Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1022 Immortal Gift (Part 2)

If this scene was not done deliberately by Lu Yu, I am afraid that no one would believe it.

However, the dragon's form only remained in the void for a few breaths before it suddenly collapsed and transformed into the form of a rolling torrent again, constantly shuttling and circling among the true disciples.

Every time it passes by a disciple, the torrent of elixir decreases by one point, and then a hot and bright elixir condenses into shape in front of everyone, reflecting the gorgeous rays of light.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked again.

This Lu Yu is actually using the holding power of nearly a hundred true disciples to carry out the final step of shaping the elixir.

This is simply amazing!

This fully demonstrates how talented and bold Lu Yu is!

You must know that with so many true disciples present, no matter which step has a problem, it may lead to wasting all the efforts and falling short.

However, from the beginning to the end, Lu Yu's entire process of "giving pills with liquid" did not have any accidents. It can be said to be accurate and stable.

This kind of operation is amazing.

The original rolling torrent, after completing the entire process of "giving pills with liquid", has turned into a trickle. This "trickle" has once again coiled into the shape of a giant dragon, along the safe passage. , returned to the alchemy furnace along the original path.

Yue Xiujun on the side witnessed all this with his own eyes. Although he was shocked, he could not help but somewhat understand Lu Yu's intentions...

In fact, he had no idea how many people or what kind of people he would distribute to the batch of elixirs he had refined, so he had to use this method.

This operation of his was not just as simple as borrowing the power of a group of true disciples, it also had a "measurement" effect.

To put it bluntly, it’s just looking at what others are doing.

There are nearly a hundred true disciples, each of whom has different strengths. Depending on the strength they hold, the elixirs condensed into different shapes are also different.

In this way, the loss of the potency of the elixir is avoided, as well as the situation of overkill and overuse of materials.

It can be said that each of these nearly a hundred true disciples received an elixir that was "exclusively customized" for them.

After understanding this, Yue Xiujun felt more deeply how terrifying Lu Yu's alchemy skills were!

After a while, all the elixirs had absorbed their medicinal properties and were completely shaped.

The faces of all the true disciples showed incredible expressions.

They had never expected that they would participate in elixir refining in such a way, and the elixirs they refined were top-quality elixirs.

However, compared to this, what everyone around you is more concerned about at this moment is how effective these pills are...

"What kind of elixir is this?"

"It seems that I have never seen it before..."

"Nonsense, have you ever seen someone making elixirs like this before?"

"The spiritual energy of this pill is extremely pure. It seems to be a pill that improves your cultivation?"

"Brothers, please wait for a moment, let me try it first... If something bad happens to me, you will definitely avenge me!"

A group of true disciples were discussing.

Among the nearly one hundred true disciples, he was the bold one after all. He dared to be the first to try out the medicinal properties and effects of the elixir.

Hoo ho ho!

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew up, and the true disciple who was the first to try it directly ascended to the next level, causing a huge phenomenon in the world.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked!

Such an effect is too amazing, right?

Suddenly, the other true disciples around them could no longer hold back and swallowed the pills one after another. They didn't even bother to wait and see if there were any other side effects...

Hoo ho ho!

Hoo ho ho!

For a time, the breeze was blowing around the scene, and the whistling sound was endless.

In just a few breaths, there were more than ten true disciples who instantly rose to the next level, vying to trigger strange phenomena in the world.

And this is just the beginning, the phenomena of heaven and earth are still continuously generated and erupted...

Gradually, the surrounding spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to pour in here, and a vacuum zone of spiritual energy was formed around the true disciples. The entire formation of the Qinglong Holy Altar was seriously affected, and the light and shadow of the formation were strange. The ground twisted and trembled faintly.

This scene couldn't help but make the tens of thousands of Qinglongtan disciples around them stunned, and they were all dumbfounded.

Have they ever seen such a spectacular sight?

Even the two Jindan elders Guo and Xu looked inexplicably surprised. They had also never seen such a scene...

Everyone involuntarily showed jealous and envious eyes.

Especially those core disciples whose strength has reached the peak of the True Yuan realm and are only one step away from becoming a true disciple. They extremely regret that they did not work harder.

If they also become true disciples at this time, wouldn't they also be able to receive the "immortal gift" from Her Highness the Saint, thereby directly advancing to the first level? You know, for ordinary disciples, after entering the Returned Sea Realm, it will be extremely difficult to advance to the next level. If you miss the opportunity this time, it can be said to be a heavy loss...

Just when everyone was in mixed moods, Lu Yu suddenly spoke again:

"Everyone, these elixirs are made from materials provided by Her Highness the Saint Yao Ji. She has given other rewards to the true disciples and has not forgotten the other disciples... Next, please accept the elixirs from Her Highness Yao Ji. Give it a gift!”

After saying that, Lu Yu slapped Dan Lu again with his palm.

This time, the entire alchemy furnace was shot up and flew directly over the law field of the Qinglong Holy Altar.

All the alchemy liquid was poured out from the alchemy furnace, and once again gathered a rolling torrent!

There is even one!

Yue Xiujun, Guo Yuan, Xu Jinyang...including Yudie, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

How many pills are hidden in Lu Yu's furnace of pills?

Before everyone could figure it out, Lu Yu answered everyone with actions.

The elixir instantly dispersed and turned into a downpour, splashing down...

In the blink of an eye, the entire Qinglong altar has turned into a sea of ​​carnival...

I don’t know who started it first, but everyone started shouting:

"Long live Your Highness Yao Ji!"

"Long live Your Highness Yao Ji!"

"Long live Your Highness Yao Ji!"

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