Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1026 The public is furious

Xu Jinyang's words made all the powerful real people's ears perk up.

Fairy Yaoji?


What the hell is this?

It seems that I heard something extraordinary...

For a moment, everyone turned their heads in shock and looked at Tao Jinran, the real person in charge.

Tao Jinran himself looked astonished.

In fact, in the entire Daluo Holy Land, only a few people know that Qin Yanzhen is the reincarnation of a god from outside the sky, and among those present, he is the only one who knows.

This matter has always been the biggest secret he kept in his heart, but he didn't expect it to be made public in this way.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness the Saint is indeed the reincarnation of an immortal from heaven..."

After a moment of silence, Tao Jinran finally spoke.

He didn't say the last part of the sentence. In fact, he only knew that Qin Yanzhen was the reincarnation of an immortal, but he didn't know which immortal was the reincarnation of the immortal. Now Xu Jinyang has defeated "Fairy Yaoji" in one fell swoop. In fact, this was the first time he heard this name, and he couldn't help but be filled with shock.

"So, all this is true..."

Xu Jinyang looked shocked and murmured to himself.

"What is true or false? Old Xu, what are you talking about?" The master of Qinglong Altar stared at Xu Jinyang and said with a serious expression: "You haven't told us yet, what happened at Qinglong Altar?"

Xu Jinyang was stunned, then came to his senses, and then told the scene that happened at the Qinglong Altar Dharma Field.

"So, our Qinglong Holy Altar's formation has not collapsed? Everything just now was just an illusion?"

After listening to Xu Jinyang's narration, Master Qinglong Altar felt his scalp numb, and even his breathing became rapid involuntarily. At his level of cultivation, it is really unbelievable for such a situation to happen.


Xu Jinyang replied: "That Lu Yu just now poured down countless pills from the sky of the law field, causing tens of thousands of disciples of our Qinglong Holy Altar to advance to the realm of cultivation at the same time, causing strange phenomena in the world and infusing spiritual energy. The countercurrent caused the Qinglong Holy Altar formation to collapse..."

"Because of this, even the summons cannot be sent out in the Qinglong Holy Altar, so I had to come in person to report this matter to you..."

"But all this is temporary. As the phenomena of heaven and earth subside and the spiritual energy around the Azure Dragon Altar becomes stable, everything will gradually recover."

Everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while.

In fact, Xu Jinyang did not need to explain too much. They had already verified this on the map display at the center of the formation.

All this is really incredible! Tens of thousands of disciples are improving their realm at the same time. What kind of scene should this look like? Just thinking about it makes one’s scalp tingle. No wonder the altar formation was on the verge of collapse...

Not everyone among the people doubted the authenticity of this matter.

But firstly, this matter was narrated personally by Xu Jinyang, the elder of Jindan. Secondly, if this is not the case, how can we explain the strange scene shown on the map before?

So, gradually everyone gradually accepted this fact.

Once this fact is accepted, a series of new questions will appear in front of everyone.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint has really ascended in the ancient city of Guoyun?"

"Is there really such an ancient relic in the blessed land cave left by the Queen Mother of the West?"

"Her Royal Highness the Saint left an entire treasure house of materials behind and gave them as gifts to the younger generation of disciples... Is this true or false?"

"If there are really so many rare treasures, why didn't Her Majesty the Holy Lady hand them over directly to our own people, instead of handing them over to the hands of an outsider?"

Everyone was having a heated discussion.

Xu Jinyang suddenly coughed twice, interrupted everyone and said: "Ahem! Everyone, I don't think we are too busy to discuss the authenticity of the treasure house now. Compared to this, there is another matter that is more urgent..."

"That Lu Yu did not come alone this time. In addition to his helpers, there was also Hongxiu Nuxia, the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, who was also captured by him. She is currently in the Qinglong Holy Altar... "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone exploded again.


"The wife of the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

"This little brat! He took the Red Embroidered Lady as a prisoner and brought him to our Da Luo Holy Land. What on earth did he want to do!"

"He is trying to drag us into the water!"

"It seems that he wants to use this matter as a threat. No matter whether the saint has left a large number of gifts, we have to help him fight against the Jade Sea Immortal Sect to get them!"

"This boy has a heart that can be killed!"

Xu Jinyang added another sentence: "According to what Lu Yu said, everything he said was the meaning of His Highness the Saint. In fact, there is another inside story about the process of Her Highness the Saint's ascension. He came here specifically to state this. Inside story..."



"What a bullshit inside story, he is obviously making it up!"

"How could Her Majesty the Saint make such a decision!"

The crowd became angry again.

Xu Jinyang shut his mouth obediently.

At this point, he had said everything he needed to say. Everyone should have understood what Lu Yu wanted to say. It was not up to him to decide what to do next.

"In that case, let's go see what Lu Yu has to say!"

Tao Jinran finally decided.

"No matter what, the fact that the Daluo Holy Order fell into his hands is worth our personal attendance!"

After a while.

Rays of light flew like falling meteors, swiftly moving towards the direction of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar.

This time, there was no more obstruction along the way.

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