Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1023 Hot Potato

"Before, we talked about what method can be used to break through the thirty-six holy altars of Daluo Holy Land... Look, now we have found a way, haven't we?"

Yu Die said with great emotion, looking at the crazy scene.

As the elixir liquid turned into raindrops and fell, pills were constantly condensed one by one.

These ordinary disciples did not hide it and immediately took the pills. As a result, just like the true disciples before, these ordinary disciples also broke through the realm of cultivation and caused strange phenomena on the spot.

For a time, the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy continued to pour in, and a huge spiritual energy vortex was formed with the entire law field as the center. The original Qinglong Holy Altar formation was almost about to collapse.

In this case, the floating warship driven by Lu Yu and others could indeed directly cross the Qinglong Holy Altar and continue to drive straight into the center of Daluo Holy Land.

"It's a pity that this method is a bit costly and cannot be copied at all..."

Lu Yu also said with emotion.

Although he said it very generously on the surface, in fact, this furnace of elixir has almost consumed all the materials left by Qin Yanzhen, such as the materials for replenishing spiritual energy.

These are all top-level treasures that have grown for tens of millions of years in the ancient ruins of the Queen Mother of the West. If they are converted into spiritual stones, this time at least consumes hundreds of millions of spiritual stones. If his unprecedented alchemy technique is converted, the value implied in it is simply immeasurable.

"Those much did you use?"

Chu Die couldn't help but ask Lu Yu in a low voice.

These materials were cleaned up by her and Ye Weilan. They are the essence condensed in the blessed land for tens of millions of years. She clearly knows how valuable these materials are, but she doesn't know how much Lu Yu used this time.

"Anyway, the spiritual energy has been used up!" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "But don't worry, the other rare and precious materials have not been touched..." The so-called "other rare and precious materials" naturally refer to those functional materials that can be used to refine Shenglong Dan, Guixi Dan, and blood circulation and healing. Compared with the current cultivation realm of Chudie and Yuezhe, spiritual energy resources are no longer the most urgently needed resources. Even for Lu Yu himself, the real difficulty that restricts his realm improvement is actually the understanding and integration of the profound Taoism. Of course, this does not mean that spiritual energy resources are no longer important. It's just that for Lu Yu and others at this time, obtaining spiritual energy resources is a relatively easy thing. The real difficulty is those things other than spiritual energy resources. Chudie nodded gently and said nothing more. Lu Yu took a step, walked out of the safe passage, and came to Guo and Xu. At this time, the two Jindan elders were still immersed in the shock of the scene around them, until Lu Yu came to them, they came back to their senses. The two looked at him with amazement, astonishment, confusion and deep curiosity... It was so complicated!

Lu Yu said: "The two elders may be curious about where I got so many pills. In fact, let me tell you straight. Before Her Highness the Saint ascended to heaven, she found a blessed land and cave in ancient times in the ancient city of Woyun..."

"According to her, that blessed land and cave is the legendary former residence of the Queen Mother of the West. It has bred countless rare and precious herbs and various materials, and it has been at least tens of millions of years..."

"Before leaving, Her Highness the Saint gave me all these rare and precious herbs and various materials. Now what I distribute to you brothers is just a drop in the bucket. For the elders of the Golden Core, Her Highness the Saint naturally has other expressions, but I can't arrange it in a hurry..."

"Now we have traveled thousands of miles and crossed the ocean to come here. We are already exhausted physically and mentally, so Lu has an unwelcome request. I would like to trouble the two elders to settle us down."

Guo and Xu looked at each other.

They had already been deeply shocked by Lu Yu's work, and now they heard him say that there was a treasure trove of materials in an ancient blessed land. It was impossible not to be tempted, but the two did not completely believe Lu Yu's words.

Guo Yuan asked, "What do you want us to do?"

Lu Yu said, "I just said that there are some inside stories about the ascension of Her Highness the Saint that need to be reported to the headquarters of the Daluo Holy Land. After thinking about it, it is not convenient for us to go to the headquarters now, so why not ask the people from the headquarters to come over! How to pass the message at this time, please take care of it, the two elders!"

"In addition, this Gaoyang also needs to arrange a docking place. Although it is not a big deal for us to hover here, it doesn't seem right to block the top of your Qinglong Temple..."

He did want to go directly to the headquarters of the Daluo Holy Land before, but this is a different time. Now that he has spent so much effort and consumed so many resources, and finally "sold" tens of thousands of disciples here, making it possible for this place to develop into his home ground, he naturally can't give up easily.

Guo Yuan thought about it. Such a big thing happened here. Even if Lu Yu didn't say it, they would definitely report it to the headquarters.

So he nodded and agreed, "This is our responsibility... Elder Xu, you should go to the main temple and explain the matter to the head master in person... As for the message, I'm afraid it won't be used for a while!"

As he spoke, Guo Yuan turned his head and looked at the nearly paralyzed holy altar formation.

Originally, there was a communication line in the Qinglong Holy Altar that could communicate directly with the main altar, but in this situation at this moment, the direct connection would definitely not work.

"Okay, I'll go over now!" Xu Jinyang responded.

As he spoke, he was about to set off.

Lu Yu said again: "Wait, there is another thing, I haven't finished yet..."

The two turned around at the same time and looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said in the direction of the ship: "Where is Madam Zhong? The gauze on your face should be untied, right?"

Yue Xiujun, who was standing on the ship, was stunned.

It was not until this moment that she deeply realized Lu Yu's sinister intentions. No wonder he had tried so hard to heal himself before...

However, before she could react more, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan had surrounded her on both sides at the same time.

"Madam Zhong, the gauze on your face can be untied." Yang Chudie said calmly.

While they were talking, Ye Weilan had already taken action and deftly untied the gauze on her face.

Lu Yu's healing skills were indeed not to be underestimated. The injuries on her face had recovered as before, without leaving a single scar... However, Yue Xiujun did not feel happy at all, but felt a chill all over her body.

"Is this... the Red Embroidered Lady? Madam Zhong, the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

Guo and Xu were both surprised.

As high-ranking figures of the eight major sects, they naturally knew Yue Xiujun.

"Lu, Lu Yu... What, what is going on?"

The two were startled by Yue Xiujun's sudden appearance, and they couldn't even speak properly.

"As you can see, what else can it be?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said.

"Mrs. Zhong is now our captive. Of course, this is the intention of Her Highness the Saint... So I think it is necessary to remind you that the people of Yuhai Xianzong may come to your door at any time, so you must be prepared!" Guo and Xu were dumbfounded and speechless. The two suddenly realized that this was actually the message that Lu Yu really wanted them to convey to the headquarters. This guy, what a vicious intention! He directly stuffed a hot potato into their hands...

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