Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1027 It sounds like it’s true

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Qinglong Altar, the Gaoyang slowly docked at a corner next to the execution ground and stopped blocking the top of the altar formation.

At this time, the strange phenomena of heaven and earth had gradually subsided, and the operation of the altar array had come to an end. However, many disciples on the magic field had not dispersed. They watched the Gaoyang slowly descending and waved to Lu Yu.

"Brother Lu! Does this floating battleship really belong to Her Royal Highness the Saint?"

"Brother Lu, I have a heartfelt request...can you let us board the ship and visit it?"

"I heard that all the brothers of Grandmaster Dali Sword call you Lu Shen... Can we also call you the same?"

"Senior Brother Lu Yu, can you tell us more about Her Highness the Saint? Fairy Yao Ji... what kind of existence is this?"

As the saying goes, if you have breasts, you are a mother.

The disciples of Qinglongtan have fully demonstrated this point with their actual actions.

As a group that has gained actual benefits, they have no reason to oppose Lu Yu, not to mention that behind Lu Yu there is a true god like Fairy Yao Ji... After the scene just now, they feel that Her Highness the Saint is the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. There is no longer any doubt about the authenticity of the body.

Lu Yu was naturally happy to see the outcome of this situation.

So, he put all the Qinglongtan disciples who wanted to board the floating battleship on board, and introduced to them in detail the process of capturing the "Gaoyang". Naturally, he inevitably added some spices and made the whole story twists and turns. Bizarre and thrilling, more importantly, it also highlights the role played by Qin Yanzhen.

According to Lu Yu's description, the entire process of capturing the Gaoyang and capturing Yue Xiujun was entirely an operation led by Qin Yanzhen. Thanks to her ingenious plan to anticipate the enemy's opportunities, they were able to finally win.

All the Qinglongtan disciples could not help but be fascinated and amazed after hearing this.

They also felt more and more respect and admiration for Lu Yu.

After much difficulty, these disciples were finally dismissed, and the floating battleship temporarily returned to peace.

Lu Yu was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Yue Xiujun, who was watching the whole process from the side, suddenly said: "With just a few disciples, you want to bring Da Luo Holy Land to fight against our Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but you can't?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Why are Mrs. Zhong so weird? Are you unhappy when you see so many people boarding this battleship? I need to remind you that this battleship is not yours now. The Golden Crow of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is the Gaoyang of Her Royal Highness the Saint of Great Luo!”

"Hmph! Stop playing tricks with me here!"

Yue Xiujun snorted coldly: "What you said just now can only deceive these ordinary disciples who don't understand anything! There is no way that the Holy Lady of Great Luo will let you rob the ship. You made all this up!" "

Lu Yu said: "The Saint of Great Luo in your mouth is now an immortal outside the world. How can you and I be able to fathom the wisdom of an immortal? So, Madam, please don't make any assumptions here!"

"In addition, these are not just ordinary disciples, but true disciples. For every sect, true disciples are the backbone that cannot be ignored. Even if they cannot directly participate in the highest decision-making, their attitudes will still be in Subtly influencing the final decision of the sect’s senior leaders.”

True disciples are regarded as the hope of a sect's future. They have many followers. They are the favorites of the sect's masters and are favored by many real elders.

Because of this, Lu Yu chose to distribute the elixir first to the true disciples of Qinglong Holy Altar, because these were the best targets to win over.

Lu Yu's words left Yue Xiujun speechless.

After a moment of silence, she said unwillingly: "Actually, all this is your conspiracy. The so-called Fairy Yao Ji does not exist at all, right? You just want to use this method to provoke a discord between our Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the big people. The relationship between Luo Shengdi...your conspiracy will never succeed!"

"Fairy Yaoji doesn't exist?"

Lu Yu laughed and said, "Didn't Madam also attend the wedding in Tianhuan Palace? It was indeed me who chopped off King Ming's head, but the person who created this opportunity for me was Qin Yanzhen..."

"If she is not the reincarnation of a god, how can she fight against Patriarch Tiangang and suppress King Ming at the same time? In the end, she destroyed Tianhuan Palace and caused the entire ancient city of Guoyun to fall apart!"

Yue Xiujun said: "Even if Qin Yanzhen is really the reincarnation of Fairy Yaoji, she will never leave such an order to let Daluo Holy Land and Jade Sea Immortal Sect fight... She has already left this world, so how can she care about the mortal world? The grudges and entanglements of the world?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "I have already said that the wisdom of immortals is not something you and I can fathom, not to mention that Fairy Yaoji has extremely grand and lofty aspirations, otherwise she would not be reincarnated as an immortal. Her arrangements It’s not something you can understand at all!”

Yue Xiujun was stunned.

Originally she refused to believe it at all, but the confident smile on the other person's face made her a little unconfident.

Lu Yu ignored her and turned around to inspect the entire battleship. Just now, so many Qinglongtan disciples came up to "visit" him. He needed to confirm whether the formation devices on the ship had been accidentally touched.

"It sounds like it's true, I almost believed it!"

When he was about to reach the cabin, suddenly Yudie's voice sounded from behind.

It turned out that she had been hiding behind the hatch and listened to the entire conversation between Lu Yu and Yue Xiujun.

"That Yao Ji... really had special arrangements for this place?"

Yudie looked at Lu Yu with a pair of flashing peach blossom eyes and said.

Lu Yu met her eyes and was about to speak.

But at this moment, patches of light appeared on the horizon, like a meteor shower.

"Whether she has it or not, we have to assume that she has it now... Moreover, this must be a very huge plan, otherwise how can we convince these big guys?"

Lu Yu looked at the rapidly approaching escaping lights and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he cheered up and took the initiative to greet him.

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