Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1025 Is it true?

The Holy Order of Daluo contains the essence of inheritance of the Holy Land of Daluo. It is controlled by the saints and saints of the past generations. It is something that must not be passed on to others...

But now, why did it fall into the hands of a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect?

What happened in the middle?

Everyone is still speculating in their hearts.

But at this moment, the entire central area of ​​the formation shook violently, and then the area on the map representing the location of the Azure Dragon Altar suddenly dimmed.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned again.

"What's happening here?"

"what's going on?"

"how so?"

The formation of thirty-six altars has been operating stably since the founding of the Daluo Holy Land. There has never been such a scene.

"Li Minghui, did you accidentally touch some formation device?"

Everyone looked sternly at the deacon in charge of the report.

The deacon named Li Minghui suddenly had beads of sweat on his forehead. He quickly shook his head and said, "It's not me. I didn't touch anything by mistake. The display of the formation is normal..."

"Then what's going on?"

Li Minghui wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took out a small notebook from his pocket, and quickly read it.

There was no way. Even he, who had been responsible for supervising and maintaining the altar array for many years, had never encountered this situation before. He could only find the reason through the "Confidential Manual" compiled by his predecessors.

"According to the various manifestations of the formation at this time, the problem should be at the Qinglong Altar. The altar formation over there is about to collapse..." Li Minghui answered.


"The Azure Dragon Altar collapsed?"

"How can this be!"

Everyone was shocked again.

Although they had a very bad premonition before, they never expected that the result would be so serious.

The formation of thirty-six altars has stood tall in the Holy Land of Daluo for thousands of years, and this has never happened before.

What kind of power can bring one of them to the point of collapse?

That Lu Yu... could he have such huge power?

At this moment, even Tao Jinran, the always calm headmaster, could not help but frown. It was obvious that this development was completely different from what he had expected.

"Give me the Confidential Manual!"

The elder in charge of guarding said to Li Minghui.

He took the small notebook in Li Minghui's hand and began to compare them one by one. His expression was serious and his movements were meticulous. Finally, he put down the small notebook and made his final judgment to Tao Jinran: "It is indeed the place over the Qinglong Altar. something is wrong……"

This is tantamount to the final conclusion.

The crowd couldn't help but burst into an uproar again.

"The Qinglong Holy Altar is the eastern portal of our Daluo Holy Land. Even if the altar master and the Jindan elders are not here, there are tens of thousands of disciples guarding the law field, and it will never be destroyed so easily!"

"This shows that Lu Yu is not the only one here, he must also have helpers!"

"But what kind of helper can cause the Azure Dragon Holy Altar formation to collapse in an instant, in just a moment..."

"Could it be that the Great Li Sword Sect came out in force? Or is he backed by Patriarch Tiangang? Could it be... Patriarch Yunxiao?"

"Are the Dali Sword Sect and others crazy? Why did they suddenly attack us?"

"No matter what, we cannot allow the situation to continue to deteriorate! Prepare to fight!"

"Also, shouldn't this matter be reported to the ancestors as soon as possible? With people calling at the doorstep, the 'special means' of the ancestors should probably be stopped first..."

Everyone was talking a lot, each expressing their own opinions.

The Great Elder Kunjia Master glanced at Tao Jinran, who had been silent, and asked him for instructions: "Master Master, it is up to you to decide how to deal with this matter!"

Tao Jinran silently glanced at the map of the entire Daluo Holy Land displayed on the formation center.

The surrounding discussions stopped instantly, and everyone looked over in unison.

"Order: The leaders of various altars will lead their troops back to the headquarters, prepare an offensive, and wait for counterattack orders. Members of the general altar will immediately follow me to the Qinglong Holy Altar... I declare that the Daluo Holy Land will immediately enter a wartime state across the board!"

Tao Jinran announced loudly.

Everyone's heart sank involuntarily.

At this moment, the entire Da Luo Holy Land entered a state of emergency. This has not happened for many years.

"Suzaku Shrine Headquarters, return to headquarters immediately!"

"Xuanwu Holy Altar Headquarters, come and assemble immediately!"

"Everyone at the Black Bird Altar, follow me!"

The altar masters from all over the place gathered their followers one after another, and a tense atmosphere filled the scene.

Just when the master of the Suzaku Altar was about to be the first to lead his men to leave, Li Minghui, who was guarding the center of the formation, suddenly exclaimed again: "Everyone, wait a minute! The altar formation seems to have changed again..."

Everyone was startled.

Following the sound, I discovered that the Azure Dragon Altar, which had dimmed on the map, had gradually regained its brilliance.

How is this going?

Didn’t it mean that the formation of the Azure Dragon Altar had collapsed?

Could it be that the collapsed altar array could recover on its own?

The elder in charge of guarding took a book in his hand and began to search desperately, trying to find a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon, but he found nothing.

In a short while, the formation of the Qinglong Holy Altar had completely recovered and became running smoothly again, as if the scene just now had never happened at all.

"The formation of the thirty-six altars, including the Azure Dragon Altar, is running smoothly and everything is normal..."

The elder responsible for guarding finally announced.

Although he tried his best to control it, his voice still trembled involuntarily, as if even he himself didn't believe it was true.

Seeing this scene, everyone, including the master of the Suzaku Altar, refused to leave for the time being. Everyone focused their attention on Tao Jinran again, wanting to see how he would make a decision.

"Anyway, something must have happened at the Qinglong Holy Altar. If you want to find out what is going on, the only way is to go to the Qinglong Holy Altar!"

Tao Jinran announced again: "The wartime state will not disappear for the time being, but the altar leaders of all parties do not need to return to the headquarters in person. They can just order their reliable subordinates to return and stand by... Everyone, please come with me to the Azure Dragon Altar to have a look! "

After saying that, Tao Jinran took the lead to leave the central area of ​​the formation.

A group of people filed out in a roaring manner.

Just as he was about to leave for the Azure Dragon Altar, he saw a ray of light coming from the sky. It was Xu Jinyang, the Jindan elder who was responsible for guarding the Azure Dragon Altar.

Everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Old Xu, what happened to our Qinglong Temple?"

The master of Qinglong Altar rushed forward and asked urgently.

"Everything is fine in Qinglong Altar, Altar Master, there is no need to worry!"

Xu Jinyang answered casually, without bothering to explain too much, and immediately turned to the master Tao Jinran, and said anxiously:

"Lu Yu, a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, holding the Holy Order of Da Luo, just came to the door and said that our saint Qin Yanzhen is the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji from Tianwai... I would like to ask the master, is this true?"

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