Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1032 Cutting the Trouble with a Quick Sword

Kunjia Zhenren frowned and remained silent.

He thought that Lu Yu's appearance would definitely have an impact on the Daluo Holy Land. Even he himself was disturbed by this matter, let alone others? But he did not expect that this impact would be so strong and direct.

Gong Bige's eyes turned cold, and he continued: "Grand Elder, Lu Yu has become the source of all the troubles. If he is not eliminated, our Daluo Holy Land will fall into a situation of internal strife and will never have peace... For the long-term consideration of Daluo Holy Land, I beg the Grand Elder to make a decision!"

Kun Jia Zhenren's eyebrows jumped: "Master Gong, in this case, you should go to the headmaster to talk..."

Gong Bige sighed and said: "Grand Elder, I have to tell you something from the bottom of my heart. The reason why this matter has evolved to this situation is actually the fault of the headmaster... It is precisely because his attitude has always been ambiguous and unclear that he indulged the speculative mentality of the people! On this point, I think the headmaster handled it improperly. At this critical moment, he is no longer suitable to be the supreme leader of the Daluo Holy Land!"


Kun Jia Zhenren couldn't help He was furious: "The headmaster inherited the destiny and has been in charge of the Daluo Holy Land for more than 200 years. All affairs in the sect are thriving, and outstanding disciples have emerged frequently like mushrooms after rain... Whether he is suitable or not, how can you say it!" Gong Bige was scolded, but he was not angry at all. Instead, the expression on his face became more sincere: "Why do you have to say these high-sounding words to me, elder? At present, the Daluo Holy Land is in danger. Do we still have to waste our energy on these things that praise and glorify?" "To be fair, do you really believe in the so-called saint girl and the so-called fairy Yao Ji? The other party is the dignified Tianjun Supreme, a peerless strongman who dominates the heavens and sweeps across the world. Are you really willing to see the Daluo Holy Land being brought into an irretrievable situation for a vague and transcendent sect?" Kunjia Zhenren fell silent. Gong Bige's last question can be said to have touched his heart. Although he is the chief elder of the headquarters and the chief steward of the Daluo Holy Land, he usually cooperates closely with Tao Jinran and governs together. On the surface, they are harmonious... But in fact, he has always had his own ideas and opinions in his heart.

Especially in the matter of treating the Saint Qin Yanzhen, when Qin Yanzhen was canonized as the Daluo Saint, he always opposed it, but he couldn't beat Tao Jinran, the head of the sect, and finally succumbed to his will.

Today, he finally knows that Tao Jinran's almost arrogant insistence at the beginning was because Qin Yanzhen was the reincarnation of an immortal from outer space... But he still thinks that Tao Jinran's trust in Qin Yanzhen is a bit too much, which has exceeded the scope of the master of a sect.

In the past, Tao Jinran almost responded to Qin Yanzhen's requests without any constraints... And now, Tao Jinran's silence and silence are also due to his inexplicable trust in Qin Yanzhen...

In the eyes of Kunjia Zhenren, this is simply a nonsense.

Even if Qin Yanzhen is the reincarnation of an immortal, what? Even if she is Fairy Yao Ji, so what?

In the world of the heavens, the number of gods is as countless as the stars. No matter how outstanding Qin Yanzhen is, she is just one of them. No matter how dazzling her light is, it will eventually be covered by the stars. How can she make a promise to ensure that Daluo Holy Land will become a transcendent sect?

"What do you want?"

After a struggle in his heart, Kunjia Zhenren finally looked directly into Gong Bige's eyes.

Gong Bige said coldly: "Since that Lu Yu is the source of all the troubles, then it is natural to cut the Gordian knot and get rid of him directly!"

"Get rid of him?"

Kun Jia Zhenren sneered: "You have seen the situation yesterday. After planning in advance, the twenty Jindan elders of our Daluo Holy Land attacked at the same time, but they couldn't do anything to that kid. What's more, he is now protected by various holy altars and floating warships... Do you think this will be such an easy thing?"

Gong Bige said: "Yesterday, the twenty Jindan elders attacked at the same time with the purpose of capturing him alive. In fact, they left room when they attacked, and it doesn't count at all. If they go all out to fight for life and death, it will naturally be another matter..."

"As for the various holy altars and floating warships, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, we are not fighting alone. There are still many people in the various holy altars who have seen this boy's wolfish ambitions. As long as the great elder is willing to make a call, all parties will surely respond. At least The seven or eight holy altars that are friendly with our Suzaku Holy Altar will definitely support us!"

Kunjia Zhenren was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head: "No, this way, wouldn't it cause the entire Daluo Holy Land to fall into a situation of civil strife? In that case, you and I will be the eternal sinners of the Daluo Holy Land!"

Gong Bige said: "If you don't make a decision when you should, you will suffer the chaos! However, if the elder thinks that this is too much, there is no way to ease it..."

"What way?"

Gong Bige said slowly: "Please ask the old ancestor Gunlong to come out!"

Kunjia Zhenren was stunned: "Old ancestor Gunlong?"


Gong Bige answered loudly: "Old ancestor Gunlong is the elder's master. When he was not in Tiangang in the past, he was extremely fond of you and would definitely listen to your advice..."

"And if the old ancestor Gunlong takes action directly, the holy altars of all parties will definitely not dare to complain, so that they can avoid falling into a situation of civil strife..."

"What's more important is that the Master has obviously been biased on this matter. If he were to report it to the Tiangang Patriarchs alone, I'm afraid that his words would be deliberately biased, leading to misjudgment among the Patriarchs. Not necessarily... Therefore, it is imperative for the Great Elder to directly report this matter to Patriarch Gunlong! "

Master Kunjia fell into silence again.

This time, he remained silent for a longer period of time, obviously still hesitant in his heart.

Gong Bi'e didn't urge him, he just waited quietly.

Finally, after half a quarter of an hour, Master Kunjia finally spoke:

"Then... let me give it a try!"

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