Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1019 Be confident

Previously, Lu Yu was refining elixirs at Wuwang Mountain and caused a huge phenomenon in the world, which attracted the attention of all parties. Many people rushed to Jade Butterfly Peak to attend his lectures at the "Alchemy Conference".

Therefore, his image is not completely unfamiliar to everyone, and many people recognize him.

"Lu Yu? What can Lu Yu do..."

Guo Yuan did not notice the Great Luo Holy Order in Lu Yu's hand at first, and was very puzzled by Xu Jinyang's reaction.

However, after he said these words, he suddenly discovered that Lu Yu's hand was surrounded by a colorful glow.

His expression suddenly changed: "Then... is it the Great Luo Holy Order?"

He thought he had seen it wrong, so he cast a questioning look at Xu Jinyang.

Xu Jinyang nodded with difficulty, with a puzzled look on his face, and his eyebrows were almost wrinkled.

"Stop the attack immediately!"

Guo Yuan ordered loudly.

You must know that the Holy Order of Daluo is the highest token of the Holy Land of Daluo. It is awarded by the main altar and is controlled by saints or saints of the past generations. It not only possesses powerful divine power, but also represents supreme authority. How could Lu Yu have it in his hands? This thing?

This matter is really strange. We must first figure out what is going on...

However, at this time, the Qinglongtan formation, led by thousands of people, has been activated. It can be said that the arrow is on the string and it is difficult to stop it. How can the two elders stop it with just one order?

In the center of the execution ground, Qinglong's head has risen high.

The dragon's big mouth suddenly opened, and an unparalleled powerful force surged out from it, spitting towards the floating battleship that was gradually approaching in the sky.

For a moment, the whole place was quiet.

Everyone's hearts were involuntarily suspended.

In many years, this is the first time that the Qinglongtan Formation has gathered the power of heaven and earth to launch an attack on external "invaders".

And this "invader" happens to be a famous floating battleship, which has always been known for its excellent defensive capabilities and is known as a mobile aerial fortress...

Everyone can't help but wonder, what will be the result of this collision?

However, the result surprised everyone.

I saw the huge power spit out from Qinglong's head turning into a torrent, instantly penetrating the floating battleship, as if it encountered no resistance, and blasted towards the distant sky behind the battleship.

What's even more weird is that after the entire floating battleship was penetrated by such a huge force, it turned out to be safe and sound, as if it was an incorporeal ghost and did not exist at all.

Ignore it!

The two completely ignore each other!

The Qinglongtan Formation ignored the floating battleship, and the floating battleship also ignored the Qinglongtan Formation, as if they knew each other, and after seeing each other, they were at peace with each other.

This scene made everyone stunned.

Guo Yuan and Xu Jinyang also looked at each other with shock and shock. They looked at each other and thought of a possibility...

Within the Daluo Holy Land, a long-standing legend has been circulating.

When Patriarch Da Luo ascended to immortality, he taught all his knowledge to his disciples. Only the last secret of Taoism related to the thirty-six major heavens, no disciple could understand it at all.

In desperation, the Patriarch of Daluo sealed this secret in a magical weapon. He left a message that this sealed secret was the cornerstone of all the inheritance of the entire Daluo Holy Land. He also ordered that this magical weapon should be used in the future. Leave it to the most outstanding disciples in the sect to take charge. This is the origin of the Great Luo Holy Order.

According to rumors, as long as the highest secret in the holy order is unlocked, the Patriarch Daluo will appear and bless him, allowing the holder of the order to be perfectly integrated into the thirty-six altar formations...

It is precisely because of this that the tradition of selecting a saint son and a saint for every generation in the Daluo Holy Land was born, with the purpose of unraveling the final inheritance left by the Daluo Patriarch.

It is a pity that over the years, there has never been any saint son or saint who can unlock the highest secret of the holy order. Gradually, this matter has been forgotten by people. Today, people only regard it as a illusory thing. s legend.

At this moment, the scene happening in front of them not only made Guo and Xu suddenly realize that maybe this long history is not just a legend...

Everyone on the floating battleship in the sky also looked surprised.

Originally, they were all ready to face the impact head-on, but they didn't expect that the seemingly massive offensive actually passed them directly.

"What on earth did you do?"

Yue Xiujun opened her mouth slightly and stared at Lu Yu who was standing on the bow of the boat.

Among everyone, no one was more shocked than her.

Since the battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, this battleship has been under her command. She clearly has all the information about this battleship. Although as the flagship of the entire fleet, this battleship does have unparalleled protection capabilities, but what happened just now That scene was definitely beyond its original capabilities.

Chudie, Yudie, Ye Weilan, and Master Lian Gu all looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu turned around and smiled bitterly at everyone: "If... I said I didn't do anything just now, would you believe it?"

"Believe me, you big-headed devil!"

The flying flowers on Jade Butterfly flashed and instantly rushed to Lu Yu's side.

"Well, Lu Yu! You have the nerve to ask me if there is any way to quietly break through the altar formation of Daluo Holy Land, but you didn't expect that you have a secret secret!"

"While he was saying that he would pass on all the battleship control skills to me, he was hiding his secrets from me... Yang Chudie, is this the man you chose? Not a single word in his mouth is true?"

"Tell me, how did you do that just now? Which array device specifically implemented the function? Tell me quickly!"

As she spoke, she pulled the skirt of Lu Yu's chest and kept shaking it.

At this time, she didn't look like a real person who was fighting for life and death at all, but rather like a young daughter-in-law who was playing tricks on her.

"I really didn't do anything!"

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

He looked at Yue Xiujun beside him, hesitated for a moment, and finally felt that there was no need to avoid her, and said: "If something was really done, it was Yao Ji who did it..."

"I took out this token to tell people that I was not convinced. On the contrary, the altar array seemed to be convinced."

"Is it because of this Great Luo Holy Order?"

Chudie also stepped forward, looked at the token surrounded by glow in Lu Yu's hand, and said in a daze, "What on earth is going on?"

"It seems that Yao Ji did some tricks on this token. I don't know exactly what happened..."

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said, "However, this is not important for now. Anyway, we seem to be more confident now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong feeling of frustration came from beneath his feet.

The floating battleship has stopped directly above the Qinglongtan Dharma Field.

A large group of elders and deacons harnessed the escaping light and surrounded them from all directions...

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