Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1030 Win people’s hearts

Be with the sun and the moon, and die with the stars!

It is impossible for any promising leader of the sect not to be moved after hearing such words.

Tao Jinran is naturally no exception.

In fact, the reason why he secretly recruited Qin Yanzhen as an initiate and named her the Saint of Daluo was partly due to chance, but he may not have wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to develop the Daluo Holy Land.

The continuation of inheritance is an eternal proposition for the sect.

If the sect can grow and expand while the inheritance continues, even reaching the level of a transcendent sect spanning all the heavens, this is a temptation that no one can refuse.

However, although Tao Jinran was moved, he did not lose his judgment.

This kind of thing is easier said than done. It is by no means an easy task to become a transcendent sect. With the current scale of Daluo Holy Land, even if all external conditions are met, it will only happen after thousands of lifetimes...

"What a loud tone!"

Before Tao Jinran could respond, the master of the Suzaku Altar on the side could not help but sneer: "As the saying goes, the road to immortality is vast, and heaven and man are separated forever... Throughout the ages, countless senior masters from various major sects have successfully ascended to the sky. But to this day, few of these seniors have relayed news back from outer space..."

"It is indeed gratifying and congratulatory for Her Royal Highness the Saint to ascend successfully, but if this happens, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to contact us anymore. How can we help the Holy Land of Da Luo become a transcendent sect?"

Lu Yu said calmly: "Who said that Her Highness the Saint has successfully ascended?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled again.

The master of the Suzaku Altar glared at Lu Yu: "You didn't say it yourself before. Her Royal Highness the Saint has shattered the void and soared into the sky... Why have you forgotten what you said?"

Lu Yu said: "Her Royal Highness the Saint has indeed shattered the void and gone to the world outside the sky. However, as for the specific process of Her Royal Highness's ascension, perhaps I did not express it accurately enough, which led to your misunderstanding..."

"In fact, Her Highness the Saint did not ascend directly. In the ancient city of Guoyun, the person who really caused the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation and the Tribulation to ascend was the real person Qiu Zu of the Yuan family, but Her Highness the Saint was also standing by at that time. , taking advantage of the opportunity of Master Qiu Zu’s ascension, he also ascended to the sky together.”

The crowd was once again in an uproar.

I've heard of people borrowing chickens to lay eggs, but I've never heard of people using others to help them ascend.

This way of ascension is simply unbelievable!

Lu Yu didn't mean to respond to everyone's doubts, and continued: "Her Royal Highness was originally Fairy Yao Ji. She was originally an immortal, but she was reincarnated as a soul and was born in this world... Who would let it go? The gods don't do it, but they want to be reincarnated? All this shows that Her Majesty has a grand plan and a big plan!"

"Therefore, Her Majesty the Saint's actions cannot be inferred based on common sense. Since she can cross the barrier of heaven in a mortal body, she may also be able to cross back. The so-called eternal separation between heaven and man, for a divine figure like her, Not a problem at all.”

"What's more, in the ancient times, when the ancient ancestors ruled this world, they could teleport among the heavens through huge magical formations. The four stone pillars at the Nandou Gate of Guoyun Ancient City were the ancient large-scale magical formations. The remains of the formation... If Her Majesty the Saint regains her divine power one day, who knows that she will not re-establish such a large magic formation?"

Everyone was speechless.

Obviously they all found what Lu Yu said to be unbelievable, but they somehow felt believable... Perhaps it was because it was too bizarre and absurd to make up according to normal people's thoughts, but it increased the number of people. gained credibility.

"It seems that these people have been frightened by this guy..."

On the floating battleship behind her, Yudie's lips moved slightly, and she spoke to Chudie using a method of transmitting sound into secrets.

"This guy is really good at lying! You won't pay for your life by lying to others. I almost believe it... He is so good at lying, aren't you worried that you will be betrayed by him one day?"

Chudie's expression remained as usual, quietly looking at Lu Yu, who was alone in front of the crowd of real strong men, and said, "Do you really think that is fake?"

"Isn't it?"

"At least he didn't lie about the speculation about Yao Ji's identity. That's exactly what he thought in his heart." Chu Die said.

Yudie raised her eyebrows slightly and said nothing more.

The powerful real people all over the sky couldn't help but whisper, including Tao Jinran, who began to communicate quietly with the real person Kunjia beside him, obviously discussing the authenticity of this matter.

Lu Yu took in everyone's expressions and said with a faint smile: "I know that this matter will be an extremely difficult decision for you. My suggestion is that you might as well put aside those things that are too long ago. First Let’s consider the issue at hand…”

"If you are willing to join forces with me to fight against the enemy, the first benefit over there is to get this floating battleship... The floating battleship is the essence of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's weapon refining skills. With this The battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect went to heaven and earth, sweeping across the wilderness. When monsters were raging before, their combat power was fully tested. Aren't you curious about what kind of refining technology was used on these battleships? ?"

"In addition, it is no lie that Her Highness the Saint has given a large amount of elixirs as a gift. In the next few days, I plan to open another batch of dust-cleansing elixirs. This elixir is originally used to cleanse the marrow and improve qualifications. But with the materials from the ancient ruins provided by Her Majesty the Saint, and my little personal insights, this elixir may also be able to achieve the effect of tempering the golden elixir law..."

"However, the refining process of this elixir is very complicated. I need to find a secluded and stable place without any interference from the outside world. I wonder if you, Masters, can find such a place for me?"

After saying this, everyone suddenly had different expressions.

The scene became very exciting for a time.

Say a thousand words and preach ten thousand. If you want to truly win people's hearts, you still have to come up with tangible benefits...

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