Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1039 Confrontation

"Didn't they agree that Gong Bi'e of the Suzaku Shrine would lead a team to investigate the crime, with Patriarch Gunlong supporting him? It seems like they want to skip the previous steps!"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky and said.

"Have you prepared the spell?" Yang Chudie asked in surprise.

Lu Yu nodded gently and showed her a bright and confident smile: "It seems that I woke up at the right time and didn't waste too much time."

After saying that, he stood up suddenly, walked forward as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, and reached the side of the ship.

At this time, he showed a completely different momentum. I couldn't tell what was different, but it gave people a completely new feeling.

Several people originally wanted to persuade him to act with caution, but seeing his calm and composed appearance, they couldn't help but swallow their words of persuasion back.

Just when Lu Yu stood still on the side of the ship, a strange divine light burst out of the clouds again, but this time it was no longer just one, but dozens of divine lights emerged at the same time, and they were connected into one. The shape of a spider web covered the entire sky.

One of the "spider threads" happened to hang on the edge of the floating battleship, right in front of Lu Yu, less than five feet away. If it were not blocked by the floating battleship's defensive barrier, I am afraid that this "spider thread" He would penetrate the entire battleship without hesitation, enveloping Lu Yu and others.

Lu Yu looked at the "spider thread" formed by the divine light in front of him, showing a thoughtful expression. ,

He can feel the huge power contained in the "spider silk", which is a kind of aggregation of laws and secrets that can cut the Tiangang City into pieces. This hand alone is enough to prove the strength of the ancestor of Gunlong. It should be He is still above the two ancestors Xueyun and Changmei of Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

However, the way he presents his power seems to have nothing to do with "Gun Long". Perhaps it is more appropriate to call him "Spider Web" or "Spider King" ancestor...

"Where is Lu Yu?"

A distant voice came from the sky.

At the same time, a radiant figure quickly slid down the "spider thread" and arrived in front of Lu Yu and others in the blink of an eye.

This man's whole body was shrouded in a heavy halo, and even his beard and hair were dyed golden. At first glance, he didn't look like a living person at all, but an illusion whose whole body was composed of light and shadow.

But Lu Yu knew that this was his true body. The reason why it looked like this was because the opponent's body was stimulating powerful power and was closely integrated with the "spider web" covering the entire world.

At this moment, Ancestor Gunlong is equivalent to owning the entire world. Within the scope covered by the "spider web", the laws of heaven and earth have been hijacked by him and can be rewritten at will.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

It is very rare for an ordinary real person to be able to push the influence of the golden elixir law ten feet away when activating the golden elixir in his body, forming a unique area of ​​ten feet in radius.

If he could extend the scope of his domain to a hundred feet, he would already be a top expert in the Golden Core Realm.

But at this time, Ancestor Gunlong, under the cobwebs, was his domain, which at least covered dozens of miles around. If compared with the domain of the top golden elixir experts, it was thousands of top golden elixirs. Even the powerful people in the Dan Realm couldn't reach this level together.

Of course, strength is not simply determined by the size of the domain, but this also explains to a certain extent how powerful Ancestor Gunlong is.

Ancestor Gunlong stood in the air in front of Lu Yu.

Although he made the scene so grand, there was no sign of anger on his face. Seeing that Lu Yu did not respond to him, he was not annoyed. He waved his hand lightly, and wisps of divine light suddenly shot out at him. The sky behind.

Between the interlacing divine lights, the space became strangely distorted.

In the next moment, these divine lights seemed to turn into conveyor belts, attracting elites from various altars in the distance.

The entire process of performing the technique is somewhat similar to Master Kunpeng's "Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth", but it is larger in scale than "Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth", with more people being transported and the process faster.

In just the blink of an eye, a large force composed of thousands of elites from the Suzaku Shrine and various shrines had all moved to the surrounding area and surrounded the floating battleships.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

This operation shows that Ancestor Gunlong has extremely high attainments in controlling the rules of space.

At the same time, he also somewhat understood the reason why Ancestor Gunlong went to such great lengths. This spider web covering the world was not only his huge domain, but also a natural barrier.

Under the isolation of this barrier, except for the elites from various altars who were led over by his divine light, no one could even think of intervening in the battle here.

Including the nearby Qinglong Holy Altar, the more distant Xuanwu Holy Altar, or other Tiangang Realm powerhouses, they could only watch on the sidelines and could no longer take rescue measures against Lu Yu.

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