Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1015 Battleship renamed

When Yue Xiujun regained consciousness again, he was awakened by the chirping of a group of seagulls.

There was an itchy feeling on her face. She reached out to touch it and found that her face was already covered with gauze. She suddenly remembered the terrible scene she had experienced before. She couldn't help being frightened and quickly untied her face. gauze on.

"Don't move!"

Suddenly a voice rang from the side: "I have worked so hard to apply the medicine for you. If your appearance is damaged because of your movements, then I will not be responsible!"

Yue Xiujun turned around and saw that it was Lu Yu who was speaking.

Although the person who tormented her before was Master Lian Gu, she knew that the real culprit was Lu Yu. At this time, the two of them were facing each other, and anger suddenly burst out from their chests. Yue Xiujun couldn't bear it anymore. He rushed towards Lu Yu suddenly.

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight you!"

But before she could touch Lu Yu, an invisible force suddenly came, and she was violently thrown away.

"You're excited, aren't you?"

Lu Yu turned around and stared at her with a half-smile.

"In order to stimulate the rapid recovery of the injury on your face, I released some of the restraints. If you do this again, then I will simply add a few more restraints to you and make you paralyzed on the ground motionless. You Do you want me to do this?"

Yue Xiujun was startled and calmed down instantly: "Can my face... still recover?"

"Of course! My medical skills are well-known in the Dali Sword Sect. If you don't believe me, you might as well go and ask." Lu Yu said, "But no matter how good the medical skills are, the patient must cooperate obediently. If he refuses to cooperate, he will be regarded as an immortal." I don’t dare to give you a guarantee!”

Yue Xiujun snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain, but he did not continue to act out of control.

She silently glanced around, and then realized that she and Lu Yu were the only two people left on the huge deck, and everyone else was missing.

The landscape outside the ship has also completely changed. It is already dusk. The floating warship is anchored in a completely unfamiliar sea area. There is a vibrant island not far away. Countless birds are flying around the island. Playing and foraging on the beach looks like a peaceful and peaceful scene.

"This is the Sihuang Island waters south of the Daluo Holy Land? Are we almost at the Daluo Holy Land?" Yue Xiujun said in surprise.


Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Lu Yu was even more surprised than she was. He suddenly came over and hugged her sideways.

"What are you going to do!"

Yue Xiujun was so frightened that her face turned pale and she immediately exclaimed.

But at this time, she was unable to resist at all, so she had no choice but to let Lu Yu do what he did.

Fortunately, Lu Yu didn't do anything drastic. He just switched his sight to the special field of view of the medical stars, carefully inspected Yue Xiujun from beginning to end, and then put her down.

"It's strange, the restriction has not been on earth do you know this?" Lu Yu said doubtfully.

"I know something!"

Yue Xiujun's face was full of shame and anger.

She was from the Yue family and was the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Her status was extremely respected and she had never been offended like this.

What's more, at that moment, Lu Yu's eyes were so strange that it actually made her feel like she had been stripped naked by him. This was a humiliation she had never experienced before.

"Didn't you overhear our conversation before? Then how did you know about the waters of Sihuang Island here?"

Lu Yu looked at her with sharp eyes.

Their previous conversation revealed a lot of secrets. If Yue Xiujun really overheard it, then she would have to be more careful in her future actions. At least she would not be allowed to leak the secrets at will and ruin the entire situation. A plan to win over Daluo Holy Land.


Yue Xiujun was furious: "I, Yue Xiujun, have always been upright and upright in my actions. How can I be the kind of sneaky person?"

"Hey, do you see that bird over there? The one with purple tail feathers..."

As he said that, Yue Xiujun suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed towards the beach not far away: "This kind of bird is called Purple Skylark. It is said that it has the same origin as the Skylark, which is a specialty of Daluo Holy Land. The two have a certain blood relationship, except that it The power of his bloodline is already extremely thin, far less powerful than Tian Luo Que..."

"This kind of bird is only distributed on some islands to the west of Stargazing Sea. Combined with when you manipulated the magic circle before, I clearly saw that you planned the end of the route to Daluo Holy Land. Based on these two points of judgment, I boldly I guess this is the area around Sihuang Island. Is there any problem with this?"

Yue Xiujun stared back at Lu Yu unceremoniously.


Lu Yu was slightly startled, "Well, she is indeed the wife of the head of the family. She is indeed knowledgeable and well-informed. This time, I am superficial..."

After saying that, he returned to his original position as if nothing had happened.

Yue Xiujun still didn't feel relieved and snorted heavily.

However, soon she couldn't help but be attracted by Lu Yu's actions.

"Are you making alchemy?"

I saw Lu Yu standing at the end of the deck, where Master Lian Gu put bugs on her face, setting up a huge alchemy furnace. At this time, the fire was burning blazingly, with countless white steam rising from the top. The valve steams out.

"Not bad." Lu Yu replied lightly.

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be surprised.

She had known for a long time that Lu Yu was a master of alchemy. He had previously made alchemy in the Dali Sword Sect, which had caused huge strange phenomena. Shang Hongyuan, the leader of the Wuwang Palace, even became more powerful in one fell swoop after taking the elixir he refined. Displaying the supreme meaning of "cutting the sun and moon with one sword"...

Even the disrespect in the two battles between Huiyue Bay and Jinji Islands was inseparable from the elixir he refined...

Now, he actually started refining elixirs on the Golden Crow. What kind of conspiracy was brewing?

"What kind of elixir are you making?" she asked pretending to be nonchalant.

However, Lu Yu saw through her at a glance and said with a smile, "Guess!"

"Could it be the legendary Shenglong Baoyuan Dan?" Yue Xiujun asked tentatively.


Lu Yu burst out laughing, "What kind of legend is this? It should have been conveyed to you by Master Kunpeng, right? I even told you the name of Shenglong Baoyuan Dan. It seems that he did reveal a lot of things within our Dali Sword Sect." secret……"

Yue Xiujun couldn't help feeling depressed.

Originally, she wanted to test the other party, but unexpectedly, she was tested by the other party in turn...

After thinking about it, she felt unwilling to do so, so she changed the subject: "How long will it take to refine this pot of elixir? Are we going to have to stay here in the next few days?"

If the Golden Crow was to stop here next, she would have to find a way to notify Zhanggechuan.

Although there were restrictions on her body and she could not send a message at all, there were many strange formation devices on this ship. As long as she quietly activated a certain formation device while Lu Yu was not paying attention, she might be able to send the message. Pass it on.

"Don't be impatient."

Lu Yu smiled slightly.

"Even if the warship moves, it will not affect my alchemy refining. This batch of elixirs is a meeting gift for Daluo Holy Land. I can't let people wait too long. By the time the warship arrives at Daluo Holy Land, I will probably be able to refine it. Done!”

Yue Xiujun said: "Then why are you still staying here and not setting sail? Where have the others gone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, at this moment, Master Lian Gu flew back to the ship in a flying light.

He was walking in a hurry, holding a roll of silk fabric in his hand, which looked quite familiar.

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be startled. This seemed to be the flag flying on the Golden Crow... What was he doing with the flag of the Golden Crow?

"Teacher, do you think this is okay?"

Master Lian Gu unfurled the flag in front of Lu Yu.

It was seen that the entire flag had been completely tampered with. Not only was the original pattern unrecognizable, but even the word "Golden Crow" had been replaced.

"Gao Yang?"

Yue Xiujun read out the brand new number on the flag and looked at Lu Yu with surprise: "What does this mean?"

"Okay, hang it up!"

Lu Yu first gave instructions to Master Lian Gu, and then turned to answer Yue Xiujun:

"Don't you know? Fairy Yaoji used to be the princess of Gaoyang... From now on, this battleship will be officially renamed 'Gaoyang'!"

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