Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1031 Barrier

After Lu Yu made a promise, he did not wait for everyone's response. He turned around and returned to the Gaoyang, and began to count the materials and fiddle with the alchemy furnace on the floating battleship, pretending to be ready to put it into practice at any time.

Watching Lu Yu take out the rare materials one by one, although they knew that he was deliberately showing off, their hearts were still beating.

In front of Lu Yu and others, there were so many disciples of the Qinglong Temple around, so it was natural that no result could be discussed.

So this matter was temporarily left unresolved. Under the leadership of Tao Jinran, a group of real masters went back home. After all, this was a major event related to the future fate of the entire sect. It is not difficult to imagine that there will be another urgent consultation next.

Before everyone left, the great elder Kunjia Zhenren also invited Lu Yu and others to stay overnight at the main temple, but Lu Yu politely declined.

Now the disciples of the Azure Dragon Holy Temple are extremely supportive of him. This place has become his home ground. There is really no need to go to the main temple to rely on others. Besides, the main temple must be heavily guarded. Going there will be disadvantageous to the implementation of his next plan...

A whole night passed, and the Wanluo Hall in the main temple was brightly lit all night.

But after a night of consultation, everyone still did not reach a final decision.

After all, this matter involves too much, and there are too many pros and cons to weigh...

So when it was dawn, everyone dispersed first and returned to their own territory.

First of all, this matter is so serious that no matter what the final decision is, it may be inevitable to experience a world-class battle next. Therefore, the masters of the holy temples in various places must go back to appease the people and restrain their tribes to prepare for the war.

Secondly, this matter cannot be decided by them alone. Several Tiangang ancestors have a better say in what to do about this matter. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for Tao Jinran to report to several Tiangang ancestors before making a final decision on this matter.

Seeing everyone disperse, the great elder Kunjia Zhenren also returned to his residence "Lingtian Pavilion", but he did not rest and recuperate, but began to review official documents and handle official business.

As the great elder of the main hall, all major affairs of the sect must be handled by him. He can be said to be the steward of the entire Daluo Holy Land.

At this moment of major change, the sect urgently needs to prepare for war, and handling internal affairs is the top priority. Kunjia Zhenren dared not be tired at all, and carefully reviewed the official documents submitted from all over.

But even though he tried his best to calm his mind, he would still be distracted involuntarily, constantly thinking about various situations related to Lu Yu, and his heart could not calm down.

It was not until the third quarter of the morning that Kunjia Zhenren finally finished reviewing all the backlog of official documents, and was about to call the deacon on duty to distribute these documents for execution.

But at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew in his face, and a beam of light flew from the sky, passed through the heavy attic, and appeared directly in front of him.

"Master Gong?"

Master Kunjia was slightly startled.

The person who came was Gong Bige, the master of the Suzaku Holy Altar.

Master Kunjia was not surprised by the way the other party suddenly came. As the master of the Suzaku Holy Altar, the other party could directly enter the Lingtian Pavilion without triggering any alarms... What really surprised him was the timing of the other party's arrival. It was clear that they had just separated not long ago, how could they find this place again so quickly?

"Why do you have so much time to come to my side? Have you dealt with the internal affairs of the Suzaku Holy Altar?" Master Kunjia asked.

"Grand Elder, you can really sit still!" Gong Bige snorted heavily, looking indignant: "Aren't you worried at all that our Daluo Holy Land will be dragged into an irretrievable quagmire because of this?" Kunjia Zhenren sighed lightly: "I know that Master Gong is worried about the future of Daluo Holy Land, but this matter has not been finally decided yet, and it is too early to say these words now... I believe that under the leadership of the ancestors and the head master, we will definitely make the most correct choice in the end." Gong Bige sneered: "Grand Elder is probably taking it for granted... Haven't you heard yet? Just now, after we adjourned the meeting, the Xuanwu Holy Altar, the Orange Light Holy Altar, and the Red Cloud Holy Altar have all sent people to the Qinglong Holy Altar to welcome that Lu Yu, wanting to invite them to drive the floating battleship to their territory to station!" "What?" Kunjia Zhenren was stunned, "Is this true?" He has been staying in Lingtian Pavilion to handle official business, and indeed did not pay attention to the news from the outside world. Gong Bi'e was furious and said, "We just finished the meeting. Although we didn't reach a final result, we basically reached a tacit understanding and agreed to prepare ourselves and wait and see... But these guys went to the Azure Dragon Holy Altar to contact the other party in private. This is simply unorganized and undisciplined! They only care about their own little tricks and ignore the interests of the entire Daluo Holy Land!" "That Lu Yu is not a good guy either. He hasn't done anything specific yet. He just threw out a bait, which has already caused a rift among us. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire Daluo Holy Land falls apart. This guy has such a vicious intention. He wants to disintegrate our entire sect without bloodshed!" Kunjia Zhenren said in a deep voice: "How did the three holy altars of Xuanwu, Chengguang, and Chiyun contact him privately? What is going on? Tell me carefully!"

Gong Bi'e said: "One of the people who came with Lu Yu this time was Zhenren Yudie. The Great Elder must have heard of her name, right? This person is extremely talented and has a first-class elixir. He was a top grader back then. She is well-known in Daluo Holy Land, and there are many Jindan elders who are friendly with her..."

"Just last night when we were still having a meeting in Wanluo Hall, Master Yudie had quietly visited many holy altars in our sect, among which Xuanwu, Chengguang, and Chiyun were the top ones she visited. She stayed at these three altars for the longest time..."

"I investigated afterward and found that among the three altars, there were Jindan elders who had a good relationship with her. It is unknown what she said to these Jindan elders, but after the meeting in the morning , when the altar owners of these three altars all returned, they all sent envoys to the Qinglong Holy Altar, inviting Lu Yu to their own sites to teach Dharma and preach in order to convey the teachings of Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

“It’s self-evident what these people are thinking!”

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