Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1035 It all depends on human effort

Yue Xiujun's eyes were cold and sharp, and he couldn't help but scold Lu Yu for his wishful thinking.

Lu Yu took the lead and said, "Madam, don't be too busy rejecting me. You might as well think about this matter seriously first..."

"The reason why the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fell out first was because of my matter... At that time, I caught an important backbone of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, and I was able to follow the clues and find out the identity of the Lord Scarlet Moon immediately, so Lord Chiyue called the Lord of Ice Emperor Island to the rescue, and they had a fierce battle with more than ten real people from our Dali Sword Sect at sea, and the two sides began to completely fall out..."

"This incident is just an inducement at best. The real decisive reason is the conflicts caused by the competition for resources. However, it can also be seen from this that the relationship between the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is extraordinary. If I had not If I guess wrong, these floating battleships of yours should have been built with the help of the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult... Am I right?"

Yue Xiujun was startled, and her eyes became surprised.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "It seems I was right!"

After a pause, he continued: "The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect used the construction skills of floating battleships to bribe everyone in your Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and also expanded your ambitions. By the way, it also encouraged you to attack our Dali Sword Sect. They have been surrendered by the eight major sects for many years, with the purpose of provoking civil strife among us..."

"Under the circumstances at that time, it was understandable that your Jade Sea Immortal Sect would break up with the Dali Sword Sect, but today is different from the past. Under the background of the ancestors of all heavens coming and returning at the same time, our elder Yunxiao of the Dali Sword Sect Ancestor is still as stable as Mount Tai..."

"Before, King Ming, Master Ming, was strategizing behind the scenes, and you all had no way to deal with our Dali Sword Sect. Now that King Ming is dead, you won't have another chance, not to mention the alliance between us and Daluo Holy Land. It is an imperative thing to do... Under such circumstances, does the Jade Sea Immortal Sect still have to go all the way to the dark side? "

"You must not talk to me about covenants and morals. For a sect, the most important thing is the interests of the sect... Besides, if your Jade Sea Immortal Sect really believes in covenants and morals, you won't You should have nothing to do with the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect. Your cooperation with the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is a kind of betrayal!"

"Since for the sake of profit, you can form an alliance with Wuya Immortal Pavilion and jointly send troops to attack the Dali Sword Sect, why can't you also form an alliance with us and turn your guns together to attack Wuya Immortal Pavilion?"

"If the three of us can cooperate sincerely, relying on the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's weapon refining skills, my alchemy skills, and the endless resources provided by Daluo Holy Land, we will be invincible in the world!"

"At that time, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is just the beginning. After Wuya Immortal Pavilion falls, if there are other sects that come forward, we can also wipe them out effortlessly... and finally conquer the Immortal Mountains of each sect. The spiritual veins will be divided equally between the three of us..."

"If you still feel that you are not satisfied enough, I can also suggest that the Dali Sword Sect takes out Wuwang Mountain again, and you and I will jointly develop it from now on. In this way, the development of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will no longer be restricted. Regarding the refining materials...what do you think of my sincerity?"

Yue Xiujun raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly: "Take out Wuwang Mountain? Can you be the master of the Dali Sword Sect?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "It all depends on people! Just like now, in order to promote the alliance between Daluo Holy Land and Dali Sword Sect, I am doing some things out of necessity... When I return to Dali Sword Sect, if it is really necessary, I will do the same Do these things!”

"Anyway, don't worry about whether I can make the decision. If I really do, what will you say, madam?"

Yue Xiujun was silent for a while.

She was really shocked by Lu Yu's ambition.

Lu Yu added: "Madam, I have to remind you that this is the best way out for you and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect... Even if you don't think about the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, you must also think about yourself and you. It’s for the sake of the family, isn’t it?”

"I can tell you clearly that even if we step outside the scope of today's world and look at all the worlds, we still have a strong background, and that is Fairy Yao Ji!"

"You have also seen that under the methods of Fairy Yaoji, Master Ming Wang has no power to resist at all... Although her strength is not the top among all the worlds, she has infinite With great potential, in the near future, she will replace the father of Ming Wang Fa Zun, Daze Tianjun. This is what she told me personally! "

"I don't know what kind of promises Lord Chiyue made to you, but you might as well weigh it in your mind. Lord Chiyue himself is just a lackey of the Lord of Heaven. What he can do for you is Can promises compare to the benefits brought by Fairy Yao Ji?”

"Besides, in my opinion, Lord Chiyue is already a dying man. His plans are doomed to fail and all his promises will be in vain... This is not an alarmist statement. I have already mastered the means to restrain him. Otherwise, when I was in Oracle Continent, I was only at the True Yuan Realm, why would he be so eager to activate the Ice King Island Master to kill me?"

"Of course, believing in Fairy Yao Ji also involves gambling... But, madam, you and I are both cultivators, and the journey of cultivation is a huge gamble. Don't you want to be able to soar into the sky one day and traverse the outer starry sky? ?”

Yue Xiujun's breathing couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

Indeed, for every cultivator, the path to heaven is the ultimate pursuit.

In particular, she was once a leader among cultivators, and she was also high-spirited and determined. It would be impossible to say that she did not have endless reveries about the heavens and the world...

Perhaps she could not care about other things, but this matter was the lowest and deepest desire in her heart.

However, she finally shook her head: "You think too highly of me. Although I am the legitimate daughter of the Yue family and the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, do you think I can control this matter?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Hearing what Yue Xiujun said, he immediately understood that in fact, the alliance between the Yuhai Immortal Sect, the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion was not just a resolution at the level of the Presbyterian Council, but also involved the Tiangang realm. Ancestor...

Thinking about it, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect risked the disapproval of the world to get involved with the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and drew swords against their former allies. If there was no such decision from Patriarch Tiangang behind his back, Zhong Chuyue alone would be able to make it. Have you made up your mind?

Lu Yu was not discouraged and smiled slightly: "I said it all depends on the person! As long as Madam is willing to work with me in this direction, it will be a good start."

Yue Xiujun snorted coldly: "You keep saying that you want to form an alliance with Daluo Holy Land, but this is just your own wishful thinking. You want to form an alliance between the two major sects just by being with two little characters like you and Du Qishang. It’s not okay to hook up, the real decisive factor is their Tiangang Ancestor... Don’t be too busy painting a pie for me, let’s get past this level first!”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "If I pass this level, will Madam consider joining our alliance?"

"If... you can really promote an alliance between the two factions without using me to put pressure on Daluo Holy Land, then I will definitely consider this matter!"

Lu Yu was about to say more.

But at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky in front of him, which attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Weilan, who had the best eyesight, was the first to see the man's identity and said in surprise: "It's Du Qishang...why is he back again?"

Everyone was startled.

This Du Qishang... he just left, why did he come back so quickly?

What happened?

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