Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1049 Messenger

The Qinglong Holy Altar is the eastern gateway to the Daluo Holy Land.

After hearing Xin Bowei's report, everyone couldn't help but be startled, thinking that the large army of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect had arrived at the door of their house.

After careful questioning, I found out that it was not the enemy that was discovered outside the door, but two envoys sent by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Everyone couldn't help but relax a little.

But Tao Jinran's face was still as dark as water, because he knew that since the envoy was here, it meant that the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was already nearby, and the envoy was sent here just to give an ultimatum.

He did not avoid Yudie and others, and asked directly: "Who is coming?"

"Xue Zhentao, the master of Jixian Island, and Yue Zijing, the son of the Yue family."

Tao Jinran was silent and glanced at the jade butterfly in front of him inadvertently.

Jade Butterfly Yingying smiled and said: "Since people are here, why don't you listen to what they have to say? Don't worry, we will never cause trouble while you are talking. There are still two countries at war in this world. , what about the rule of not cutting it off... we can wait until you meet to discuss the matter between us."

Tao Jinran couldn't help but take another deep look at Yudie.

For a moment, he was really not sure what this beauty with a beautiful smile was thinking. Was she really not afraid that after meeting the people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, she would make a decision that was not conducive to them?

"What Chief Yudie said is, let's listen to what they say first... Altar Master Xin, please go and invite people over!" Tao Jinran said.

Xinbowei couldn't help but be startled.

What does the master's words mean to bring the two members of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect to this floating battleship? Not only let them see the real person in charge of their captured family? Do you want them to see the ancestor Gunlong who has a curse on his body? Is this because the current situation is not chaotic enough?

However, after all, this was the order from the real master. In front of Yudie and others, he couldn't say anything and had no choice but to accept the order.

In fact, Tao Jinran's idea is very simple. At this time, the three Tiangang ancestors of Daluo Holy Land are here. Although the ancestor Gunlong is unable to act due to the spell in his body, there are still two elders Zhaoyun and Huitang. Zuko serves as a support, no matter what happens during the conversation, he can control the situation.

The control mentioned here is not only for the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but also for Yu Die and others.

Although Lu Yu has proved Fairy Yao Ji's "destiny" with his actual actions, he doesn't know why, but he always feels that Lu Yu still has some things he hasn't said clearly, and seems to be hiding some details from himself... He has always said this from the beginning to the end. He had never doubted Fairy Yao Ji. The object of his suspicion was actually Lu Yu.

Now, allowing the people from the three parties to come together for a face-to-face confrontation can make the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Dali Sword Sect hand over their bottom lines, and maybe the secrets hidden behind them can be revealed...

If he discovers that there is another secret behind this whole thing, he will not hesitate to turn his gun and kill Lu Yu and others on the floating battleship at this time.

This was all he had in mind.

Jade Die stood gracefully on top of the floating battleship, watching Xin Bowei's figure quickly disappear into the light. She couldn't help exchanging glances with Chu Die beside her, and the two pairs of identical gem-like beautiful eyes became deep at the same time. stand up.

After a while, Xinbowei brought the person over.

And just before the two people from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect were about to arrive, Tao Jinran showed another color to the two Tiangang ancestors. The two Tiangang ancestors understood and waved their hands, and immediately together with the Gunlong ancestors, they were there. Inside, the bodies of the three people turned into floating light, and instantly disappeared into the void, leaving no trace at all.

Yudie couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

The strength of Tiangang Realm experts is indeed incredible. When their power explodes, it can change the color of the world. But if they want to hide, they can also appear and disappear.

The three of them were clearly hiding under her nose, but she couldn't see any flaws in them. They were like antelopes hanging their horns, leaving no trace behind.

Yudie curled her lips, but didn't say anything!

"Well, Lu Yu! You are indeed here! Come and accept your fate!"

As soon as Yue Zijing saw the floating battleship, he couldn't control his emotions. Dun Guang suddenly doubled his speed, threw away Xin Bowei and Xue Zhentao beside him, and galloped towards the floating battleship.

Originally, with his cultivation level, it was impossible for him to escape light faster than Xin Bowei and Xue Zhentao, but he is now different from before. With the blessing of the three flowing water marks on the back of his hand, he can call The power far exceeds its original self.

He launched it this time, and suddenly there was a billowing wind and thunder behind him.

Originally his target was Lu Yu, but unfortunately he didn't find Lu Yu on the deck of the ship, so he had to do the next best thing and launched an attack on Yudie standing in front. He was like a mountain, pressing down on Yudie. Go down.

Yudie didn't even raise her eyelids.

Sure enough, the next moment Tao Jinran stopped in front of him, and he didn't see how he moved. He just stretched out his hand and gently, and suddenly circles of ripples appeared in the void, as if this finger was touching the calm lake. generally.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Zijing's body also hit the circles of ripples, and his body immediately slowed down, and the momentum of the wind and thunder rolling up on his body was resolved invisible.

"My lord-in-law, please be patient!"

Tao Jinran retracted his hand and said calmly.

Yue Zijing's expression changed involuntarily.

His strength at this time was extraordinary. He had long heard that Tao Jinran was profound in cultivation and famous for his grand Taoism, but he never expected that he was so powerful that he easily defused his own offensive.

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