Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1055 Regrouping

Next, Daluo Holy Land once again declared a state of emergency across the board.

As Yudie said, whether they like it or not, they have no other choice now.

After experiencing these two consecutive shocks, in fact, within the Daluo Holy Land, there is no longer much resistance to cooperation with the Dali Sword Sect.

Even Zhaoyun and Huitang, the two Tiangang Patriarchs, have tended to form an alliance with the Dali Sword Sect.

Of course, this was due to the outstanding performance of Yudie and Chudie, but the more important reason was because after carefully examining the situation of Ancestor Gunlong, they found that even with the combined strength of the two people, they still couldn't do anything about it. Helpless...

This really shocked the two of them deeply. Even when they saw Yue Zijing reveal the Nine Tiangang Marks, they were far less shocked.

Because, with the endorsement of these two Tiangang ancestors, Tao Jinran finally made a formal decision to form an alliance with the Dali Sword Sect, and there was no longer any objection from the whole sect.

Everyone knows what this means...

They are about to engage in an unprecedented war.

However, they have nothing to worry about.

The fairy Yao Ji created by Lu Yu gave them endless confidence.

Secondly, with the support of the Holy Altar inside Daluo Holy Land, no matter how powerful the offensive is, they have the ability to resist, especially now that Patriarch Tiangang is in charge, even if Patriarch Shanwen leads With the eight Tiangang experts coming together, it would not be easy to break through the Daluo Holy Land.

Therefore, no matter how the situation evolves, as long as the altar formation is not breached, they will remain invincible.

Therefore, Tao Jinran directly stated his position to Yudie and agreed to form an alliance, but he must first ensure the safety of Daluo Holy Land. Under this premise, the Tiangang Patriarch of Daluo Holy Land will not easily join the war for the time being. All must be stationed in the rear area.

Although Yudie felt a little regretful about this, she was not too disappointed.

After all, their purpose from the beginning was just to draw Daluo Holy Land into their own camp. As long as they don't let it become an opponent, it's already great.

Moreover, it’s just that the Tiangang Patriarch is not taking action for the time being. In addition to the Tiangang Patriarch, Daluo Holy Land still has a lot of manpower and material resources that can help.

Yudie's first request was to have Daluo Holy Land dispatch a group of manpower and materials to rearm the floating battleship first.

Although there were only a few of them before, they had successfully piloted this floating battleship, but that was just a matter of urgency when there was no other way. They really wanted this floating battleship to exert its original combat power and make it as powerful as it was. It still needs more manpower to turn it into a real "Gaoyang Hao" with the help of arms and fingers.

So with an order, the entire Daluo Holy Land suddenly became busy, and all kinds of materials were continuously delivered from various places in the Daluo Holy Land.

And in order to quickly understand the key technologies of the floating battleship, the people sent to the ship are the most outstanding real people, deacons, and disciples in the entire Daluo Holy Land. Under the guidance of Yudie and Chudie, these people Started to quickly take over and attempt to repair the formation device on the ship.

So, when Lu Yu came out of the cabin again, the entire floating battleship was completely different. The array was neat, the crowds were like weaving, and it actually looked like it was fully armed.

"What's happening here?"

Lu Yu asked in surprise as he looked at the bustling scene on the ship's deck.

It was a pity that the Daluo Holy Land disciples around him were busy with their duties and didn't even bother to pay attention to him. He also didn't see the two sisters Yudie and Chudie. In the end, Master Lian Gu came up to them with excitement on his face.

"Master, have you recovered?"

Lu Yu nodded and asked, "What happened during my absence?"

Master Lian Gu told Yudie and Chudie's previous coping methods with excitement on his face.

Lu Yu was very happy to hear this.

Although he had various assumptions about the future development of the situation before he decided to retreat, he had to say that Yudie's completion was far better than he expected.

"As expected of the first real person!"

Lu Yu applauded heartily.

At this time, there were many people around, so he had to take into account each other's identities and began to call Yudie by his formal name.

"So, the Daluo Holy Land has determined the location of the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect? The next plan is to attack them head-on?" Lu Yu asked again.

Master Lian Gu replied: "It is said that the opponent's whereabouts have been discovered. They will only launch an offensive after Chudie and Yudie repair the battleship and regroup."

Lu Yu nodded, turned around and looked around at the various formation devices that were restoring Guanghua, and then said, "Where are the two of them now? Are they in the core cabin of the ship?"

With that said, he made a gesture to walk over, ready to see how far the overall repair of the ship was progressing, and whether there was anything he needed help with...

But Master Lian Gu stopped him: "Master, wait a minute..."

Lu Yu stopped and turned around, looking at him with confusion.

Master Lian Gu smiled sarcastically and said: "Master Jade Die actually told you not to worry about the ship. After you leave the customs, you should go and take a look there first..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed toward the rear of the ship.

Lu Yu turned around and looked.

At the very end of the ship, Yue Xiujun was seen slumped on the ground, looking haggard and motionless, like a stone watching the husband.

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