Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1017 Daluo Holy Land

There are thirty-six altars under the Daluo Holy Land.

What is different from the Dali Sword Sect is that the number of these altars in the Daluo Holy Land is fixed. The locations and names of the thirty-six altars have been determined since the founding of the sect. Change.

These are the rules set by the founder of the Daluo Holy Land. It is said that the Daluo Patriarch gained enlightenment by observing the stars in the heavens. According to his point of view, the nine heavens in today's world can only be called small heavens. In addition to the minor heavens, there are thirty-six major heavens, and the thirty-six altars correspond to the thirty-six major heavens.

Among the thirty-six major heavens, Daluo Heaven is the highest level, so the Patriarch of Daluo set his title and the name of his sect as "Daluo".

In the past, when Lu Yu read about the history of the Daluo Holy Land's founding sect, he always thought that these were just far-fetched and fabricated by the Daluo Patriarch. After seeing a scene in a mysterious painting, he had completely changed his mind.

There are indeed infinite mysteries hidden in the starry sky. Since he can see the words "Era" and "Reincarnation" in the floating light, maybe the Patriarch of Da Luo also saw the infinity in the starry sky. The mysteries of the world were revealed, and the secrets in the heavens were glimpsed.

Otherwise, how can we explain that the sect founded by Patriarch Da Luo on his own has been able to be passed down for such a long time?

The reason why Yao Ji's reincarnation became the Saint of Daluo may not be just an accident. There must be some reason to attract her to the Holy Land of Daluo.

"It's coming soon!"

Yudie's voice brought Lu Yu's thoughts back to reality.

The rest of the people couldn't help but cheer up.

"The Qinglong Altar is in front of you. Are you ready for your gift? Do you want me to stop and wait for you for a while? Don't let someone knock over your alchemy furnace then!" Yudie said.

Although they had discussed specific strategies before, to the Great Luo Holy Land, they were uninvited guests after all, and it was really difficult to predict what would happen.

Lu Yu glanced at the slowly extinguishing fire in front of him and said, "No need, just keep moving forward at a constant speed, the time is just right!"

It was already early in the morning, and a rising sun was slowly rising among the vast sea of ​​clouds. Under the light golden sunlight, a floating light and shadow was formed between the mountains in front. The intersection of light and shadow actually formed a giant dragon. The shape looks like a giant dragon entrenched on the earth, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

"Is this the Azure Dragon Altar?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "It is indeed a place full of spiritual energy! I don't think there is any place in our entire Dali Sword Sect where the spiritual energy is as rich as here!"

"This is all the result of Patriarch Da Luo..."

Yudie said: "In terms of the richness of the underground spiritual veins, Daluo Holy Land is not necessarily much better than our Dali Sword Sect. However, through the establishment of thirty-six holy altars, a naturally huge In the spirit-gathering array, the spiritual energy flows continuously and condenses without dispersing, and the efficiency of utilization is increased several times!"

"For thousands of years, many people in major sects have wanted to imitate the methods of Patriarch Da Luo and set up similar formations within their own sects. Including our Dali Sword Sect, there have also been many talented and splendid seniors. The people built large-scale construction projects to imitate..."

"But the results are all without exception. So far, no one has succeeded. Maybe someone can build a small-scale spirit-gathering array, but there is only one such large-scale spirit-gathering array in the world, and there is no other difference. Number."

Lu Yu glanced at her and asked: "It sounds like you have also conducted in-depth research on these altar formations in Daluo Holy Land?"

“It’s not really in-depth, it’s just that I’ve dabbled a little bit.”

Yudie replied, "Originally, I planned to set up a similar large array at Jade Butterfly Peak, but after trying it, I found that it didn't work at all... So I set up another large array instead, which is the Yin and Yang Sympathetic Array. "

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the Yin-Yang Cave inside the Jade Butterfly Peak was just an alternative plan at the beginning.

"Then based on your understanding of these altar formations, is there any way to quietly break through their formation defense lines and penetrate directly into the interior of Daluo Holy Land?" Lu Yu asked again.

Yudie gave him a strange look: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "Nothing to do, just asking casually..."

Yudie said: "The thirty-six altars in the Daluo Holy Land, in addition to forming a huge spirit gathering array, also make full use of the closed loop formed by the gathering of spiritual energy, connecting them to form a chain that spreads throughout the Daluo Holy Land. The defensive barrier, as long as any external entity with spiritual fluctuations invades, the alert mechanism of the defensive barrier will be triggered, thus being noticed by the nearby altar..."

"Unless you can turn yourself into a bird without any spiritual attributes, it is simply impossible to sneak in quietly..."

"However, this is all in the past. With the emergence of various new types of equipment and creations, this situation may have changed..."

"For example, the floating battleship we are driving now may have exceeded the defensive range of the altar array. Originally, I wanted to use its long-range jump to test whether it could go directly deep into the Daluo Holy Land. It’s internal, but it’s a pity that you don’t agree…”

Saying that, Yudie couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Lu Yu angrily, looking full of resentment.

"This... there will be many opportunities in the future, so let's forget it this time!" Lu Yu said.

Yudie turned her wonderful eyes, as if she suddenly remembered something: "This floating battleship was built by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Maybe Mrs. Zhong should know more details. I wonder if you included this at the beginning of your design. Is the altar array your imaginary enemy?"

As she spoke, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Yue Xiujun without blinking.

Yue Xiujun was slightly startled and said: "Master Yudie is asking me this question... Sorry, although I am the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the entire design and construction process of the floating battleship is led by the Ice King Island Master. , I was not involved, so I don’t know the specific details..."

“Would the dignified head’s wife not know this?”

Yudie sneered: "Are you really not clear, or are you pretending not to be clear?"

Yue Xiujun said calmly: "Whatever Master Yudie said it is, that's what it is!"

After saying that, he turned his back, looking like he didn't take the other person seriously at all.

But Yudie couldn't help laughing: "Does the Madam of the head want to deliberately anger me? If you don't say it, don't say it. I won't be angry... You are an important chess piece in our hands, and we won't. Let you die easily..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart while listening to the conversation between the two.

When he captured the Golden Snake, he asked Wang Kang, the steward on the Golden Snake, about the origin of the floating battleship. Unfortunately, Wang Kang couldn't tell him the reason. He just said that Lan Qianqiu, the owner of Ice King Island, stayed behind closed doors for many times. Now Yue Xiujun is saying the same thing. It seems that the origin of this floating battleship is really mysterious...

At this moment, the entire floating battleship suddenly shook violently.

Everyone couldn't help but look nervous.

Even Lu Yu thought he was under an unknown attack and quickly turned to look at the observation circle, trying to find out the source of the attack.

Chu Die said calmly: "This is the resistance caused by the altar formation. We have just officially entered the eastern portal of the Daluo Holy Land and the sphere of influence of the Qinglong Holy Altar!"

"That's right!"

Yudie was a bit gloating: "With such a violent shock, the feedback from their formation center must also be very shocking. At this moment, the entire Qinglong Holy Altar is probably in a state of panic!"

Lu Yu walked to the side of the ship and looked down.

I saw the light flowing between the mountains and the rolling clouds and mist, which had an indescribable eerie charm.

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