Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1010 Remote Jump

Lu Yu explained to everyone for a while.

Then, everyone began to gather all the disciples on the Golden Crow and ordered them all to get off the ship immediately.

In a short time, all the crew members on the Golden Crow were driven off. Only Lu Yu and others, as well as Yue Xiujun, a prisoner, were left on the huge ship, a total of six people.

Looking at this scene, Yue Xiujun was curious and asked: "What are you doing? Are you planning to strengthen the walls and clear the country to keep out the enemy?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Madam, why are you so anxious? If you are more patient, you will know soon..."

Yue Xiujun had no choice but to continue to silently observe every move of Lu Yu and others, filled with questions.

At this time, other ships from the floating fleet also rushed to the scene, surrounding the Golden Crow.

The disciples who were driven off the Golden Crow happened to be received by these floating battleships, and they all asked them about the situation on the Golden Crow.


On the Black Fox, an angry roar suddenly sounded.

Yue Zi Jing was seen walking over in a hurry, glaring at Zhang Gechuan and others who were discussing countermeasures.

After Lu Yu seized control of the Golden Crow, it became a temporary command flagship. Not only the captains of Zhanggechuan and Black Fox, but also the captains of other warships gathered here.

"What on earth do you dare to eat! Why did my aunt fall into the hands of a dog thief named Lu?"

Although he is not of high rank, his status in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is extremely respected, so he is not polite when speaking to everyone. Moreover, he has long been dissatisfied with Zhanggechuan.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

In the end, it was Xue Zhentao, the master of Jixian Island, who became the peacemaker and said:

"The wife of the head is in the enemy's hands. No one wants to see such a result. Zijing is concerned about the safety of the wife of the head, and his mood is understandable... However, it is meaningless to say this now. The top priority is to find a way to rescue the wife as soon as possible. come out……"

Yue Zijing, however, refused to give up: "Then have you come up with a solution? My aunt fell into the hands of that thief. It has been so long, why haven't you taken action?"

Zhang Gechuan patiently explained: "It's not that we are unwilling to take action, it's just that Lu Yu threatened the life of the head's wife. That guy is a complete lunatic. Even the Ming King His Holiness wants to be on the safe side, so how can we act rashly?"

"Just to be on the safe side?"

Yue Zijing sneered: "I think this is just an excuse for you to be timid and afraid of death..."

After a pause, he ignored the livid expressions of everyone, and said: "Lu Yu, this beast, clearly had the opportunity to kill my aunt, but he kept her alive. He must have some conspiracy. What conditions did he propose?"

Zhang Gechuan glanced at him, but still swallowed his anger and said: "He asked to see Patriarch Tiangang, and Patriarch Tiangang will talk to him!"

"Oh, what a loud tone! Does he think everyone else is not qualified?"

Yue Zijing said angrily: "I will go and meet him in person right now!"

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the Golden Crow.

"Zijing, don't be impulsive."

Xue Zhentao quickly stopped him and said: "At this time, on the Golden Crow, in addition to the Lu pirates, there are also the Yang sisters and the demon spirit women. They have experienced hundreds of battles and have the strength of one to ten. Even the master Lian Gu. I'm not like Yi Yu, so I'm afraid you won't get much benefit if you go there rashly!"

"We have already made contact with Wuya Immortal Pavilion. The two ancestors Xueyun and Changmei will be here soon. Why are you in a hurry..."

To put it bluntly, Xue Zhentao was actually worried that Yue Zi would cause trouble...

When he was in Zenith City before, it was not that Yue Zijing had no chance to confront Lu Yu head-on, but that time it ended in his failure.

Now, Lu Yu has taken advantage of the power of killing King Ming, and his majesty is even greater than ever. Even though the "Disillusionment Method" practiced by Yue Zijing is very sophisticated, what capital does he have to suppress the opponent?

However, Yue Zijing smiled coldly: "The two ancestors, Xueyun and Changmei, have just experienced a tragic defeat. They are just defeated generals. Do I want to put my aunt's life in their hands?"

"As for me...don't they want to interview Ancestor Tiangang? I went there to satisfy them!"

As he spoke, he raised his wrist high.

Three water-shaped white marks suddenly appeared on the back of his hand.

The shapes of the three water flows are as if they have substance and are crystal clear, giving people a sense of change and change.

As soon as they saw this mark, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"This is...the phantom mark of Patriarch Shanwen?"

Yue Zijing smiled faintly: "Yes, it was Patriarch Shanwen who returned not long ago. He attached the mark to my body, and he can use me to come to the Dharma body at any time... Now I am qualified to go and talk to the dog named Lu Did the thief talk?"

Everyone was stunned for a while.

They looked at each other for a while, not knowing who was taking the lead. Suddenly one person knelt down, and then the rest of the people followed him and knelt down one after another, shouting to worship:

"See Ancestor Shanwen!"

"Join the Ancestor Shanwen!"

The sound was connected.

Patriarch Shanwen is not only the Patriarch Shanwen of the Yue family, but also the Patriarch Shanwen of the Yuhai Immortal Sect.

Yue Zijing smiled softly and was about to pass the crowd and prepare to walk towards the Golden Crow.

But at this moment, a violent fluctuation suddenly came from the Golden Crow on the opposite side.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

"what happened?"

"It seems that the Golden Crow has activated the magic circle..."

"They're preparing for a long-range jump!"

"What! How is this possible!"

"All our people have left, how can they still activate the teleportation circle?"

"Just a few of them? Can they actually control our floating battleship?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Golden Crow suddenly activated the long-distance jumping teleportation circle and disappeared out of thin air.

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