Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1037 Preparation

After a while, people from the Azure Dragon Temple also came.

In addition to the true disciples, there were many elders and deacons, and even the leader of the Azure Dragon Temple, Xin Bowei, came in person.

"Lu Yu, please leave this place temporarily. This is also the intention of our headmaster."

Xin Bowei said to Lu Yu.

No wonder he personally led a large group of people here. It turned out that he received an order from Tao Jinran.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "This matter has caused such a sensation, so many people have been alarmed, it seems that the leader of the Suzaku Temple does not intend to keep a low profile!"

The implication is that the leader of the Suzaku Temple is likely to use this method to create momentum, and deliberately want to scare Lu Yu and others away, so as to achieve the effect of defeating the enemy without fighting.

This might even be the second test of Daluo Holy Land for him, otherwise why didn't Tao Jinran personally stop Gong Bige? Even if he couldn't get there in a short time, he could have ordered the various holy altars to intercept the people of the Suzaku Holy Altar, and he didn't need to let the Azure Dragon Altar Master to inform him to run away...

Xin Bowei said: "Don't worry, the Master is already seriously considering the things you mentioned before, but our Daluo Holy Land has a lot of people and complicated relationships. If we want to really implement this matter, we need to sort it out... Your temporary avoidance at this time also provides room for the Master to sort it out."

"Is that so?"

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "But my idea is exactly the opposite of Master Tao, Why do I feel that only if I stay here, I can better facilitate this matter..."

Xin Bowei glanced at Yudie, Chudie and others beside him, and said: "I know that your Taoism is exquisite, and your real strength is far beyond the general real masters. You have top masters like Yudie and Chudie who have reached the first level of Dancheng to rely on..."

"It's just that the situation this time is a bit special. Do you think that Gong Bige dares to risk the sect falling into division and openly defy the resolution formed at the general meeting? In fact, he has the support of the Tiangang Patriarch behind him. Gong Bige and others are coming aggressively, but it's just a cover. The person who really wants to attack you is actually the Gunlong Patriarch!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even Du Qishang couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

It's not that he didn't expect that the Tiangang Patriarch would oppose Lu Yu's proposals, but the Tiangang Patriarch bypassed the middle and high-level of the sect and directly attacked Lu Yu, which really made him unexpected.

Lu Yu and Chudie, Yudie and others looked at each other.

At this time, he finally understood why Tao Jinran couldn't stop him personally. So, this time it wasn't really a "test" arranged by Tao Jinran...

Yue Xiujun on the side suddenly laughed harshly: "I didn't expect it to come true so soon. Mr. Lu, what can you do to fulfill your boast? I think the best you can do is to take advantage of the little spiritual energy left in this warship and quickly launch a long-range jump to escape!"

Lu Yu ignored her sarcasm and turned back to Chudie, Yudie and others and said: "This level will be passed sooner or later. I originally planned to use a combination of skills to hit the leader of the Suzaku Altar to show my power. Now it seems that I really have to use the real 'Yaoji Fairy Divine Punishment Spell'!"

Before coming to the Daluo Holy Land, several people had discussed that Lu Yu planned to improve the "Six-pointed Star Lock" into a more powerful spell, treating it as the divine punishment of Yaoji Fairy, and using it as a killer at a critical moment.

At this time, it was undoubtedly such a critical moment.

Yudie said, "Are you sure? I've only seen you fiddling with the alchemy furnace these days, but I haven't seen you meditate carefully... How about trying the old method from before?"

The so-called "old method" refers to the six-pointed star lock that is activated by four people in stages.

After the battle in Tianhuan Palace, the four people have had specific practical experience. Yudie is already fully confident about the six-pointed star lock that is activated in four steps.

Lu Yu shook his head: "No, the old method is still too simple and cannot achieve the effect of 'divine punishment'..."

"Don't worry, I have already deduced the new method. When I was in Tianhuan Palace, I cut off the head of Mingwang Fazun with a sword, which brought me many new insights. I also have a clearer and more intuitive understanding of the strong people in Tiangang Realm. These have played a good role in promoting the deduction process..."

"In addition, you don't live in my head. You don't work hard for me, but it doesn't mean that I don't have any progress!"

Yudie glanced at him: "I hope you are not bragging!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "How can I brag at this juncture? However, the new spell has been deduced, but it has not been optimized further, so it takes longer to start. I will start to prepare it in advance from now on. If the old ancestor Gunlong has arrived before I am ready, you need to try to delay me for a little more time."

As he said, his eyes swept back and forth between Chudie and Yudie.

During the previous battle at Tianhuan Palace, the two sisters had joined forces to stop Ancestor Xueyun. It can be said that they both have had experience in successfully fighting against Ancestor Tiangang.

Chudie nodded solemnly: "We will definitely ensure that you have enough time to prepare."

But Yudie couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Yang Chudie, if you want to express your love to your lover, can you not bring me with you... Lu Yu, I advise you to hurry up as much as possible. I'm not like someone That way, love can be turned into true essence!”

Chudie was ashamed and angry, and glared at her: "Shut up! Yang Yudie, how come your love is so broken? If you don't speak, will you die?"

Yudie didn't care at all, but she was very proud: "What? Did I say something wrong? Yang Chudie, I have wronged you and my sister. Your current behavior is just like the opposite sex and inhumanity..."

Lu Yu quickly stepped away and stayed away from this land of right and wrong.

Fortunately, the conversation between a few people was shielded by the barrier. The people around them could only see the expressions on their faces and did not know the specific content of their words. Otherwise, these people would be shocked.

Lu Yu came to Xin Bowei and others again, raised his hands and said: "Thank you for your support to Lu, but I have other plans for this matter, and we will not avoid it..."

"Because Lu now represents more than just himself. Lu Yu can retreat, but can Her Majesty the Saint? Today, I will use my actual actions to tell the world that Her Majesty the Saint's majesty as a saint, It’s not something that just an ancestor of Tiangang can dream of overcoming!”

"So, Mr. Lu can only accept your kindness... I know that you are able to come here to remind me today. It is actually for the sake of Her Highness the Saint. When I get in touch with Her Highness the Saint again in the future, I will definitely I will convey all of your actions that take the overall situation into consideration to her.”

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, facing the pressure from Patriarch Tiangang, Lu Yu not only did not retreat, but actually said such strong words.

Xin Bowi wanted to continue to persuade, but Lu Yu had already sat down cross-legged on the spot in front of everyone, looking like he had made up his mind and refused to move his feet.

Before closing his eyes, Lu Yu glanced in the direction of Yue Xiujun. Only then did he respond to her previous taunt with a calm expression:

"Mrs. Zhong, don't forget the promise we just made..."

Then, he closed his eyes and quickly entered a state of trance.

The true energy in the body started to circulate crazily, and an unprecedented powerful spell was quietly brewing...

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