Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1014 Divine Punishment Curse

"Is this true or false?"

Seeing the glowing token in Lu Yu's hand, Yudie couldn't help but said in surprise.

"What's real or fake?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and then threw the token in his hand towards her: "See for yourself!"

Jade Die reached out to catch it, and a powerful wave of spiritual energy suddenly surged in her hand.

At the same time, a slight dizziness suddenly came through my mind. It seemed that the glow on the token instantly magnified countless times. In the circles of halo, there were countless words and languages ​​hidden, which seemed to have magic power. generally.

The Holy Order of Daluo is not only a powerful magic weapon, but also contains many Taoist inheritance of Daluo Holy Land. Because of this, it has become a unique status symbol of the entire Daluo Holy Land.

"It's's true!"

The expression on Yudie's face couldn't help but become even more surprised.

"Did Yao Ji give this token to you when we parted?" Chudie couldn't help but ask.

She didn't know about the existence of Daluo Shengling before, but when she left Guoyun Ancient City, Lu Yu had some exchanges with Yao Ji. If Yao Ji really handed it over to him, it could only be at that time.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "I found out later that she had left this token on me for no reason..."

"So...this is indeed what she meant?" Chudie said in astonishment.

The token is true, but those words just now were definitely made up by Lu Yu himself.

Recalling the situation when they parted, Lu Yu himself couldn't tell what Yao Ji meant...

Did she take the wrong one in a hurry?

Or do you think that this token will be useless in the outer world anyway, so you just treat it as garbage and give it to yourself?

Or was she worried that she would die too soon and would not be able to continue to share the pressure of Osawa Tianjun for her, so she left this token to save her own life?

No matter what the specific reason was, Lu Yu had only one choice at this moment.

He shrugged and said: "No matter whether it is true or not, we can only treat it as such. Now there is only one interpretation!"

"Only in this way can we develop Daluo Holy Land into an ally, and only by returning to DaLi Sword Sect with our allies can we completely change our situation!"

"Understood!" Yudie nodded, "In this way, we are now following the orders of Fairy Yaoji to return to Daluo Holy Land to convey the fairy's last words, so that the entire Daluo Holy Land can help us fight against the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wu. Yaxian Pavilion!”

"Not bad!" Lu Yu sneered: "That witch has tricked me so badly, we just have to use her name to recover some interest this time!"

Chu Die said: "As the saying goes, tea cools when you leave... If Yao Ji is still alive, then everything is easy to say, but now that she has flown into the sky with Yuan Shiqiu, how much influence can she still retain? It’s hard to say, if we act in her name, we’ll probably encounter a lot of resistance..."

Lu Yu said: "Pull the tiger skin, pull the flag... Using Yao Ji's banner is actually just a cover. If you want to develop Daluo Holy Land into a truly reliable ally, just scaring them will not work. You must also Only by giving them tangible benefits..."

"So after we arrive at Daluo Holy Land, the first step is to find some people who can be won over, and first give them enough benefits to make them our firm supporters..."

"Yudie, I heard that you were very popular in the entire world of cultivation and became famous among the eight major sects. I wonder if there are any familiar candidates who can become our first targets?"

As he said that, Lu Yu suddenly looked at Yudie.

"Win over?" Yudie glanced at him: "What benefits can you afford?"

Lu Yu looked at the Spring Conch on Chu Die's waist again and said, "I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf. I plan to take out all the materials produced in Qincao Garden and help them refine it into the best quality for free. Pills...ha, these materials are genuine gifts from Fairy Yao Ji, we don’t even have to find excuses this time!”

Yudie said: "Those materials are indeed very precious, but with so many people in the entire Daluo Holy Land, are your materials enough?"

"Well, naturally those who come first eat the meat, and those who come later drink the soup. If they come a little later, they won't even be able to drink the soup..."

Lu Yu said: "But this is not a big problem. As the saying goes, a thousand gold buys horse bones. We only need to use this batch of materials to prove the prestige of Fairy Yao Ji and open up the situation..."

"As for the future benefits, once Daluo Holy Land gets on our chariot, future battles will naturally be inevitable, and we can plunder it from Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

"The key to the problem now is whether we can find such a group of people who came to 'eat meat' in advance!"

Yudie said: "I do know some real powerful people in Da Luo Holy Land. If nothing happens to them in these years, I can really try to contact them..."

With that said, several people began to discuss the personnel affairs within Daluo Holy Land.

Like the Dali Sword Sect, the Daluo Holy Land is divided into various holy altars, similar to the various peaks of the Dali Sword Sect. Some may be able to be won over, while others may require strong measures to convince the opponent...

In this regard, even Master Gu also expressed his own opinions.

He is two hundred years old and has already been a veteran in the world of cultivation. Although he has no direct contact with the major altar masters of the Daluo Holy Land, he has heard a lot of rumors. It is important to understand the internal situation of the Daluo Holy Land. It helps a lot.

"Why do you only discuss the real people in Daluo Holy Land?"

Ye Weilan, who had not participated in the discussion, suddenly spoke.

"If Mrs. Zhong's news is not wrong, the Tiangang Patriarchs must have arrived in Daluo Holy Land. Aren't they our biggest trouble?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled and looked towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu said with emotion: "Of course I know that Patriarch Tiangang is a thorn in our side that we can't get around, but no matter how strong Patriarch Tiangang is, he can't be stronger than Fairy Yao Ji, who is an extraterrestrial god!"

"If these ancestors are willing to obey Fairy Yaoji's will, then everything will be easy. If they are opposed, they will have to experience Fairy Yaoji's divine punishment spell!"

"God's Punishment Curse?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled softly: "I decided to improve the six-pointed star lock again, and say it is the divine punishment spell taught by Fairy Yao Ji. What do you think?"

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