Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1033: Use small things to make big things happen

"I have long admired the name of Brother Lu! Brother Lu has a beautiful tree and a talented person, and he is truly worthy of his reputation!"

"To tell you the truth, in recent years, I have been secretly admiring Brother Lu for his name, which is so powerful in the world. It is truly a great blessing to finally meet him today!"

"Brother Lu and I hit it off right away. Why don't we invite Brother Lu to the Xuanwu Holy Altar and let's have a drink and have a good time together? I still have many questions that I want to ask Brother Lu, especially about the various deeds of His Highness the Saint. I and Saint Xuanwu All the junior brothers in the altar are very interested..."

"Although Junior Sister Qin Yanzhen is a Daluo Saint, she has been exploring all directions and has not stayed in the Daluo Holy Land for a long time. We only have a vague impression of her... I sincerely ask Brother Lu to come to the Xuanwu Holy Altar to pray for her. Let’s preach a little, so that we can feel the majesty of Her Majesty the Saint!”

"Now, the brothers at the Qinglong Holy Altar have fully understood the will of Her Majesty the Saint. It doesn't mean much for Brother Lu to continue to stay here... On the contrary, our disciples at the Xuanwu Holy Altar are full of expectations. , Hungry and thirsty, how can Brother Lu favor one over the other?"

At this time, standing in front of Lu Yu was Du Qishang, who was ranked fourth on the Golden Sunflower Ranking.

He is not only a disciple of the Da Luo Holy Land, but also the chief disciple of the Xuanwu Holy Altar. Being ranked fourth on the Golden Sunflower Ranking shows that among the true disciples of the contemporary Da Luo Holy Land, no one can surpass him.

He came this time as the envoy of the Xuanwu Holy Altar, and specially invited Lu Yu to go to the Xuanwu Holy Altar to give lectures. Of course, this was just a superficial statement. In fact, the real reason was tacitly understood by everyone.

The appearance of Du Qishang undoubtedly proved that Lu Yu's strategy had worked.

This person's status in the Daluo Holy Land is equivalent to that of Ye Li to the Taishang Immortal Sect, Yue Zijing to the Yuhai Immortal Sect, and Wei Zhihan to the Dali Sword Sect... He has huge influence in the sect. , every move attracted the attention of the entire faction.

No matter what the senior officials of Daluo Holy Land decide in the end, at least at the level below the true disciples, Lu Yu has gained great support.

After seeing the disciples of Qinglongtan being promoted to the first level on the spot, who wouldn’t be tempted?

What's more, on this basis, Lu Yu also drew another pie. Standing behind them was the immortal Qin Yanzhen. Who doesn't want to be like Yuan Shiqiu?

Next, the two discussed many details, such as the stock of materials on Lu Yu's body, what other elixirs could be refined in addition to the Cleansing Pill, and what else had been left behind by the Saint of Great Luo. Things, are there any magic weapons and Taoist methods...

He even talked about how the situation will evolve in the future. If Daluo Holy Land and Dali Sword Sect join forces to conquer the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, how will they distribute their mutual interests...

It can be seen from this that Xuanwu Holy Altar is indeed tempted.

However, Lu Yu ultimately declined the request to settle down at the Xuanwu Altar.

Although Du Qishang's attitude was very sincere, for cooperation at this level, it was not enough for him to come forward alone. The owner of the Xuanwu Altar must come forward in person before a final agreement could be reached.

Du Qishang expressed regret over this, but was not discouraged. Apparently he knew that his weight was not enough, and he was just an outpost this time.

When he was saying goodbye for the last time, Du Qishang suddenly looked at Yue Xiujun beside him and said to Lu Yu: "Brother Lu, I wonder what you are going to do with this Mrs. Zhong?"

Lu Yu was startled and said, "How she deals with it depends on the final situation... What, does Brother Du have any good ideas?"

Du Qishang said: "Brother Lu, we Ming people don't tell secrets. You brought this person here just to stir up trouble between Daluo Holy Land and Jade Sea Immortal Sect, causing the established fact that the two major sects are at odds with each other." , but if she falls into your hands, she is still not perfect after all, which will give Da Luo Holy Land room to evade and defend..."

"If you can trust me, why not leave this person to me? As long as something happens to her in my hands, it will be guaranteed that there will be no room for maneuver between Da Luo Holy Land and Jade Sea Immortal Sect. There is bound to be a conflict between the two major sects!”

Lu Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but take a deep look at Du Qishang.

This time, he was really shocked by what the other party said...

Although Du Qishang is fourth on the Golden Sunflower Ranking, in the final analysis he is just a true disciple, but he dares to directly attack Yue Xiujun, the wife of the head of the family. Is this the courage of the chief senior brother?

But what is he trying to do by putting himself in his own shoes?

Before Lu Yu could ask about the specific reason for this, Yue Xiujun on the side became furious and scolded sternly: "Du Qishang, our Jade Sea Immortal Sect has no enmity or enmity with you, why do you want to help others like this!"

"For such a small profit, you betrayed the interests of your sect and were willing to be the lackey of land thieves. You simply forget your ancestors and have no integrity at all!"

"Are you worthy of the training given to you by Headmaster Tao, and worthy of the senior ancestors of Daluo Holy Land? If Grandmaster Daluo heard about such an unscrupulous disciple like you, I'm afraid he would be so angry that he would come back from the incarnation to deal with you! "

Du Qishang smiled coldly: "Mrs. Zhong, why are you so excited? Whether there is any enmity between me and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is not up to you. You might as well ask your precious nephew!"

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be stunned.

Du Qishang ignored her and turned to Lu Yu and continued: "Brother Lu, the grudge between me and Yue Zijing is only one of the reasons. What really made me make up my mind is the bright prospect of cooperating with your sect..."

"The current situation is an unprecedented change. Our next choice will be crucial. Whether it is rising straight up or being thrown into the abyss, it all depends on a thought..."

"Indeed, for our Daluo Holy Land, the safest way is to join forces with other major sects to jointly conquer the Dali Sword Sect. The Jindan elders of the headquarters also think so, and have been discussing this for several days... But I have a different opinion on this!"

"Gathering the strength of all sects, jointly attacking the Dali Sword Sect, seven sects fighting one, this is indeed not risky, but it is also not good... It is better for us Turning to support the Dali Sword Sect, with two against six, for the Dali Sword Sect, our move is like a timely help, and the Dali Sword Sect will definitely be grateful to us. If we can win by chance, we will definitely be able to distribute more benefits! "

"Only in this way can the Daluo Holy Land usher in a real opportunity for development and be regarded as a real rise!"

"In today's world, headed by the eight major sects, this pattern has lasted for ten thousand years and has long become inappropriate. In the past thousand years, the successful ascension of practitioners is almost extinct, which is a clear proof. It was simply unimaginable ten thousand years ago. In the final analysis, it was because of the too comfortable environment that made the major sects slack... Therefore, it is necessary to go through a reshuffle before it is possible to revitalize!"

As he said, Du Qishang's eyes showed a rebellious and fanatical light.

Lu Yu was so surprised that he was completely speechless.

At this moment, he suddenly had a deeper understanding of this disciple who ranked fourth on the Golden Sunflower List.

In the final analysis, this guy is actually a complete ambitious person.

Not only does he have great ambitions, but he also has a nearly crazy gambler mentality... He wants to win big with a small investment!

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