Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1011 Route Planning

" do you control our floating battleship?"

On the Golden Crow, Yue Xiujun was also very shocked.

Each floating battleship is composed of tens of thousands of formation devices. It requires the concerted efforts of hundreds of Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples to control it. In particular, some of the key formations require corresponding authority and must be Only elders and above can control it...

But now, after Lu Yu and others drove away all the crew members, only a few people controlled the floating battleship, and successfully activated the long-distance jumping teleportation circle... This is simply an incredible thing. !

It was precisely because they drove away all the crew that other ships around them relaxed their vigilance. Yue Xiujun himself had never expected that Lu Yu and others would suddenly do this.

"Is there anything strange about this?"

After finally successfully activating the teleportation array, Lu Yu stepped down from the array device. He was the main operator of this long-distance jump. The authority to use the energy of the eye of the wind to perform long-distance jumps was precisely given by him. He obtained it.

"Madam, don't forget, this is not the first time I have boarded your floating battleship. Over the past few days, I have been thinking day and night about how to control your floating battleship..."

"In order to clarify this problem, I don't know how much brain power I have spent. Frankly speaking, I have only figured out the connection between the teleportation circle and the eye of the wind position. This is due to the fact that I just participated in an event not long ago. After following the ground-level installation at the eye of the storm, I gained some new insights, and then I figured out this problem by analogy... So this can’t be considered such a strange thing, right?”

"Otherwise, if I really understand every formation key of this floating battleship, maybe I can directly use the main gun to bombard other battleships. In that case, the scene will be even more spectacular!"

Lu Yu said with a smile.

Although he said it in an understatement, his words stirred up a storm in Yue Xiujun's heart.

Indeed, Lu Yu had captured the Golden Snake before. It was said that he had entered the central core inside the cabin and briefly observed the operation of the formation in the core area, which did not last more than a quarter of an hour.

Unexpectedly, in just a short period of time, he actually memorized all the operating rules, and continued to study them in the future, so that a situation like this happened before him. This is really incredible!

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be very curious. She didn't know what the structure of this guy's head was like. Why did he have such a huge calculation ability?

While they were talking, countless brilliant lights flashed before their eyes, like a dream.

This is exactly the strange scene in the transmission channel.

After a few breaths, the brilliant brilliance disappeared.

The Golden Crow jumped out of the real world again. At this time, the surrounding environment had completely changed. There was no longer the collapse of Wuyun or the collapse of the ancient city of Wuyun. Instead, there was the boundless sea.

They have arrived at a vast sea area.


Ye Weilan, who was on the side, looked at the positioning map manifested by light and shadow in front of him, and said with sincere joy: "We have entered more than 1,300 miles west of the Elo Sea, and the landing point is exactly the same!"

Yang Chudie was also very happy. Although she, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan had done similar simulations in the fantasy world in the past, simulations were different from actual combat. It was indeed very gratifying to succeed this time. .

Yudie looked surprised: "Crossing a distance of more than five thousand miles at once? Is this the so-called floating battleship?"

The floating battleship was only started to be built by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in the past ten years. It has only really appeared in the world in the past two years. Before Yudie disappeared, there was no news about the floating battleship at all, so she seemed extremely dissatisfied with this scene. Shock.

"It seems that the entire world of cultivation has indeed undergone many changes in the years since I have been away..."

As she sighed, she casually glanced at Lu Yu. On the surface, she was impressed by the magic of the floating battleship, but in fact, in her mind, the biggest variable in the entire world of cultivation was that this man had inexplicably become her brother-in-law. The guy...

"Don't be emotional yet!"

Lu Yu said to Yudie: "I have long heard that you are good at refining weapons. The shuttle boat you improved back then is still the fastest water vehicle. If you like this floating battleship, you will have more opportunities in the future. I'll give you some time to study it...but before that, is there any way you can cut off the positioning connection between the Golden Crow and other ships?"

The ships in the floating fleet can determine each other's position through the positioning array. If the connection is not cut off, even if they are five thousand miles apart at the moment, the other party can still clearly know their location.

While checking the positioning formation device, Yudie said: "I'll give it a try, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

"Hurry up! Otherwise, those followers from just now will catch up soon."

Lu Yu said, then looked back at Yue Xiujun: "It takes about a quarter of an hour for them to recharge their equipment before they can jump and catch up like us. Am I right? Madam Zhong?"

Yue Xiujun did not speak, but asked: "What on earth are you going to do? Are you planning to use the Golden Crow's long-distance jumping ability to escape directly back to the Dali Sword Sect Sword Sect?"

"This is impossible. This place is at least tens of thousands of miles away from the Dali Sword Sect. With the remaining resource reserves on the Golden Crow, it can complete four to five long-distance jumps at most. It is simply impossible to cross such a long distance!"

"Of course I know this..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "But who said we are going back to Dali Sword Sect? Can't we find a transfer station along the way to replenish resources?"

"Transit station?"

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be startled.

She really couldn't go out along the way, so where could she serve as a transfer station for Lu Yu's supplies?

"Okay, we have to start preparing for charging for the second jump, otherwise not only your followers will catch up with you later, but even the Tiangang ancestors will appear too!"

As he said that, Lu Yu winked at Chu Die and Ye Weilan who were standing aside.

The two people immediately understood, and in coordination with Lu Yu's movements, they controlled the surrounding formation devices and began to accumulate energy.

Even Master Gu also joined the team of cooperation. Although he practices the way of Gu and is not good at formations, he is a real person in the Golden Core Realm after all. His eyesight and insight are extraordinary. He can help fight by analogy. There's no problem in getting started.

Yue Xiujun's eyes were unblinking, carefully observing Lu Yu's every move.

The more she watched, the more she felt secretly frightened. The smooth and smooth operation of Lu Yu and others gave her an unreal feeling. She was afraid that the elders who were originally stationed on the floating battleship would not be as skilled as them.

Suddenly, Lu Yu's operation made her eyes freeze.

It was an operation of planning the battleship's route.

If she read it correctly, the final destination set by Lu Yu was the Daluo Holy Land.

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