Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1016 The relationship is so messy

Yue Xiujun was very angry about Lu Yu's unauthorized renaming of the Golden Crow.

However, she was under the roof, and now she was Lu Yu's prisoner. She couldn't even protect herself, so how could she be qualified to oppose him?

A little later, night began to fall, and Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan returned to the ship hand in hand.

Looking at the water stains on the two people's bodies, as well as the earth spirit treasure hanging on Yang Chudie's waist, it was emitting a faint light...

Yue Xiujun suddenly realized that these two people should have gone to replenish the power of this earth spirit magic weapon. No wonder Lu Yu stayed here for so long. It turned out that it was not just for refining elixirs and modifying the flag.

However, Yang Yudie never appeared.

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be very curious, wondering where this beautiful lady who had become famous decades ago had gone... In her opinion, among these people, if only based on their cultivation, there is no doubt that Yu Butterfly is the scariest one.

"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to go!"

Lu Yu suddenly knocked on the deck and said.

Then, Yudie's figure walked up from the bottom of the cabin. From the position where she appeared, it was not difficult to guess that she was staying in the core cabin at the bottom of the hull...

Only then did Yue Xiujun realize that Master Yudie had been staying inside the ship's hull, studying the structural secrets of the entire floating battleship.

Her heart couldn't help but thump. She had long heard that Master Yudie was good at refining weapons with ingenious mechanisms, and she didn't know how many secrets about floating battleships she had secretly learned.

Although Yudie appeared, her eyes seemed to have no focus and she looked absent-minded. It was obvious that her thoughts were still immersed in the various wonderful array devices in the core cabin at the bottom of the ship, and she had not yet looked back. God comes.

"Hey! Wake up!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yudie: "Can you do it? If you really can't, it's better for me to do it. Just help me light the fire!"

Yudie suddenly came back to her senses and glared at Lu Yu: "Are you addicted to recruiting disciples? Do you want to recruit me as a little Taoist boy to help you guard the alchemy furnace?"

With that said, she stepped forward and walked to the ship's power control area located in the center of the deck. She waved her hands repeatedly and started to control the ship's power system.

Only then did Yue Xiujun realize that what the two of them had said was actually to activate the floating battleship.

If she can really succeed, then in addition to Lu Yu, there will be another candidate who can take the helm of this floating battleship!

Seeing her series of smooth manipulations, Yue Xiujun couldn't help but feel confused for a moment.

It is still unknown how many secrets of the floating battleship Yudie has mastered, but it seems that at least she will have no problem controlling the movement of the floating battleship for the time being...

No wonder Lu Yu just said that the launch of the floating battleship would not affect his alchemy. At first, she thought that Lu Yu was powerful enough to be distracted by two things at the same time, but she didn't expect that Yu Die would be responsible for this part of the helm.

The floating battleship broke away from the sea and began to slowly climb...

Jade Die became more and more comfortable as she drove, and suddenly said: "How about I also try to activate the remote jump?"


Lu Yu was immediately startled and said quickly: "The remaining resources on this battleship are only enough for the last long-distance jump. Just in case, we will save this last opportunity for the most critical moment." Bar!"

"Besides, I'm still refining elixirs here. If the entire alchemy furnace enters the transmission channel at the same time, it's hard to say what will happen. By then, all my elixir furnaces may be in vain..."

"Just proceed step by step like this. In this way, we can arrive at the main altar of Daluo Holy Land early tomorrow morning. The time is just right!"

"Tch! Stingy!"

Yudie curled her lips disdainfully.

An unruly look flashed in her eyes.

Lu Yu could finally see that his sister-in-law had a very lively nature, and he didn't know that it was because she had been imprisoned for too long. She was now in a state of letting herself go, and she might do something outrageous at any time. …

"Keep an eye on her!"

Lu Yu whispered to Yang Chudie.

Yang Chudie nodded silently.

Unexpectedly, the little moves between the two of them were completely seen by Yudie, and she immediately asked: "What are you two talking about? Are you talking bad about me?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless. This girl had a wild temperament, but she was still quite self-aware...

"No, we are talking about alchemy. I am going to ask my aunt to help me!" Lu Yu said without changing his expression.

Yudie naturally didn't believe it, but since Lu Yu refused to admit it, there was nothing she could do.

He turned his eyes and glanced at the brand new flag fluttering in the wind on the mast, and said: "You really changed your name? The people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect must hate it even more now!"

As she spoke, she glanced at Yue Xiujun vaguely.

However, Yue Xiujun seemed not to hear, looking at the vast night outside the ship's side without any reaction.

Lu Yu said: "What do you call my own number? This is obviously the number of Fairy Yaoji, okay?"

"Gao Yang, Gao Yang..."

Yudie muttered it twice silently: "No! I remember you said before that the reincarnation of Yao Ji was originally the Princess of Gaoyang, and she married you as the Princess of Gaoyang. , that’s why I keep calling you ‘Lu Lang Lu Lang’… am I right, little Phoenix?”

Little Phoenix is ​​Yudie's name for Ye Weilan...


Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned.

She didn't expect Yudie to suddenly drop the topic on her. After being stunned for a while, she replied: "These are things before Yulang and I met. I don't know very well... but it seems so. Bar……"

"Tsk tsk!"

Yudie shook her head: "Looking at this posture, are you planning to come to find a bride as the uncle of Daluo Saint?"

"You are really brave. Aren't you afraid that the people from Daluo Holy Land will beat you to death?"


Lu Yu said: "So I have to prepare a big gift for them quickly, so as not to be beaten to death!"

After saying that, he rushed back to the alchemy furnace and began to concentrate on refining the elixir.

Yudie looked at her sister again: "Yang Chudie, this guy wants to run to be the uncle of Daluo Holy Land. What do you think about this?"

Chudie said expressionlessly: "What ideas can I have? As long as he can get this thing done, I will support him no matter what he does!"

Yue Xiujun listened to the conversation between the four of them, her brows almost knitted together.

What is going on?

It feels like the relationship between these people seems to be so messed up...

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