Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1028 Testing

In the blink of an eye, Dunguang flew in front of the floating battleship.

Hundreds of real powerful men appeared above the Qinglong Altar Dharma Field at the same time.

For a moment, divine light shone in the sky, and the surroundings were filled with terrifying pressure.

The surrounding disciples of the Azure Dragon Altar, who had never experienced such a formation, could not help but be so frightened that they did not dare to breathe. They stayed away from the floating battleship and no longer dared to come closer to watch the excitement.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

A real strong man was floating outside the ship and asked sternly, with a rather unkind tone.

Lu Yu stretched out his hands unhurriedly, bowed his hands, and said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Lu Yu, a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, meet you all."

In any case, in terms of seniority, these people can be regarded as his teachers, so there is no problem for him to salute.

The real person snorted coldly and said: "Don't hide behind the defensive barrier of the floating battleship, but do you dare to come out and talk to us?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Why don't you dare?"

With that said, he was about to walk out of the safe passage.

Chudie hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, and reminded him in a low voice: "Among these people, there are at least a dozen whose robes sway in a very strange rhythm. It is obvious that they have been gathering their true energy secretly, and I am afraid they have no good intentions... "

Lu Yu nodded lightly: "I've guessed it a long time ago. They will definitely want to weigh me... Don't worry, I know it well!"

After saying that, he walked out directly.

However, the moment he stepped out of the defensive barrier, the color of the world suddenly changed.

Twenty real strong men took action at the same time and launched an offensive against him. Many powerful forces intertwined together, like mountains collapsing, and smashed towards Lu Yu.

On the ship, Chudie, Yudie, Ye Weilan and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

With such uniform movements, it is not difficult to imagine that the other party had premeditated it.

Could it be that the plan had failed and the other party had no intention of talking about it, so they decided to kill Lu Yu from the very beginning?

However, Lu Yu remained calm in the face of danger.

He seemed to have expected a scene. The moment the twenty real people took action, he also took action at the same time, and a sword movement unfolded.

Dark Star Sword Technique!

A huge and dark sphere of stars suddenly condensed in the sky!

After comprehending the eighth secret of stars, Lu Yu's grasp of the power of dark stars has reached a new level. In addition to having the power of swallowing everything like a black hole, the sphere of stars also has microscopic secrets.

In the microscopic secret, the power of high-speed rotation will crush everything!

With the blessing of the microscopic mysteries, the Dark Star Sword Art possesses a devastating mysterious power.

Boom! Boom!

There were endless bursts of violent roaring.

On the court of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar, the scene when thousands of people were promoted was almost recreated. Under the violent fluctuations, the spiritual energy continued to roll back, almost drying up, forming a vacuum zone again.

The disciples around him couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

No one expected that the first confrontation between the two sides would be so fierce. Even the real strong men in the sky were not expecting this scene.

Originally, their plan was to subdue Lu Yu as soon as possible. No matter what purpose he had, no matter whether he had the so-called "treasury of materials" on him, they could control him first anyway. Let’s talk later…

What he didn't expect was that with just the power of his sword, Lu Yu instantly disintegrated twenty real strong men at the same time.

"What kind of dharma is this?"

"Is this the Star Sword Art?"

"Dali Sword Sect actually has such exaggerated Taoism?"

"This boy has always been famous for his Star Sword Technique, but now it seems that he cannot be underestimated..."

The twenty real people who took action were actually carefully selected, and their attacks were closely coordinated.

The purpose was to capture Lu Yu without injuring him.

Now that the move was missed, everyone couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, not knowing what to do next, so they all looked at the master Tao Jinran.

Lu Yu followed everyone's gaze and naturally recognized Tao Jinran in the crowd.

"Headmaster Tao, what does this mean? If you want to test my strength level, then I can understand... But if you come with malicious intentions and don't want to have a good talk, then don't blame me! "

With that said, Lu Yu slowly took out a token from his arms, weighed it gently in his hand a few times, and then held it tightly in his hand.

Including Tao Jinran, all the powerful real people in the sky could not help but shrink their pupils.

Daluo Holy Order!

The meaning of Lu Yu's actions is also very obvious. If the Da Luo Holy Land side still acts rashly and refuses to have a good peace negotiation, he will crush this token that contains the supreme inheritance of the Da Luo Holy Land.

Tao Jinran stared at him intently, "Then tell me, what are you going to talk to us about?"

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