Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1036 Immortal and Divine Punishment

In the blink of an eye, Du Qishang entered the safe passage and arrived on the ship.

Before Lu Yu could ask, he said angrily: "Brother Lu, I just received news that a large number of elites from various altars are coming, and they want to know your death!"

Lu Yu was startled and asked, "What is going on? Is it an order from Headmaster Tao?"

Du Qishang said: "It is not the will of the real master... These people come from seven or eight holy altars, led by the altar master Gong Bi'e of the Suzaku Shrine. They are very excited and think that your appearance will destroy the unity within the Daluo Holy Land. , is the source of all troubles, so I want to get rid of you quickly...

"These people are very powerful and menacing. They don't listen to anyone's dissuasion. Anyone who wants to stop them on the road is detained by them...Brother Lu, in my opinion, it is better for you to avoid them for the time being. Be sharp!"

"Master of the Suzaku Altar?"

Lu Yu looked at Chudie and Yudie on the side and said, "This man is quite courageous. Do you have any friendship with him?"

Both sisters shook their heads.

Yudie said: "I think we met twice, but we didn't have much friendship."

Du Qishang said: "Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, these four images respectively correspond to the four portals in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Daluo Holy Land. They are the four most grand altars in the entire Daluo Holy Land. Among them, the Suzaku Shrine is the most powerful. Powerful, and all of this is the result of Gong Bi'e, the master of the Suzaku Altar..."

"Altar Master Gong Bi'e has a first-grade alchemy and extremely high cultivation. In the entire Daluo Holy Land, his strength is definitely ranked among the top five..."

"He is a generous and chivalrous person, and has a wide circle of friends. Under his hard work, not only has the Suzaku Shrine made great progress in these years, but he has also developed close relationships with several surrounding shrines, becoming like a family, forming a A small circle within the sect.”

"Some people secretly call him the 'little leader', but their small circle is not exclusive. Lord Gong has never resisted the orders of the main altar. Instead, he has always responded positively to the various decrees of the main altar. That’s why the headquarters kept turning a blind eye to them..."

"In addition, it is said that Altar Gong has a close relationship with Zhong Chuyue, the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. The two have a life-long friendship..."

As he said that, Du Qishang couldn't help but glance at Yue Xiujun on the side.

Yue Xiujun sneered proudly: "Yes, it's not in vain that my husband risked his life to save him in the Sky Sky Secret Realm. This man is actually a kind person!"

"Ma'am, are you saying this too much?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "How do you know that this Gong Altar Master is not here for the various rare materials on my body? After all, he is also a man from a big family. Maybe he saw me having personal relationships with Xuanwu and other altars. Mi, maybe he is unbalanced?"

Yue Xiujun just sneered and said nothing, as if he didn't bother to argue with Lu Yu on such issues.

Du Qishang said: "Brother Lu, this time the altar master Gong Bi'e is indeed coming with bad intentions. They have made sufficient preparations this time. I'm afraid they won't be as easy to deal with as before. I suggest that you'd better avoid it for the time being." one time……"

"After all, he came against the will of the real master. It is estimated that the real master has already known about this and will definitely find a way to stop them. You can avoid his sharpness by just being patient for a while. There is really no need to fight with him. He was head-on..."

Lu Yu said: "Brother Du, you just kept saying that you would deal with Mrs. Zhong personally. If Mrs. Zhong really dies in your hands, I'm afraid you will have to face the Gong Altar Master sooner or later. Are you afraid? Bar?"

Du Qishang said: "The Suzaku Altar is indeed powerful, but our Xuanwu Altar is not a vegetarian. As long as we plan properly, Gong Bi'e is not afraid of him either. How can I be afraid of him? It's just that this happened too suddenly. Now even if I ask for help from the Xuanwu Holy Altar, I'm afraid it's already too late. If I fight head-on, I'm worried that Brother Lu, you will suffer a loss..."

Lu Yu said: "How can things in this world go as planned? Brother Du, according to what you and I have just planned, the unexpected situation will be more sudden than this, and more difficult than this... If you can't even pass this level, , how can we talk about sweeping the world?"

Du Qishang was stunned and sighed: "Brother Lu, I am not as good as you..."

After a pause, he continued: "But how does Brother Lu plan to deal with the current situation? Although this floating battleship has outstanding defensive capabilities, if it wants to withstand the elite offensives of the major altars, I am afraid it will not be able to do so. An easy thing..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Actually, Her Royal Highness the Saint has already predicted today's situation. When she left me, she gave me not only the gifts from the immortals, but also the punishment of the wrath of the gods that represented her immortal majesty... "

"I came here in accordance with her immortal decree this time, and I have adopted the gentlest way to convey her decree. If there are still people who can't accept this, then it seems that it is time for him to experience the divine punishment of Her Highness the Saint. !”

Du Qishang was slightly startled.

Seeing the crazy and unruly light shining in Lu Yu's eyes, he couldn't help but froze in place for a moment.

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