Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1024 Horror

Da Luo Holy Land Main Altar.

In the Wanluo Hall, there is a room full of talents, all of whom are real people at the Golden Core level or above. The mainstays of the entire Daluo Holy Land are all gathered here.

Just when the Gao Yang entered the Qinglong Holy Altar, a heated discussion was going on here. This extremely critical matter even determined the future fate of the entire Daluo Holy Land.

In fact, through some special news channels, they had learned some details of the great changes in Tianhuan Palace, and knew that Qin Yanzhen was actually involved in this matter.

Because of this, this matter has become more complicated and some decisions have been very difficult for everyone.

"So, what do the ancestors mean by this matter?"

The master of the Xuanwu Altar frowned and asked, "Do they have a definite opinion?"

"The opinions among the several ancestors are not unified."

Great Elder Kunjia Zhenren replied.

He is the ruling elder in the general altar, and his status is extremely respected. His status in the entire Da Luo Holy Land is second only to that of the head master, Tao Jinran.

"Several ancestors are now using some special means to collect more information to determine the final response strategy..."

Although Master Kunjia's words were ambiguous, everyone who knew the inside story could hear the underlying meaning.

The so-called "collecting more information" actually refers to exploring the news about the ancestor of Yunxiao.

Under the pressure of the powerful Heavenly Lord from outside the territory, it was originally very easy for them to make a decision against the Dali Sword Sect. However, precisely because of the existence of the Yunxiao Ancestor with a mysterious whereabouts and a lifespan of three thousand years, it was difficult for them to make a decision against the Dali Sword Sect. They cannot make this decision lightly.

The pressure of Tianjun's power is certainly terrifying, but after all, he is far away from the territory. At most, he can hide back to the main world of the first level of heaven to avoid his sharp edge. But if he offends the Yunxiao ancestor who has lived for three thousand years, This ancestor lives in this world, but he can bring disaster to the entire sect at any time!

Of course, the real powerful people sitting here did not know what the three thousand-year-old Yunxiao Patriarch was capable of, but seeing that several Tiangang Patriarchs who had arrived were so nervous about him, they couldn't help but feel that There is a towering mountain pressing on top of the head.

"I mean, let's just fight!"

In the midst of silence, the master of the Suzaku Altar suddenly spoke. This person has always been a staunch fighter.

"This time, Lu Yu, a disciple of the Great Li Sword Sect, has offended the Heavenly Monarch and made everyone angry. Even if we don't take action, other sects will definitely take action. The Great Li Sword Sect is doomed to be destroyed, even if the ancestor of Yunxiao No matter how powerful he is, can he still fight against all the ancestors in the world on his own?"

"What's more, the saint is involved at this time. We definitely need to take action to prove our innocence... Even if we are not on the front line, we must put on a posture before talking, otherwise who will know the extraterrestrial king? Will a powerful person like him punish us? Even if he just moves his finger, we will be completely destroyed!"

After saying that, the Suzaku Altar Master looked at the being sitting at the highest point of the hall.

He is Tao Jinran, the master of the Daluo Holy Land, and he has absolute authority in the entire Daluo Holy Land.

Due to the special nature of the thirty-six altar array, Tao Jinran can be said to be the most powerful leader among the eight major sects. Even the returning Ancestor of Tiangang must respect his opinions to a certain extent. That's why this discussion meeting was held.

It was a pity that Tao Jinran, who was sitting at the top, still did not respond in the face of the fierce and aggressive gaze of the master of the Suzaku Altar.

The master of the Suzaku Altar could not help but frown.

This meeting was obviously convened by the real headmaster, but throughout the whole meeting, he never said a word and kept sitting at the highest position, as if waiting for something... What on earth is this? What means?

The Suzaku Altar Master was about to pierce the screen window and ask directly.

But at this moment, an elder who was responsible for guarding the main altar suddenly ran in in a panic and said loudly: "Everyone, according to the altar formation, there was an attack alarm at the Qinglong Holy Altar just now!"



"Under attack?"

Everyone could no longer sit still and stood up in shock.

The master of Qinglong Altar rushed directly to the guarding elder and asked anxiously: "What is going on?"

The guarding elder said: "It seems that it should be a floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, which directly broke through the defense line of the Qinglong Holy Altar. I can't tell what exactly happened. Now the altar is The formation is still evolving. If you want to figure out what is going on, you might as well follow me for a while..."

"Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

"Floating battleship?"

"Why are they coming to beat us?"

"Could it be that they took the wrong medicine?"

Everyone was astonished, and while talking, they moved out of Wanluo Hall. Even Tao Jinran finally left his seat, and this unprecedented and huge discussion meeting was interrupted.

After a while, everyone arrived at the central area of ​​the altar formation located in the center of the main altar.

Unexpectedly, as soon as everyone arrived here, they got the latest news. A deacon reported to the crowd:

"The Qinglong Holy Altar has completed the first wave of battle with the floating battleship, and the opponent did not suffer any damage. According to the news sent back from the Qinglong Holy Altar, the person controlling the battleship is not a member of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect at all. But Lu Yu, a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect..."


"It's actually Lu Yu?"

"How dare he come here?"

"Okay! He even took the initiative to deliver it to your door!"

Everyone was stunned, shocked and angry.

The Master of Qinglong Altar noticed one of the questions: "Why didn't the other party suffer any damage?"

As the grand master of the Azure Dragon Altar, he was fully aware of the power under his command. It was hard for him to believe that the floating battleship could survive the offensive of the Azure Dragon Altar without any harm.

The deacon hesitated for a moment: "It seems that the other party has the Great Luo Holy Order in his hand, and I don't know what mechanism he triggered, so that the entire floating battleship completely ignored the offensive of the formation..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Tao Jinran, the real person in charge of teaching, who had always had a gloomy face, suddenly opened his eyes.

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