Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1054 Dazzling Flowing Feathers

The words fell.

Jade Butterfly spread her fingers again.

This time, five sharp rays of energy swept towards Xue Zhentao who was standing aside.

Xue Zhentao was already struggling to hold on under Chudie's sword attack, and a golden elixir in his body was about to burn. He never expected that Yudie would suddenly attack.


Xue Zhentao was caught off guard and let out a heartbreaking scream.

A red golden elixir in the body has been controlled by Yudie.

As the master of Jixian Island, he was originally a first-level elixir expert. No matter who he faced, he would be able to fight... But with the two sisters joining forces, his golden elixir law was greatly affected. Suppressed, it is impossible to exert half of the usual strength.

Xue Zhentao turned his head hastily and looked at Yudie with a pale face.

The emotions of panic, helplessness, and fear were all concentrated in his eyes for an instant, and there was also a hint of pleading in them.

However, Yudie had no sympathy at all.

"I'm sorry, Island Master Xue... the person who can impose the ban is not available right now. We can't control people like you, so we have no choice but to leave you!"

After saying that, she suddenly exerted force on her five fingers.

In the void, an incomparable brilliance bloomed, and then with a loud bang, Xue Zhentao's golden elixir shattered into pieces and scattered in the wind...

Everyone turned pale with shock.

The master of Jixian Island, a powerful man with a first-grade golden elixir, was originally a very famous person. Unexpectedly, he was already dead in just a few seconds...

"Next, it's your turn..."

Yudie turned around and said with a smile on her face.

"Master-in-law, don't be nervous, you are different from Island Master Xue... let's go, I will take you to see your aunt first!"

Yue Zijing's face turned pale.

He suddenly reached into his arms and took out a colorful feather.

Yudie's eyes suddenly focused.

Although she didn't know what this feather was, it gave her a bad feeling.

She suddenly took action again, her fingers spread out suddenly, and five sharp auras rushed towards Yue Zi Jingji.

The speed of this claw was extremely fast, and bursts of sharp and harsh wind sounds sounded in the air.

However, she was still a step slower after all. When her finger wind caught Yue Zijing's body, Yue Zijing's body had turned into a brilliant stream of light and flew towards the northeast sky.

The realm where the two golden elixirs are combined can obviously block the beam of light coming from Ancestor Shanwen, but it cannot block this gorgeous stream of light.

In the blink of an eye, the brilliant stream of light disappeared at the end of the sky.

Jade Butterfly's figure flashed, then came back, and her figure appeared where Yue Zijing had just been standing.

There was only a ball of radiant cotton-like stuff left between her fingers.

Even if it is caught in Jade Butterfly's hand, the ball of "cotton wool" is still dissipating and turning into Xiawei. It seems that it will be completely disappeared in a short time.

Everyone could not help but be speechless.

These changes happened so fast, and every twist and turn was so unexpected that everyone was so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

"What the hell is this?"

Yudie raised the "cotton wool" in her hand and looked at her sister beside her.

Chudie shook her head, turned to the two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang, and said: "The two ancestors are well-informed, I think they should know what this is?"

Yudie held up the cotton wool in her hand and took the initiative to send it over.

Because of her sudden attack, the envoy of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect escaped and died. After all, this was a violation of the rules of Daluo Holy Land. The atmosphere was a bit awkward at first... But as everyone became curious about this ball of cotton wool, everyone They didn't say anything more and remained silent in perfect agreement.

Ancestor Zhaoyun took the "cotton wool" from Yudie's hand, stared at it for a moment, then shook his head and handed it to Ancestor Huitang.

Ancestor Huitang was also very curious about this and stared at the "cotton wool" for a long time, but finally shook his head and handed it over to Tao Jinran's hand.

The "cotton wool" only stayed on Tao Jinran's hand for a moment, and then it disappeared without a trace.

Everyone around looked at this scene and couldn't help but marvel at it.

Yudie's pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "I didn't expect that even you guys don't know what this is. It seems that this ancestor of Shanwen really has some righteousness!"

Ancestor Huitang pondered and said: "Yue Xishan is indeed an amazing person. It is said that he went deep into the eighth heaven alone eight hundred years ago. Many people originally thought that he would never come back, but unexpectedly he ended up here instead. Among them, the Dafa was cultivated and eight hundred and eighty-eight phantom clones were created..."

"He used these eight hundred and eighty-eight phantom clones to explore the Eighth Heaven for hundreds of years. During this period, no one knew what he had discovered... This thing may be what he discovered in the Eighth Heaven. The income is not guaranteed either!”

When Yudie heard this, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Since this Ancestor Shanwen has such a weird harvest in the Eighth Heaven, then maybe there will be more weird things...

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

Yu Diexuan added: "Anyway, at least the problems we just had have been solved now..."


All kinds of eyes around her looked at her, some were angry, some were depressed, some were confused...

She obviously caused a big trouble, but she still has the nerve to say that she has solved it?

"Is not it?"

Yudie smiled casually: "The problems that troubled you no longer exist. I have made your choice for you. We are now grasshoppers on the same rope... You don't have to thank me!"

Including Tao Jinran, everyone's noses were almost twisted with anger.

However, there is nothing that can be done against her...

Yudie turned her head again, looked at the direction where Yue Zijing turned into a stream of light and disappeared, and said: "Now we have a clue about the cooperation between us... At least we know which direction the enemy is!"

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