Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1020 Inside Story

The defensive barrier that comes with the floating battleship is like an invisible air wall, isolating many of the elders and deacons of Qinglong Tan from the ship.

If Lu Yu and others had not taken the initiative to open the safe passage, it would have been impossible to board the ship by relying on brute force.

Guo, Xu and others did not act rashly. They just hovered far outside the ship and said loudly: "May I ask if Her Royal Highness is on the ship?"

Lu Yu stood calmly on the ship and did not rush to answer the other party. Instead, he looked sideways at Chudie and Yudie, showing questioning eyes.

However, Yudie's thoughts were still immersed in the wonderful scene just now, and she didn't notice Lu Yu's eyes at all.

Chudie walked up to Lu Yu and whispered: "If I read correctly, these two real strong men should be the Jindan elders of Qinglong Altar. One is named Guo Yuan and the other is named Xu Jinyang..."

"It's really strange. There are only two Jindan elders in charge of such a large Qinglong Holy Altar. I think something must have happened in Daluo Holy Land. Maybe it is related to the return of Patriarch Tiangang..."

Lu Yu immediately knew what he was thinking, nodded slightly, and then walked to the side of the ship, facing Guo and Xu, and said: "Elder Guo, Elder Xu, Your Highness the Saint is not here. I have full authority here for the time being. Responsible."

Guo and Xu looked at each other, and Guo Yuan asked, "Are you Lu Yu from the Dali Sword Sect?"

Lu Yu said: "I didn't expect the two elders to know about me? Yes, it's me!"

Guo Yuan's eyes were sharp and he asked again: "Gao Yang is the title that our Holy Lady has used in the secular world. Since Her Holy Lady is not here, why should this floating battleship be branded under her banner? Moreover, not yet What are your intentions in driving here in such a sultry manner?”

"Besides, as a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, why do you bring the token of our Holy Lady? Where is our Holy Lady?"

His questions were fast and urgent, like a barrage of questions.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said unhurriedly: "Elder Guo asked me so many questions at once, which one do you want me to answer? Don't be anxious, I will answer you slowly one by one..."

"Since this ship is named Gao Yang, it is naturally because it belongs to Her Royal Highness the Saint. On the order of Her Highness the Saint, I captured this floating battleship and followed her instructions to drive the battleship back here... This is all the intention of Her Majesty the Saint, and I don’t have any bad intentions.”

"This Great Luo Holy Order was also given to me by Her Highness the Saint. As for Her Highness the Saint's whereabouts, that's what I want to explain to you this time..."

"Her Royal Highness the Saint has shattered the void in the ancient city of Guoyun and successfully soared into the sky!"


Everyone was surprised.

In the entire world of cultivation, no one has successfully ascended for hundreds of years, and no one has even survived the tribulation. Why did Her Majesty the Saint suddenly ascend?

Furthermore, transcending tribulations and ascending can only be triggered by the great achievement of Tiangang Realm. Her Royal Highness the Saint was only at the level of Returning to the Sea Realm before, and had not even achieved the status of a real person. Why did she suddenly reach the point of ascension?

"How can this be!"

Everyone feels incredible.

Xu Jinyang stared and said sternly: "Lu Yu, you are also an outstanding disciple of the Dali Sword Sect. Every move you make represents your sect. Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing! Do you have any proof for saying this? ?”


Lu Yu smiled: "The two elders must have heard about what happened in Guoyun Ancient City, right? This incident is the best evidence. It is precisely because Her Royal Highness the Saint is in Guoyun Ancient City. His ascension caused the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, which caused the ancient city of Guoyun to collapse and be destroyed..."

"I know that I am a man of few words, so I specially brought a few witnesses. They are not only highly cultivated, but also have personal experience of this matter. If they explain it, this matter should be more convincing, right? "

As he spoke, he waved, signaling Chudie, Yudie, and Master Lian Gu to stand over.

Even Yue Xiujun was pulled over by Lu Yu.

At this time, Yue Xiujun was completely confused, and she was extremely shocked. Although she had personally experienced the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun, and knew that everything that happened there was related to Qin Yanzhen, she did not expect the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun at all. The collapse was actually caused by the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

So much so that she forgot to refute Lu Yu for a while, and somehow helped him become a witness.

"Are you Zhenren Yudie?"

Xu Jinyang said in surprise.

Yue Xiujun's face was still wrapped with gauze, and Master Lian Gu was just a casual cultivator, so Xu Jinyang only recognized sisters Chudie and Yudie. However, Chudie had just become a real person not long ago, and his reputation was far inferior to that of Chudie. Jade butterfly.

Yudie chuckled and said: "I didn't expect that Elder Xu would still recognize me after I disappeared for so long... Yes, I am Yang Yudie. I would like to swear by my own golden elixir that the noble sect's saint Qin Yanzhen, He has indeed ascended to nine heavens in the ancient city of Guoyun!"

Guo Yuan and Xu Jinyang couldn't help but look at each other again.

As a well-known real person, Yudie's guarantee still carries a certain weight.

However, for the two elders, this matter was still too magical...

Guo Yuan couldn't help but murmur to himself: "But how is this possible? Her Royal Highness the Saint has only returned to the sea realm before. How can she cross two realms at once and fly directly to the sky?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course there is an inside story to this matter...Don't you know it all along? Her Royal Highness the Saint was originally the reincarnation of a god from outside the world. Her original name was Fairy Yao Ji!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

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