous..."

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold! The difficulties Yuan Qiuzu faced at the beginning were probably no worse than mine. If he hadn't persevered and followed him unswervingly, he might not have been able to swallow up his luck in the end. , Across the Heavenly Road..."

"Although it seems that there are many crises at the moment, I believe that Master will turn the crisis into good luck and tide over the difficulties!"

"So, Master, there is no need to question my determination! I will definitely follow Master, even if I die, I will never regret it!"

It seems that Yuan Shiqiu's deeds of being able to shatter the void and soar into the sky really inspired him greatly.

Lu Yu said nothing more and said, "Okay, let's have a big fight next! Let's see if there is a chance to find a way out of a desperate situation!"

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