Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1012 Ten Thousand Gus Eat

"nailed it!"

Jade Die shouted softly and took out her hand from the middle of several runic spiritual stones.

As she extracted them with her gestures, the runic spirit stones slowly cracked, their brilliance dimmed, and the formation device composed of them also lost its effectiveness.

Suddenly, several light spots originally displayed on the map disappeared instantly.

This means that they have lost the location information of other floating warships.

Similarly, the other party has also lost their location information.

The positioning array, which was encrypted using special techniques, was finally successfully dismantled by Yudie.

"Unfortunately, it's still too late..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said.

At this time, in an airspace not far from the Golden Crow, spiritual power suddenly fluctuated violently, and the light and shadow shook continuously. This meant that the nearby area had become a landing point for long-distance jumps, and soon a certain ship would The floating battleship spanned a distance of thousands of miles and appeared directly in that area.

"It will take some time to recharge before you can make the second long-distance jump." Ye Weilan said.

"It's too late... Yudie, come over here and help!" Lu Yu shouted.

Originally, Jade Die was a level higher than Lu Yu in terms of cultivation strength and status, but now when he was arousing her, his tone was extremely natural and there was no sense of disobedience.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was too tense, Yudie did not notice anything unusual and rushed over immediately. With her fingers flying and her hands and feet using both hands and feet, she also controlled the formation device and began to accumulate energy in preparation for her second jump. Prepare.

Soon, the Black Fox jumped out of the void and appeared within a few miles of the Golden Crow.

As the Black Fox appeared, as if some kind of silent horn had been blown, other floating battleships also jumped out one after another, surrounding the Golden Crow in a semicircular formation.

The dangerous atmosphere became tense instantly like a fully drawn bowstring.

This time was different from before. Previously, Lu Yu used to drive the crew to paralyze the opponent and complete the long-distance jump by surprise. This time the opponent will definitely do everything possible to prevent them from completing the jump again.

"Master Lian Gu, go delay it!"

At the critical moment, Lu Yu suddenly gave instructions again.

"Me?" Master Lian Gu couldn't help being surprised, "Master... what do you want me to do?"

Lu Yu glanced at Yue Xiujun on the side and smiled coldly: "Pull Mrs. Zhong to the stern of the boat, shout to the group of people behind, and don't allow anyone to act rashly. If anyone doesn't listen, I'll slap her in the face for the first time." He scratched the flower, gouged out her eyes the second time, and cut off her hands and feet the third time..."

"Anyway, it's just a matter of threatening people. You've lived two hundred years old. You don't want me to teach you these things, right?"

Yue Xiujun's eyes widened with anger and disbelief.

Master Lian Gu smiled bitterly. He had lived for two hundred years and had seen a lot of things in the world, but it was like this that he dragged the wife of the head of the family to threaten the whole family, especially when the other party was from one of the eight major sects. One, it was indeed the first time for him to do such a thing.

"Is it really okay to do this...?"

"It doesn't matter, you just need to let her breathe her last breath. As long as you can achieve your goal, you can do whatever you want, even if you take off her clothes, it doesn't matter!"

Yue Xiujun's eyes widened again, staring at Lu Yu as if he wanted to kill someone.

However, Lu Yu remained unmoved at all and continued to manipulate the formation device rapidly in his hands without even looking at her.

"Okay, then I'll go...Mrs. Zhong, I'm offended!"

With that said, Master Lian Gu dragged Yue Xiujun and walked towards the stern of the ship.

At this time, Yue Xiujun finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted angrily: "You Lu Yu, how dare you do this to me? If you can, kill me with one sword. I, Yue Xiujun, would rather die than suffer such an insult!"

"What a stupid thing to say!"

Lu Yu sneered, took the opportunity to pop out with a finger, and drove a red lotus power into Yue Xiujun's body.

Yue Xiujun felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body became exhausted.

"Now that you have fallen into my hands, how can you decide whether to live or die? Besides, you will be of great use to me in the future, so how can I let you die here?"

On the surface, this red lotus power further restrained Yue Xiujun, but in fact it was also a protective measure left on her.

He was still a little worried that Master Gu might lose his line at once and not be able to stop in time.

Before Master Lian Gu could lead Yue Xiujun to the stern of the boat, an angry roar came from behind.

"Lu Yu! Let my aunt go quickly, or I will let you die without a burial place!"

Yue Zijing stood on the side of the Black Fox, with a terrifyingly gloomy face, and quickly approached the Golden Crow.

"Everyone listen! No one is allowed to come closer, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to Mrs. Zhong!"

Master Lian Gu pinched Yue Xiujun's neck with one hand, and directly scratched Yue Xiujun's face with his nails with the other hand, and then displayed Yue Xiujun with blood on his face in front of everyone.

Yue Zijing never expected that an old man over sixty years old would show up with his aunt. The person he thought was the mastermind, Lu Yu, didn't even show his face.

"Are you Master Lian Gu? If you know what's going on, let my aunt go, otherwise I will wipe out Fenghua Mountain and slaughter all the disciples and grandchildren you left behind in Fenghua Mountain!" He said viciously.

Lian Gu Zhenren sneered: "You are the famous Master Yue, right? You do have the strength to make Fenghua Mountain barren, but I have changed my sect and worshipped Master Lu Yu. What you said has nothing to do with me..."

"I only care about one thing now, that is Master Lu Yu's order. He said that if you don't want to back off, let me do this..."

As he said that, Lian Gu Zhenren suddenly reached into the pocket in front of him and took out a handful of Gu worms from it.

Those Gu worms, like earthworms on drugs, twisted wildly between his fingers.

Yue Zijing couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows: "What are you going to do?"

Lian Gu Zhenren smiled lightly: "Master Yue, have you ever heard of Wan Gu eating the heart? In fact, Gu worms not only eat the heart, but also other parts of the human body. These little guys are also very happy to eat!"

As he said that, he loosened his five fingers and scattered the handful of Gu worms on Yue Xiujun's face.

Suddenly, the poisonous insects crawled all over the beautiful face, drilled into the wound that Lian Gu Zhenren had cut with his fingernails before, and then began to eat frantically.


Yue Xiujun screamed heartbreakingly.

In a short moment, the wound on her face had expanded rapidly, and even the white bones were exposed inside.

Yue Zijing's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared: "Stop! Let Lu Yu come out to see me! Didn't he want to see Tiangang Patriarch before? Now I have brought Tiangang Patriarch to talk to him!"

As he said, he showed Lian Gu Zhenren the flowing water mark on the back of his hand.

The moment he saw the mark, Lian Gu Zhenren inexplicably palpitated, but he still forced himself to calm down and said:

"Sorry, Master is very busy now and has no time to see you for the time being... But he has said everything he should say. If you don't want to see Mrs. Zhong suffer again, just step back!"

Yue Zijing was furious, and his face was uncertain.

Yue Xiujun gritted his teeth and shouted in a suppressed and low voice: "Zijing, don't worry about me... Order all the main guns to attack, don't let the surname Lu run away again!"

Yue Zijing was even more confused, his fists clenched tightly, and the three flowing marks on the back of his hands were clearly visible.

In fact, if he wanted to stop Lu Yu and others, he only needed to wave his hand lightly, why would he need to use all the main guns to attack? But he couldn't do it anyway...

"What? Does Mr. Yue really want to see Mrs. Zhong's beauty turn into dry bones?"

Lian Gu Zhenren opened his pocket again and took out another handful of Gu worms with a grim smile.

This became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Yue Zijing finally lost his temper and ordered: "Retreat, everyone retreat!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Jinwu started a long-range jump and disappeared from everyone's sight again.

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