Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1034 Expanding Ambition

Du Qishang smiled lightly and continued:

"Of course, this is not my blind impulse... In fact, I have studied every incident since Brother Lu's rise, and I have a clear understanding of Brother Lu's abilities, especially Brother Lu's quick decisions. I sincerely admire him. …”

"Brother Lu has always been good at using small skills to make big gains, and inadvertently using decisive means to defeat the enemy. Although the current situation is quite unfavorable to the Dali Sword Sect, I firmly believe that under the leadership of Brother Lu, we will be able to break through the encirclement and turn the danger into safety... "

"I am not the only one who holds this view, there is also Her Majesty the Saint. I am a human being with naked eyes, so I may see things wrong sometimes, but Her Highness the Saint has long transcended heaven and earth and is not among the five elements. She is determined not to Mistaken... Otherwise, how could she hand over the Great Luo Holy Order to Brother Lu? "

"So, Brother Lu, you can rest assured! I really have a sincere heart and want to seek cooperation with Brother Lu..."

"As long as you leave this Madam Zhong in my hands, I will definitely do this properly and prevent any chance of reconciliation between Daluo Holy Land and Jade Sea Immortal Sect!"

After saying that, Du Qishang looked at Lu Yu with bright eyes, as if eagerly anticipating his response.

Lu Yu was speechless for a long time.

After looking at Du Qishang for a long time, he finally patted him hard on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Brother Du, with your words, no matter how the situation evolves in the future, your friend I’ve settled it!”

"Don't worry, I also hope that you and I can cooperate sincerely and jointly rewrite the situation of today's world. It's just that the time is not yet ripe to attack Mrs. Zhong... Mrs. Zhong is a very useful card. I rashly put her in this situation. Death Land, I’m afraid I won’t be able to maximize the effect of this card.”

"So, if you wait patiently, once the right time comes to play this card, I will never forget you, Brother Du!"

Du Qishang suddenly showed a look of regret.

But the words had already reached this point, and naturally it was hard for him to continue insisting, so he had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.


Watching Du Qishang's back go away, Yudie couldn't help but chuckled: "Is this person really the fourth on the Golden Sunflower List?"

Lu Yu sighed: "It can only be said that he was fourth on the most recent Golden Sunflower Ranking. In the past two years, there have been many disputes in the world, and there have been endless internal fights among the eight major sects, especially the feud between our Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. For a major turning point...the Golden Sunflower List has not been updated for a long time!”

Yudie asked curiously: "Then where are you on the Golden Sunflower List?"

Lu Yu blinked, spread his hands and said, "No name...haven't I already said that this list has not been updated for a long time. At that time, the sect leaders didn't know how powerful I was!"

"Tch!" Yudie curled her lips disdainfully, "I'm talking about how awesome you are! It turns out you haven't even been on the Golden Sunflower Ranking..."

After a pause, she said to Chudie on the side: "However, today's Jinkuibang disciples have indeed improved compared to ours. A mere fourth place has such great courage. I really don't know who is ranked higher." What kind of style should the third one be like!”

Chudie looked deeply and said: "In my opinion, this person's strength is not limited to the fourth place."

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the people who occupied the top spot on Jin Kui's list. According to the previous rankings, the three people ranked in front of Du Qishang were Ye Li, Zhu Yulun, and Yue Zijing.

Among these three people, except for Zhu Yulun of Hunyuan Qi Sect, he had already met Ye Li and Yue Zijing.

Yue Zijing has made rapid progress in recent times, and he has mastered a set of techniques for transforming into a clone. Ye Li, relying on the supreme method of forgetting love, even dares to scheme against Meng, who is the saint of the Bixiao Shrine. Court, even did not hesitate to have a head-on conflict with Lian Xishan, the master of Chunyang Palace, and still had Tao Zhiyaoyao under his nose...

Strictly speaking, none of these disciples occupying the top position are fuel-efficient.

However, this is not a bad thing...

At least under the current situation, Lu Yu welcomed the appearance of a figure like Du Qishang with both hands.

From what I saw in Bixiao Shrine before, it can be seen that Ye Li and Bixiao Shrine are not able to deal with each other. I don’t know what kind of conflict there is between them. If they can provoke each other, It would be perfect if we also had a big fight.

Lu Yu was thinking, and suddenly noticed a strange look on Yue Xiujun's face beside him. He couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "Mrs. Zhong, what are you thinking about?"

Yue Xiujun's face turned cold: "What I think has nothing to do with you!"

Lu Yu walked up to her and shook his head gently, with a devilish smile on his face:

"You have heard what we just said. Are you thinking of committing suicide to sabotage our plan? I advise you to give up such thoughts, because if I really want to implement this plan, , even if you die, it won’t change..."

Yue Xiujun's expression changed slightly: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm not doing anything, I just want to give Madam a heads up!"

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "Although I have placed a restraint on Madam, with Madam's ability, if she wants to die, it is really difficult for me to stop her. But if Madam really dies, then I There is no other choice. When the time comes, I can only take the only way..."

"Madam's beauty is rare in the world, and coupled with her noble status and fame, I'm afraid that many people secretly have endless fantasies about her. Even if Madam dies, such fantasies will not stop. They will definitely not mind having some wonderful relationships with Madam's corpse. After all, this is the corpse of the wife of the head of the Yuhai Xianzong..."

"Even if they mind, it doesn't matter. Lian Gu Zhenren is still here. He carries all kinds of strange Gu insects. It must not be difficult for him to perform some Gu techniques that can stimulate the primitive desires of the human body..."

"When a group of disciples from the Daluo Holy Land are beastly, I will throw Madam's corpse into the crowd... Tsk tsk, if such a scene is spread out, do you think the head of Zhong Chuyue will be able to bear it?"


Yue Xiujun gritted her teeth, her eyes blazed, and her chest rose and fell sharply.

She did think about ending her life to stop Lu Yu's plan. Death is not something to be afraid of... But if the scene described by Lu Yu really happened after death, she would not rest in peace even if she died.

Lu Yu had a faint smile on his face, without the slightest guilt, and looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

Yue Xiujun had no way to deal with him, so she looked at Chudie and Yudie with a fiery gaze again.

Yudie rolled her eyes: "Madam, why are you looking at me like this? This kid has a despicable character. You know it now. He even attacked his own master's aunt. Even my first master has inexplicably become a sister-in-law. I can't do anything to him!"

This sentence made Chudie blush and wanted to hide in the cabin immediately.

Yue Xiujun was at a loss and speechless.

Lu Yu looked at Yu Die with resentment and said, "I am not a born bad person. If things were not forced to the last step, I would never take such an approach..."

"Mrs. Zhong, you and I have no grudges. I don't want to be so cruel to you... In fact, the best solution is that our two families can reconcile and turn hostility into friendship, so that everyone can be happy!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Lu Yu shrugged and said, "I'm serious, I'm not kidding..."

"I have seriously thought about it. There is actually only one real contradiction between Yuhai Xianzong and Dali Jianzong, and that is the competition for resources..."

"In addition to our Dali Jianzong, other sects also have a huge amount of resources. Why can't we change our thinking and find a way to plunder the resources we want from Wuya Xian Pavilion?"

Good guy...

His ambition has expanded even more, and he even wants to instigate Yuhai Xianzong to turn against Wuya Xian Pavilion!

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