Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1050 Confidence

At this time, Xue Zhentao and Xin Bowei also followed.

Xin Bowei stood aside, but Xue Zhentao came close to Yue Zijing and whispered, telling him not to act rashly and to put the overall situation first.

Yue Zijing snorted heavily. Since he ignored Xue Zhentao and Tao Jinran who was blocking him, he said to Yudie behind him: "Where is Lu Yu? Why didn't you dare to come out? He wasn't very arrogant before. Are you going to be a coward now?"

Yudie smiled and said, "Are you Yue Xiujun's nephew? What? Did you come all the way here just to find Lu Yu?"

Yue Zijing's eyes narrowed and he asked in a cold voice: "What did you do to my aunt?"

Yudie smiled: "Don't worry, she is still fine now, but what will happen next is hard to say..."

Yue Zijing's face turned pale, and then he turned his gaze back to Tao Jinran in front of him, and said coldly: "Master Tao, is your sect planning to become an enemy of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

Tao Jinran said calmly: "Why did Mr. Yue say this?"

Yue Zijing pointed his hand at Yudie and Chudie and said: "These people robbed our ship and kidnapped my aunt. They are the life and death enemies of our Yuhai Immortal Sect. There has been a fight to the death between us for a long time." The situation... Therefore, I advise your faction to not go into this muddy water! "

Tao Jinran's expression remained unchanged and he said, "What do you want us to do?"

Yue Zijing hummed again.

At this time, Xue Zhentao from the side walked up and said: "At this time, why should Master Tao still pretend? Everyone, please stop beating around the bush! To be honest, our Jade Sea Immortal Sect does not have no spies in your sect. This In the past two days, we have been fully aware of what happened in your sect..."

"The boy named Lu is the best at deceiving people. He came here at this time just to encourage you to join. If you are soft-hearted and believe his words, you are really setting yourself up for trouble!"

Tao Jinran's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned slightly to glance at the Master of the Suzaku Altar behind him.

Gong Bi'e, the leader of the Suzaku Altar, suddenly turned pale and quickly explained: "Master Zhenzhen, although I am indeed on good terms with Master Zhong, I still know the rules of the sect. I definitely did not leak the contents of the sect meeting... I I just told Master Zhong that Mrs. Zhong is here..."

Xue Zhentao bowed his hands to Gong Bi'e and said: "Thank you Altar Master Gong for providing the clues, which saved us a lot of time in determining the whereabouts of this thief. Our leader will keep this in mind... But these thieves have always been When he arrives, the noble sect will be turned upside down. Everyone here knows the news, so why do we need Master Gong to report the news to us? "

Tao Jinran stood quietly, silent for a while, as if he had not heard the other party's words.

Just when Yue Zijing couldn't bear it any longer and was about to have an attack, he suddenly said calmly: "Is that all? Is it gone?"

Yue Zijing and Xue Zhentao looked at each other.

Yue Zijing snorted coldly: "Tao Jinran, I don't have time to argue with you... Lu Yu is now a construction site all over the world. If you are afraid of the Dali Sword Sect and dare not attack him, please bring someone with you immediately. Leave, vacate this place, and leave the rest to us!”

Everyone's expression changed involuntarily.

This Yue Zijing is really too arrogant!

On the territory of the Great Luo Holy Land, he actually dared to call the master the real person by his first name, and even boasted that he would ask them to get out of the way... This is simply unreasonable!

For a moment, all the disciples in the Daluo Holy Land couldn't help but become angry at Yue Zijing's arrogant and unreasonable performance.

However, before they could react, Yue Zijing suddenly stretched out his right hand and drew three horizontal lines in the void.

The three horizontal lines possess strange and unpredictable power. Everyone just stared at it and felt a throbbing uneasiness in their hearts.

The horizontal lines gradually twisted and turned into three flowing marks, condensed in mid-air.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Although most people didn't know what this meant, they felt inexplicably that this matter was not trivial.

However, the flowing water marks did not stop, and continued to twist. Each flowing water mark split into three, and a total of nine completely different marks were condensed in the air.

There is a powerful aura in every mark.

Tao Jinran couldn't help but the color of the ground changed.

This is the aura of a strong person in the Tiangang Realm!

There are nine Tiangang Realm experts in total!

It's not that these nine Tiangang Realm powerhouses have arrived here, but that these nine Tiangang Realm powerhouses have placed a ray of power on Yue Zijing.

Although it is not clear how this is achieved or what is going on, it is obvious that there are nine Tiangang powerhouses behind Yue Zijing!

Is this the reason why Yue Zijing dares to be so arrogant and unreasonable?

Tao Jinran thought coldly in his heart.

However, just after the mark of the Nine Paths Tiangang Powerhouse was completely revealed, the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong who had originally hidden their traces also involuntarily revealed their figures...

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