Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1038 The color of heaven and earth changes

Yue Xiujun's eyes suddenly became profound.

Looking at Lu Yu sitting on the floor, she couldn't help but feel that Lu Yu was really planning to fight to the death with Patriarch Gunlong.

Although Lu Yu did have a brilliant record of killing the Ming King Fa Zun, those who are familiar with the inside story know that the reason why Lu Yu was able to successfully kill the Ming Wang Fa Zun with one sword was due to Qin Yanzhen's suppression and the blessing of the Holy Heart Gourd. .

At this time, there is no help from Qin Yanzhen, and there is no powerful treasure like the Sacred Heart Gourd. The opponent is the ancestor of Daluo Holy Land, taking advantage of the angelic location... Where does he get the confidence?

Could it be that the Saint of Great Luo really left him the so-called "immortal and divine punishment" as a trump card?

The more Yue Xiujun thought about it, the more frightened she became.

In the past few days, although she has been a prisoner, it has also given her many opportunities to observe Lu Yu up close. Originally, she thought she had some understanding of this rising star who had recently emerged from the Great Li Sword Sect. Enough awareness…

But it wasn't until this moment that she realized that she hadn't really seen through the other person at all. It seemed that layers of fog were covering Lu Yu's body. Originally she thought she could see clearly, but in fact it was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Let's go!" Xin Bowei said to everyone at the Qinglong Altar.

In fact, a true disciple said: "Altar Master, are we just going to ignore this matter?"

Xinbowei looked back at the true disciple and said lightly: "Then what else do you want me to do?"

The true disciple hesitated for a moment, but finally raised his chest and looked directly into the eyes of the altar master:

"Nowadays, the whole sect is spreading rumors that Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady has understood the highest secret left by Grandmaster Da Luo and completely activated Da Luo's Holy Order. This is why Senior Brother Lu, who holds the Holy Order, can transcend the altar formation. You can ignore the attack of the altar formation..."

"It can be seen that Her Royal Highness the Saint has inherited all the inheritance of the Da Luo Patriarch, and she is the true orthodoxy of the Da Luo Holy Land... Now the Master of the Suzaku Altar is coming in a menacing manner, saying that he will destroy Brother Lu, who is the envoy of Her Highness the Saint. , is not only a blasphemy against Her Majesty the Holy Lady, but also a betrayal of the orthodox inheritance of Daluo Holy Land!"

"We, the disciples of the Holy Land of Daluo, have inherited the ancestor's vocation and skills. We should understand the spirit of the ancestor and uphold the righteousness of heaven and earth. How can we sit back and watch something like this happen? I, Mao Yixiang, am willing to advance and retreat together with Brother Lu, and jointly protect the orthodoxy inherited by the Patriarch of Daluo !”

The true disciple Mao Yixiang was full of anger, and his voice echoed in the air for a long time.

On the ship, Chudie and Yudie couldn't help but stop arguing and exchanged glances with each other.

It seems that Lu Yu's plan has achieved initial results, and those precious spiritual energy pills have not been in vain.

Yue Xiujun was also secretly frightened. He didn't expect that Lu Yu could really win over the hearts of these true disciples. If he was not exaggerating and he really had a trump card that could overcome the current situation, then maybe he could really succeed in making it happen. The alliance between Daluo Holy Land and Dali Sword Sect...

No! this is impossible!

Yue Xiujun shook his head vigorously.

After all, the opponent is a mighty Tiangang warrior. When she faced Master Ming in Tianhuan Palace, it was not easy for Qin Yanzhen to win. In order to gain the opportunity, Yuan Shiqiu was almost beaten until her golden elixir was broken... Now she has been broken. After disappearing into the void, how could it be possible to leave behind enough means to deal with the powerful Tiangang people?

Xinbowei looked at the true disciple sitting under him and was silent for a long time before saying:

"Do you know that although this offensive is led by the Suzaku Shrine, it is Ancestor Gunlong who is really hiding behind the scenes? Your so-called persistence of inheritance is actually to confront Ancestor Gunlong head-on!"

Mao Yixiang gritted his teeth and answered in a sonorous voice: "Even Ancestor Gunlong can't override the inheritance of the ancestors!"

Simbowi fell silent again.

His eyes swept across the faces of his subordinates one by one, and he found that besides Mao Yixiang, there were many other disciples whose eyes also flashed with strange light, like the stars shining in the night sky.

Somehow, these disciples all showed a completely different demeanor from the past. This kind of demeanor was not unfamiliar to Xin Bowei, the master of Qinglong Altar, which meant that the Taoist heart of these disciples was gradually becoming stable.

It seems that the biggest gain from the previous "gift" was not that these disciples were directly promoted to the first level of cultivation, but that they found their own faith in the pursuit of the way of heaven.

Regarding such changes, Simbowi really doesn't know whether he should say it is good or bad.

In the end, he could only sigh softly and said: "Even if we all stay here, what role can we play? Come on, come with me to prepare the altar formation..."

"But let me say it first. The purpose of preparing the Holy Altar Formation is just to show our attitude. The offensive of the Holy Altar Formation will not really be launched. If the opponent has to attack with force against the Qinglong Formation's offensive, That means we have failed, and I will take the initiative to disband the formation... After all, our Daluo Holy Land cannot completely fall into civil strife because of this!"

Mao Yixiang said with great joy: "The altar owner is wise!"

Xin Bowi looked back at Chudie and Yudie again, his eyes full of complex emotions: "Take care of yourselves!"

Yudie hugged her fists towards the other party. Not only did she not look awkward when she made such a move, she was actually very heroic.

"Please take care of yourself, Master Xin! In the future, there will be a deeper cooperation between our two factions, and there will be many greater difficulties that we need to be guided by Master Xin to overcome!"

Xinbowei waved his hand, said nothing, turned around and left gracefully.

A group of disciples from the Azure Dragon Holy Altar also followed behind him, landing on the altar's execution ground like a flock of migratory birds.

Du Qishang also bowed his hands towards Yudie and the others, without saying any unnecessary words, he also turned around and left.

Although he is fourth on the Jinkui list and the first among the true disciples of the entire Da Luo Holy Land, he can face the menacing elites from various altars and the support of Patriarch Gunlong behind him. Strength can't play any role at all. It's better to rush back to the Xuanwu Holy Altar to bring in reinforcements.

In the blink of an eye, no one was left around the floating battleship, except for the six people who originally drove the battleship here.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the blue sky was clear for thousands of miles.

It is like a peaceful and tranquil picture.

But there was no sense of peace and tranquility in the hearts of a few people. Instead, they felt that there was a gloomy wind, and there was already a chill between heaven and earth.

Not long after, the formation of the Qinglong Holy Altar really started to move.

Tens of thousands of disciples began to gather again on the practice field of Qinglong Holy Altar.

However, unlike the last time, the previous assembly was to fight against the floating battleships, but this time the bronze dragon head in the center of the field was completely turned in another direction, facing the interior of the Daluo Holy Land.

Just when the disciples of the Qinglong Holy Altar were gathering together and began to gather everyone's strength to promote the altar formation and use the power of heaven and earth, suddenly a dark cloud appeared on the horizon.

The large army led by Suzaku Altar has finally arrived!

And just when everyone noticed that the dark clouds appeared, the dark clouds spread rapidly, and in just a few breaths, they radiated to the entire world.

In an instant, the blue sky and bright sun disappeared, replaced by billowing dark clouds. The change from clear to overcast was faster than turning the page of a book.

Under the command of Simbowi, the altar formation continuously mobilized, showing a decisive momentum.

However, before he could accelerate the offensive of the entire altar array to its highest point, a ray of divine light suddenly burst out from the clouds, abruptly cutting off the connection between the altar array and the surrounding heaven and earth, causing The operation of the entire altar array came to an abrupt halt.

The bronze dragon head slowly fell back to the ground...

Simbowi's plan to bluff was aborted before it could be formally implemented.

"See Ancestor Gunlong!"

"See Ancestor Gunlong!"

Whether it was the Qinglong Holy Altar formation or the Suzaku Holy Altar formation opposite, hysterical shouts could be heard from a distance...

On the ship, Chu Die and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

At the same time, Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

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